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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. He's definitely a contender. He has federal experience now and he's brilliant in debates and interviews. He's Midwestern. He offers a newer kind of politics that's kind of hard to pigeonhole and that's probably a good thing.
  2. That's ridiculous. Admit it You just hate democrats and would whine about however she handles this. Slava Ukraine! Independence for Taiwan!
  3. Not dictating jack sheet to our Nancy! You go girl!
  4. I love her for being a Baltimorean San Franciscan. I'm not really up on the ice cream situation or should I say Gelato?
  5. Yes she is going to Taiwan. Does anyone really think Xi is crazy enough to attack her? Pelosi. Balls of steel.
  6. Let me get this straight. You're suggesting the Trumpist republicans are the adults? Too funny!
  7. Dollars to doughnuts she is Taiwan bound She should say exactly when to help Xi target her? She is not a representation of Biden. She is speaker of the house. A completely different branch. Yes I do realize she might not go. That would be a shame but lets wait and see
  8. OK, push has come to shove and not having a U.S. mobile phone in my name for two factor banking codes has now become a more urgent problem for me. Yes, I know, I know, there have been other topics about this general topic, but my request here is more specific (yet I imagine solutions would be helpful to others in similar situations). Yes I have looked into other topics yet I always seem to end up dazed and confused about which option to choose, what will really work, and exactly how to get it done. So kindly indulge me on this more tailored request. First the parameters: No VOIP. No Google Voice I really need a real U.S. mobile number in my name. The trend is for banks to stop accepting anything else and this has become real to me. So advice needs to be about getting an actual U.S. mobile number in my name. I do have a U.S. credit card with a U.S. address. I have no plans to travel to the U.S. Any advice that involves the need to actually be in the U.S. won't help me. I do have a U.S. contact that can help me with any needed U.S. setup, having things shipped there etc. I assume this will be a SIM card that gets mailed to me instead of a SIM attached to a specific physical phone in the U.S. I want the monthly cost to be minimal as I only need this for bank codes. Ideally you have done something similar to this successfully yourself, and it would be better if fairly recently such as within the last year or two. OK, I think that pretty much covers it. Any information that you can share that fit the parameters listed above will be most welcome. Thank you for reading this and posting help if you do indeed have info that can help.
  9. OK. So what? If Biden isn't running it will be a wide open primary. Democrats welcome that.
  10. That's what the right wing demagogues are saying and worse. It's bull. They would have schools that teach about Alan Turing not being allowed to say he was gay and persecuted for it.
  11. Sadly it is very real and has become quite powerful, actually MAINSTREAM in the totally dominant trumpist wing of the republican party. Alt Right: A Primer on the New White Supremacy (adl.org)
  12. He can beat Trump. I get your point. Poll numbers matter most during elections. Head to head with any republican and his support numbers will be way up from his current approval number. That said I think the damage is done, mostly unfairly about the age issue.
  13. I never implied it was anything of the kind! The math teacher represents rationality. You know, like the people that know Donald Trump lost, as opposed to the alt right alternate facts wack jobs that still insist it was stolen.
  14. As part of various subjects of course. In history, in social studies, and sex ed classes, etc. What a bizarre question really. Should they be made invisible?!? Would you ask that question about blacks or Jews?
  15. Yes obviously mostly economics but I think also of great significance is that for whatever reasons Americans have fallen out of LIKE for Joe Biden the man. Before his numbers on likeability were remarkably high. That has faded and as age is a big issue, I don't think he has much chance of winning people back. Also of course perception of his effectiveness as a leader. It's not good. Policy wise at least for what he supports (hard to get much of it passed) he's still objectively quite excellent if you're a democrat or left of center independent.
  16. I don't think people are particularly afraid of Harris becoming president. They just aren't excited by the thought. So IF Biden chooses not to run in 2024 Harris will probably run but she'll have some very strong competition.
  17. Yes, that quote was <deleted>. No, Harris isn't there because of affirmative action. No, people didn't vote for Harris per se. Americans vote for president overwhelmingly based on the TOP of the ticket. VP picks are meant to help a little around the margins and do no harm to the ticket. Are Americans that stupid? Probably yes. They elected insurrectionist Trump in 2016 even though based on a minority of votes.
  18. This is mostly to Americans and Canadians -- but do you STILL watch SNL Saturday Night Live? I do. Sure it's had long dry periods and it's been a long time since the glory days of the likes of Cheeseburger Cheeseburger and so many others. Well the show is approaching FIFTY YEARS (2024-25 season) and the heart and soul of the show Lorne Michaels is rumored to be planning to retire and for the show to end at that time. It makes sense but it would still hurt. Yes I have been watching it for almost all of those years though I probably mostly missed it in college.
  19. Arguably this could be a separate topic, but I'm not gonna do that. So here goes. For those of us who pay for Medicare Part B as expats we know that hikes in that can eat up COLAS. However, there appears to be good news on that from for next year as well. Most likely Part B will either be reduced, stay the same, or only a modest increase this time. Good News for Retirees: Lower Medicare Part B Premiums Could Be Coming | The Motley Fool
  20. It has been officially hijacked by the right wing. Particularly to viciously demonize transgender people. I think that is evil. Imagine being a transgender person in the world now having to deal with all this insane irrational ignorance and bigotry.
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