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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Younger? Yes. More progressive? Maybe a little bit but not much.
  2. She has zero chance of being nominated by the Republicans in 2024. Even if nominated aside from her patriotism opposing Trump's big lie, her record is EXTREMELY right wing on every other issue. Unless the democrats nominated Karl Marx the country just isn't close to that. She'll follow another path. Cable TV commentator, perhaps she will start an anti-Trumpist, pro traditional republican values foundation.
  3. Not just members. There are many Americans that will remain fully loyal to dear leader regardless of any evidence. As this clip suggests we simply must ignore them and write them off as lost to save the democracy. They are not the majority!
  4. As said the Trump Republicans are expected to win the house majority.meaning they will kill the committee as they absurdly present themselves as patriots. So the committee will finish their business before January anyway!
  5. I hereby give you Trump. Please don't ever send him back.
  6. Buy Microsoft stock as soon as available. !!! JOKING ALERT !!! Get a job with the Trump organization as a male escort. Vacation in Moscow to take a seminar in undetectable poisons One selfish thing for me. One good deed for the world.
  7. It was more like I will incite my well armed MAGA militias even more if you don't back off. He is very predictable.
  8. This provides a lot of detailed information about the many causes of the lack of affordable housing crisis, the devastating continues, and some possible solutions. But the conclusion is it will take several years, over a decade, assuming effective policies are actually followed. There is no hope offered in any of this to lower income / lower wealth returning expats.
  9. I haven't had a McPoo meal for decades but I have dropped by occasionally for coffee but not recently. I hear McFlurrys are pretty good though. What are the current flavors in Thailand? Watching news from Russia they are really missing this stuff. Their no arches new copy shop lacks Big Tastys which I assume are Big Macs and McFlurrys!
  10. If Trump makes it to be president again, Goddess forbid, he can't be prosecuted during that time.
  11. I was just being flippant as I am wont to do. Nothing personal intended.
  12. Not relevant to the US. Right wing white nationalist one party white Christain minority rule (God, guns,flags, fake smiles) is what is knocking loudly on the door there. For those that like that sort of thing maybe that's a feature.
  13. Oh,I wasn't suggesting it was cheap. I meant it's a good place that someone making 100k USD a year can well afford. Just looked up average monthly rents. Asheville 1672 to 2000. Manhattan 5000. Considering taxation 5000 would be a squeeze on 100k. There are cheaper places in the US with average rents under 1000 but they are generally cheap for a reason.
  14. What income do you expect to have in the U.S.? Let's say 100K a year which sounds like a lot from a Thailand perspective but it would not be good in Manhattan but would be quite good in nice places like Asheville North Carolina.
  15. Kensington Avenue? I doubt I could afford the rent in such a swanky area.
  16. More than likely I would agree. I'm not sure I would call that a collapse. The majority of one of the two viable parties actively want a strong man authoritarian leader. Putin as horrible as he is, has enjoyed strong support for most of his rule, but it is in a phase of weakening based on his own mistakes.
  17. It's hard to say about his motivation but one theory is that he's always been a grifter, he considered everything he took as his own personal property and potential assets for later sales for massive amounts of cash (or trade for favors, payback for favors). Only suckers and losers don't take full advantage of such opportunities. The well being of the USA was never his thing; as an extreme narcissist the well being and WEALTH being of him and his family brand is everything. Being president didn't change his character. A recent example is how he buried his recently departed ex-wife in a place to create a massive tax loophole.
  18. Actually he is talking about an entirely different issue than what a few members here have been complaining about AD NAUSEUM. Maher is right about this, but again, a completely different issue. The best actor for the role should be cast regardless of the actor's identities.
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