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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Cultural appropriation? Chonburi -- a town so nice they named it twice.
  2. Can never get enough Bob Odenkirk. This a different kind of role but good fun with stylized violence.
  3. With Thais it's relative to their noses and of course other appendages. No he di'int. Good time for this?
  4. The politics of white fear and resentment over losing total dominance. Very ugly.
  5. Bull. You're trying to shut me up because I'm American. If you liked my views, you wouldn't do that. Again, JUST STOP.
  6. So you imagine I'm defending the racial history in the U.S.? Bizarre attack. All you've got are ad hominem attacks. Just stop it.
  7. A current case to reflect on in relation to his politics is Poland. It's controlled by a very right wing, very white nationalist, anti-immigrant xenophobic government yet they've been remarkably welcoming to overwhelmingly white, similar culture Ukrainians. Not that that's a bad thing as they deserve to have hosts as refugees, but the racial overtones of the hypocrisy are unavoidable and very ugly. In the UK among the xenophobes the message is always REAL Brits are white. I guess you could make a case of some kind that it's good to try to keep white countries very white (as Australia did for so long) but you can't credibly be dishonest about it to claim such arguments aren't at the root very racist.
  8. That was a sleazy ad hominem attack. Yes I have been although its irrelevant. Whether that word is specifically widely used or not the concept translates. I was responding to a post that did use that word in a right wing context but instead of whining about that, you launch a garbage personal attack on me. Very telling.
  9. I just love how the nativist right wing think they own the word patriot.
  10. I take Powell extremely negatively and am rather surprised to see a topic of admiration towards him. My initial feeling is that he was like the notorious racist George Wallace but here's another theory. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/jan/12/donald-trump-enoch-powell-rivers-of-blood
  11. Yes Reagan was very horrible on HIV but we had leaders and health officials at local levels at least in the hot spots that could at least get out good prevention info and testing as early as possible. It took several years for effective treatments and weirdly still no vaccine. The earlier years of treatments were a disaster doing more harm than good. I don’t think Reagan was very homophobic personally but his right wing base was and it helped him more politically to ignore HIV than to address it.
  12. Revisionist history with very questionable intent. Again, as someone that lived the history the moment it was known that the main risk factors were unprotected butt sex and shared needles, the people at risk welcomed that knowledge immensely. Of course there were controversies over things like whether to close the bath houses or not. The arguments to keep open were that they could be used for safer sex education and testing. People still did risky stuff in many other places of course open baths or not. Much of the general public incorrectly still believed it was much more casually transmitted for many years creating unfair stigma for gay people to add to the misery of the plague.
  13. I think the topic is largely about whether MP will become mote common in other than gay men outside of Africa including Thailand. . I think comparing directly to HIV spreading history is premature and specious. We don't know enough yet but it is wise to keep an eye on it. Also HIV is not spread by SKIN CONTACT. It appears MP is.
  14. Thank you. His post is massively offensive and wrong. I will never forget the earlier stages of the HIV plague where friends acquantances were dropping like flies and we didn't even know about the virus yet and there was massive panic because we didn't know exactly how it spread yet. A little colored spot on the skin could indicate the end. People were dying very quickly too. Once we knew exactly how it was spread and not from the air or hugging, it was too late for so many but it was then well publicized. This post in memory of my college friends Jeffrey Segal and Kenneth Etherington.
  15. No! I was there in the epicenter. The causes were NOT obfuscated once they were known. Not every topic is about your perverse partisan obsession with opposing so called woke.
  16. Mr. Graham's voting record is extremely anti LGBT like so many republicans so if he is a closet case which it appears he may be, I would say mocking him is fair play. There is a dark history to this globally of closeted gay politicians being among the worst oppressors of gay people.
  17. Arresting them all on the spot would at least been a way to get all their IDs instead of taking years and no doubt megabucks to otherwise identify them.
  18. Good. One thing I still wonder about though. Why didn't they at least try to initially incarcerate ALL of the insurrectionist invaders as they left the building. They were ALL guilty of at least trespass and they would have speeded up the investigations and gotten more of the criminals that way. Dollars to doughnuts if the mob had been black people there would have been a massacre of black people. Too soft on the white nationalist domestic terrorists. . .
  19. They most certainly should not! Expats speaking Thai is a shanda. But I suppose we should be kind hearted and not denigrate the poor dears that do too much. They may give us more dignified expats a bad name but I suppose we can't fault them for outdated notions they likely acquired in early childhood.
  20. I already have thoroughlly earlier in the thread and don't wish to repeat myself if that is OK with you.
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