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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I was referring to the space lasers example.
  2. Of course I've seen it It was as you say so I don't know if cut or not. I think not. On Clockwork Orange one of my top all time favorites along with Fellini Satyricon. Does anyone remember O Lucky Man and Greaser's Palace?
  3. There is no clear bigot in that case? Wow!
  4. I was speaking in general. For example you're with a group of peers and one says that the Jews are controlling the world with Soros funded space lasers. Is the decent thing to let lt pass without comment or confront the bigot?
  5. Good people should be encouraged to respond to racism when it occurs in their social group when no targets are there. How else will the bigots ever learn to consider their behavior as unacceptable?
  6. Antisemitism comes from the right, left, and Islamist based. I can't speak for the UK but the most significant and most murderous source of it in the US comes from the now mainstream Christian white nationalist far right. President Biden was inspired to challenge trump based on trumps vile good people on both sides response to the fascist Jews will not replace us rallies in Charlottesville.
  7. Define ladyboy. I can't but I do know that they exist here within the Thai historical / social context which is not the same as the west which has different categories. Many books have been written on the subject. I assume people are confused about this criminals gender attraction of victims. Hint Gender identity and sexual orientation are not the same thing. The problem here with this criminal is not the gender of his victims but their ages!
  8. Skipping from the "alleged" formality, it's obvious that this person is a major criminal with very many very young victims. Understandably emotions come into play when hearing about horrible crimes like this. But the totally irrational BIGOTRY on display here (predictable as it is) is beyond the pale. Here you have a criminal who fits into the ladyboy bucket. So many want to demonize and ban ALL of them(and other groups as well such as gays)! Don't you realize how totally messed up that is? Prosecute individual criminals. PERIOD. Don't persecute enter classes of people. PERIOD. Is that not JUSTICE?
  9. So let me get this straight. So. according to you, gay people who are "woke" which is an attack word that can't really be defined because it isn't a real thing, just a cynical political tactic by far right wing people trying to rationalize bigotry and discrimination, aren't actually even human beings. No, they are vampires. It doesn't surprise any more the extremely toxic and dangerous levels that the global far right wing goes to demonize and dehumanize gay people. First, it's they're "groomers" which is basically a Putin fascist tactic, and has now graduated to vampires? The danger in all this is not so called "woke" people. The actual target is the group of racial and sexual minorities that the far right wingers hate so very much and insist on keeping as oppressed underlings (as they are of course in their eyes of superior supremacist value). We have seen this kind of scapegoating in history and now we see it yet again and we know where it leads. The vampire thing, sucking blood indeed mirrors classic European blood libel tropes. People, don't be fooled. This isn't really about woke / anti-woke.
  10. Well he promised to do something about this issue and now he has. Many Americans are suffering under this debt and a large percentage of people never got the hoped for payoff from the schooling. You can't bankruptcy out of student debt. The policy itself is helping some people that really need it, not helping many people enough to really address their debt, and just giving free money to many that really don't need the help. But overall I think it's a political win for Biden and the democrats and it will at least do some good. If it was more restrictive towards only low income people then Republicans would attack that too as communist. Can't convert right wingers but you can build strength among moderates.
  11. Methinks you use the word wokies way too much. It's a culture wars attack word that's been coopted by right wing people trying to defend all sorts of social ills. I don't know the UK history of minstrel shows but I know in the US black people hated it as demeaning. When blacks put on blackface it was not because they liked it but because it was work.
  12. I agree with the author Her behavior was a bit much. I would have been tempted to respond to you will get a visa with will I? Just because US immigration is worse is no reason to not be critical of Thai immigration.
  13. Many US whites fear losing their privilege and having to compete on a level playing field with non whites. So that fear fuels anti democratic pro authoritarian white nationalist political movements based on white resentment.
  14. Ad hominem garbage. I posted it to show that US whites are not literally becoming a minority but only becoming less than 50 percent compared to all non whites. That link did that. White resentment sufferers hear whites are becoming a minority and often don't register that difference in definition of minority. The rules here forbid quoting more than the first sentences of any link. Brookings is a mainstream centrist source overall. Not that it matters in this context.
  15. Do you question the statistics?!? If so, present your source.
  16. Yeah better to do it behind their backs. As someone that can "pass" in two regards, I know that is real.
  17. To the sort that use "woke" as an attack word, it sure is.
  18. I call B.S.! White resentment is a social disease. What's referred to is if you ADD UP all the NON-WHITES then whites will eventually be a little less than 50 percent, Get the BIG difference? The US will become ‘minority white’ in 2045, Census projects (brookings.edu)
  19. Many will disagree but social context matters. Such as the demographics and racial pecking order of a particular community. Germans with their history pointing out big noses is objectively different and more loaded than a Jewish girl expressing desire for a nose job among Jewish peers. I think by far the bulk of nose jobs done globally are among Asians to change the shape. Love your nose! https://english.elpais.com/culture/2022-04-25/barbra-streisand-the-80-year-old-star-who-did-not-fix-her-nose-and-who-sets-her-own-rules.html
  20. Big hooked nose? Blame it on the Hittites. Apparantly it occurs frequently among Mediterranean people in general, Jews and non Jews but not even close to a majority of them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_nose
  21. Found this one, basically a cheeky prank / Cali dudes bromance show.. I do love the name Chad and J.T. Go Deep. Just sampling it now. Probably too sophomoric for my tastes but I intend to go deeper and give it a go. Protect Our Boarders!
  22. Hmm. Well I watched the first episode and found it painfully boring. I can't relate to the characters at all. It came off as a low quality production. So no more Red Rose for me. On the other hand, I'm a big fan of the Sex Education show. Pretty much the opposite of Red Rose. It hooks you in hard from episode one, the characters and story lines are highly relatable and entertaining, a very slick production indeed.
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