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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. The grooming thing is especially vicious and all the rage amongst the now mainstream homophobic right wing Republican demagogues led by DeSantis. They are basically insinuating that all LGBT people are pedos. Very Putin adjacent. Not because they believe it but because they can grift on it. To wit; https://www.vox.com/culture/23025505/leftist-groomers-homophobia-satanic-panic-explained A renewed moral panic, stoked by the far right and trickling into mainstream conservatism, has come on the heels of an abrupt shift in the fight for gay rights in America. Following the recent passage of Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law and a wave of other homophobic and transphobic legislation throughout the country, current right-wing rhetoric has focused on accusations of “grooming.” The term — which describes the actions an adult takes to make a child vulnerable to sexual abuse — is taking on a conspiracy-theory tone as conservatives use it to imply that the LGBTQ community, their allies, and liberals more generally are pedophiles or pedophile-enablers.
  2. Yeah they can take their blood money rubles and stick 'em where the sun don't shine.
  3. Looks promising and has a good choice of locations. Generally you want a no state tax state. Of course to fully spoof firms like Fidelity you need a US phone number preferably matching your address in area code and logging in from the US not abroad. https://physicaladdress.com/locations/
  4. It's fascism in Hungary and it's fascism that dominates the US republican party.
  5. I'm assuming that the author's accounts are not in retirement accounts like an IRA. For those that have an IRA you can sell the entire account I think without tax consequence and transfer to Interactive Brokers retirement account which you can open with a passport.
  6. Evicted by yo Mama. Wintering in the rough in Maine. This is America. An Evicted Couple Prepares to Face Maine's Winter in a Tent (insider.com)
  7. I don’t know the details. Maybe she had a contract signed before the war. Obviously the ganja was a mistake that could even end up a fatal one. So she's in trouble now unless Putin goes for the Bout deal.
  8. It doesn't really matter if it was or it wasn't. The Russian courts were going to crucify her regardless.
  9. She went there because she's a top athlete, her career span is limited, the WNBA pays diddly squat compared to the NBA, and the Russian teams pay well. Nothing saintly. Just practical economics.
  10. What about him? He was released already in a prisoner exchange. He is not famous sports star. Not sure how his case supports a political white resentment insinuation.
  11. I really don't know if Putin will take the deal or not. But if he does he loses a high profile propaganda pawn that may have more value to him never releases.
  12. I started watching Ms. Pat and am finding it very funny. As you can see in the clip this BET network show is targeted towards a black audience.
  13. Here is my take which I think is more objective than most. Russia does have very severe drug laws. She made a big mistake violating them whether she knew that before or not. The U.S. and Russia currently have extremely poor relations. There is a war between Russia and Ukraine created by Putin and the U.S. is the most significant military supporter of Ukraine. Any American arrested during this time in Russia is going to be potentially a politically charged case, especially a famous American. For a very long time she didn't receive very much support from the U.S. government. Why the delay? In my opinion it's not about her race or orientation but her GENDER. The WNBA doesn't rate compared to the NBA, star or not. Just imagine how it would have been different if a major MALE star had been arrested for the very same charges! But now the case finally has received a lot of attention in the U.S. It's NOT because she's black or lesbian, it's because of a very effective publicity effort by the WNBA to shame Biden and the State Department to desist from their blatant hypocrisy on this (WNBA vs. NBA). So now she has received a very harsh sentence. Is this only because she's a pawn and she is a pawn? Perhaps not. Russia does give such sentences. Should the U.S. trade Bout for her which it has been revealed is pretty much the absurdly high level Putin might accept to make this deal? That's a matter of opinion. I have said this before. In my opinion, NO. It's a bad precedent. Putin heads a terrorist government, to give up Bout is caving to terrorism. Sadly in war time there are martyrs and collarteral damage. But the US seems willing to go for this deal, but even then, even with Putin biting. you can't trust Putin as far as you can throw him, and the deal still might not happen. To add, a lot of the Trumpist / right wing personal attacks on Griner and opposition for the deal are based on racism, sexism, homophobia, and opposition to internal leftist BLM type protest. That's very unfortunate. Too bad they don't oppose it for better reasons! Brittney Griner Verdict: Conservatives, Like Trump, Side With Russia - Rolling Stone The WNBA star was sentenced to nearly a decade in Russia prison for smuggling narcotics after being caught with less than a gram of cannabis oil. Right-wing commentators are gloating
  14. What's funny about that? If she has to serve that sentence her life is over.
  15. For Republicans scapegoating LGBT people (culture wars) is actually second only to the economy for their campaign strategy.
  16. I think they are saying chanting Let's Go Brandon and scapegoatimg LGBT people will shrink inflation. Of course they've got nothing.
  17. Big Lie. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/05/19/politics/donald-trump-big-lie-explainer/index.html The 5 key elements of Trump's Big Lie and how it came to be
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