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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I've seen no government messages here yet about potential risk groups other than westerners and gay men. Thai sex workers and massage workers are obvious potentially at risk groups. Very slow on vaccines for risk groups. Reasons why I think they are lacking the needed urgency to stop this early enough. Get past a certain point and it becomes too late.
  2. Hmm. I don't think there is much call for massage with gloves. Five contacts a day is actually a lot considering the therapist if infected would do a spreadarama. Of course once people show gross lesions if they do, people will steer clear.
  3. Stop lying about what I would say. You do you. You can never speak for me. Also I never called you a homophobe. Another lie from you. Your post about anal sex was homophobic in the Mel Gibson style. I have no opinion about you personally.
  4. Only his cult members believe him but he probably has enough of them to get nominated because if he runs it will be against multiple Republicans.
  5. You can post what you want but if it's homophobic garbage you have no control over how people react to it. https://www.datalounge.com/thread/9409206-a-reminder-of-what-mel-gibson-said-about-gay-men-in-1991
  6. Enough with the deflections. You demonized anal sex in the exact same way that the notorious Mel Gibson did. People can have safe anal sex but doing so won't reduce Monkey Pox risk if they're having many partners. Monogamous couples can even enjoy anal sexual pleasure without condoms but they have to really trust each other. No need to reply I know what you posted and you can't take it back. We'll have to agree to disagree.
  7. As a gay man I'm telling you that it was. Your comment mirrored Mel Gibson. I suppose next you'll be saying that his comments on anal sex weren't homophobic. Maybe someone will buy that. Not me.
  8. Looking at how this disease is spread in Africa where it is long established strongly suggests the spread outside of Africa where it is new will spread outside the gay men / MSM group. https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/07/1123212 Thailand still has time to stop this but I doubt that they will. For the US and other countries its already too late. Of course this isn't gonna to be another world changing pandemic like Covid or HIV. But it's still potentially serious.
  9. No. Your post was blatantly homophobic with its anal obsession about a diseaae spread by SKIN CONTACT.
  10. Look people please understand nobody is trying to hide the fact that Monkey Pox outside of Africa has shown up first mostly among gay men / MSM. Anyone suggesting that this is being covered up to be politically correct is spreading vile misinformation. Gay men are correctly being advised to reduce their number of partners. Unlike STDs condoms won't help because this is spread by SKIN CONTACT.
  11. Here we go. Predictable homophobia. See the word anus and jump to conclusions. You have no idea what percentage of people with monkey pox and anal symptoms have had unprotected anal sex. Ignored the eye symptoms because that doesn't add fuel to the Mel Gibson style agenda. Again this is not HIV or gonorrhea. HIV is not spread by SKIN CONTACT. Monkey pox is. Of course it goes without saying that people engaging in anal sex with men or women should use condoms to avoid STDs.
  12. I've been looking at three of them. https://international.thailandpost.com/track-status-2/? language=en&tracking= https://parcelsapp.com/en/tracking/ https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction_input Same big time gap with no info in all. That was concerning until the New York message.
  13. Did it finally show up in tracking? I had a message that mine had departed Thailand on July 27 but after that no updates at all until August 10 (now in New York).
  14. If you say so. I could have said it politely and said that it is not uncommon among gay men to have very high numbers of multiple sex partners. It's not at all uncommon for gay men to have had hundreds or thousands of partners in their lives. Of course that doesn't mean ALL gay men. So it is logical that a new disease like this that is spread by skin contact would probably hit gay men / MSM first. I apologize if anyone is sincerely offended by the slut comment. It's slang for sleeping around alot, is it not? As a gay man myself perhaps I was too flippant to say that so casually. Piling it on (why not?) IF Monkey Pox does not migrate out from gay males / MSM, perhaps I can propose a new name: GRINDR POX. But I really really think that it will migrate because it's not logical that a skin contact transmitted disease wouldn't.
  15. Oh please, the drama. Yes scientists do know. This has STARTED among MSM / Gay Men in these EARLY stages. Because it's about skin contact, it is known you do not need to be MSM / Gay Male to get it. Countries can do mitigation measures NOW to limit any such potential spread.
  16. Because too many gay men are sluts. There I said it. Scientists do know it's spread by skin contact and sex acts are not necessary to have skin contact. Obviously the more skin contact you have with the more partners, the risk goes up. Yes sex acts tend to have a lot of skin contact, but so can non sexual massage. If this takes hold in Thailand, it's almost definite that straight sex workers and their customers will be among the next groups impacted. Again, no sex acts of any kind are needed. Showing up FIRST among MSM / Gay Men in no way means it can't easily migrate to other groups. I think people will know their own risks on this and thus is vaccines are available for this, make a decision about that.
  17. Oh please. Think just a little bit. Males who have sex in prisons or similar institutions, do you not understand that most of them are not gay men?!? Being a gay male is an identity. Sex acts are sex acts. Kindly DESIST from making this another topic where people who don't have a clue about human sexuality obsess and whine about it. That is NOT the topic here. MONKEY POX is.
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