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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Are you joking? Have you been to Turkiye?
  2. Hmm. This topic is kind of fun and loaded as heck. The German gentleman sounds like he lacks social finesse but it's impossible to know his intentions from that comment. If I was a manager I would take no action. But going deeper there is some level of reality behind many superficial ethnic physical characteristics. Many things such as skin color, nose shapes and sizes, lip thickness, head shapes, hair texture and on and on. Race might not be real except as a social construct but racism is real and so is diversity of superficial ethnic physical characteristics. These types of differences are a teeny tiny part of our genetic codes Having one sort of hair texture rather than another isn't inferior or superior but can make a person stand out if a minority. I have a lot of exposure to Ethiopian and Eritrean people. As a rough generality I can tell them from other Africans just by looking. On meeting such a person I might ask if they're Ethiopian. Is that racist? I don't think so. As a Jew I have some typical Ashhkenazi physical characteristics but not a particularly big schnoz. When I visited Deutschland as a teen and even visiting German restaurants in Thailand I felt a little uncomfortable about standing out. Can they tell the Juden? Which of them especially the older ones are Nazis? There was even a scary incident in a small Austrian town at a restaurant where we were getting shockingly bad service actually no service at all. My group all 15 year olds two Jews and ane swarthy Italian with curly hair and a very big nose started laughing about the situation and even undiplomaticly uterred the slur krauts. Well oops the old Austrians heard us and things started to get ugly with them cursing Amerikaners. We never did get served there. Yeah luckily I guess they didn't read us as Jews but they were obviously old Nazis so being American was bad enough.
  3. Small correction. Each episode of the older show, Nathan For You, does stand on it's own. However, in The Rehearsal, the first episode can stand on it's own (and gives a good sample of the odd concept of the series), but episode two to the end are part of continuing story. Be advised that The Rehearsal is very dark. Many will hate it. Sample of the lighter, Nathan For You.
  4. You just posted anti Semitic garbage. My engagement with you has reached its conclusion..
  5. You forgot Irish who were not considered white during their immigration wave and Jews. I appreciate your honestly but frankly it sounds like right wing white nationalist white resentment replacement theory, thus very unsavory indeed. If America is going to survive as a democracy and it probably won't people are going to need to move on from Make America White Again poppycock. https://www.voanews.com/a/what-is-the-great-replacement-theory-/6578349.html What is the Great Replacement Theory?
  6. This could possibly (HOPEFULLY!) lead to the death penalty for the clearly corrupt Trump Organization. Yes, that is a thing.
  7. Turn things around to the end of American democracy. The republican party (not just Trump) wants dictatorship.
  8. Don't you think this entire topic is kind of you know what?
  9. I miss the Chinese. Not the tour busses and groups. But Chinese independent travelers had grown quite a bit here before Covid.
  10. What are the Indians saying about the f-rang expats?
  11. The brilliant, funny, and strange Nathan Fiedler of the previous Nathan For You series which you should definitely watch if you haven't already now presidents his new concept, The Rehearsal What can I say? I'm a big Fiedler fan. I was wondering why it took so long for him to do a new show but happily that time has finally arrived. I would recommend starting with the 32 episodes of the Nathan For You series if you missed it but each episode of both series stands on their own so it doesn’t really matter. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathan_for_You
  12. Dude. You don’t need to agree with me but I could do without your personal insults. Yes I am dead serious about my opinion of the Trumpist republican party. White nationalist. Specifically Christian white nationalist. Pro autocracy. Moving America towards fascism. Some like that. I don't. I didn't move abroad for political reasons but I understand why people would avoid repatriation now for political reasons. https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/03/14/the-gop-is-americas-party-of-white-nationalism/ The GOP Is America’s Party of White Nationalism The Republican party's racists were once pushed to the fringes. In the Trump era, they're in charge. By Max Boot https://democracyguardian.com/republicans-the-white-nationalist-party-42cf18e612fc Republicans: The White Nationalist Party
  13. Doubling down on the presumptuous toxicity. I think toxicity reflects the general American mood these days..
  14. Thoroughly disgusting. Also alot of the attacks on the judge are antisemitic. I guess they don't realize Garland is Jewish too. https://www.jta.org/2022/08/10/politics/the-judge-who-signed-the-fbis-mar-a-lago-warrant-is-facing-violent-antisemitic-threats
  15. 99 percent of humanity considers costs. Good for you that you're so.wealthy or so you claim but it comes off as unseemly gloating.
  16. The majority of Republicans, the violent ones are not so many but look at world history and know it doesn't take very many to ignite breakdowns. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-christian-nationalism/
  17. There will be increased political violence from the white nationalists. I understand not wanting to move back because of political division but I don't think we'll see civil.war. I think we'll see full on white nationalist minority rule fascism. Why? Scotus taken over unfairly. Voter suppression.. Big Lie Trumpists electing state leaders who will overturn any election that they don’t like the result.
  18. The truth is the USA does incredibly poorly in comparison to other developed nations. In: Economic inequality Affordable housing with adequate safety nets Public transportation Gun violence Public education Civilized social discourse Health care access Health care cost Homelessness Political attention to the poor. Upward social mobility just OK Blaming the poor for their poverty is a particularly American cultural trait. https://newrepublic.com/article/145504/conservatives-blame-poverty-poor Why Conservatives Blame Poverty on the Poor A new essay by National Review's Kevin Williamson exposes the ideological blind spots of responsibility politics.
  19. They've got nothing but in Trumpist alternative facts world it doesn't matter.
  20. Exactly. For the grifter is was never really America First. It was always Trump first, last and always. I reckon he thinks the cult members that swallow his rhetoric are suckers and rubes.
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