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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Poor poor pitiful Mr. Trump. Perhaps a Go Fund Me page is in order? 'Poor, persecuted Trump': Journalist mocks GOP hysteria - Alternet.org
  2. Wasn't a raid. Indictments aren't expected until after the midterms for political reasons. It would be very surprising to hear specific results of these investigation anytime soon. This is a very slow process particularly because it's about an ex president.
  3. Most likely he will be eventually indicted for one or more charges by the DOJ and or Georgia. I doubt the DOJ will act before the midterms. I have learned though that if convicted he will probably just get home incarceration because of the need for secret service protection. So no more golf and no more rallies. The poor dear.
  4. The vaccines don't prevent infection. They help decrease the odds of a serious case when infected. Antivirals are a treatment not a cure. . Next ...
  5. Yes of course. But the midterms are still looking bleak although probably the democrats will at least hold on to the senate. It's possible though unlikely to hold on to the house because of the Forced Birth backlash. Because of the national mood, democratic candidates do not want Biden to publicly campaign for them, so yes, his low numbers are a factor in the midterms. But by 2024 if Biden decides to run, there is plenty of time for him to be competitive against whatever anti democracy, pro authoritarian Trumpist demagogue the republicans put forward. Also who can know the power of Dark Brandon? Biden White House embraces 'Dark Brandon,' a parody of the 'Dark MAGA' meme used by the far right (msn.com)
  6. Dollars to doughnuts there's a there there of damning evidence down in sunny Marlardo.
  7. He thought there would never be consequences for his grifting life of crime as there haven't been before. His safe would be the first place to go 55555.
  8. Tel Aviv is a lot more fun! Good choice Honduras. You've seen one wailing wall you've seen them all.
  9. Promising news Presidents are not above the law.
  10. They reflect a political / morality agenda that adds to the narrative that the severe scarcity of decent affordable housing in the US for buying or rentals is somehow OK because some people have prospered from owning real estate. Sneaking personally I did very well on a US condo and if I sell will do very poorly on a Thai condo But there is an objective reality here. A significant percentage of expats in Thailand would face great hardships with housing if they repatriate. The situation is much worse than five years ago and not all the expats this would impact are even close to broke.
  11. The bill impacts ALL grades. Right wingers want to hide that. https://www.npr.org/2022/03/30/1089462508/teachers-fear-the-chilling-effect-of-floridas-so-called-dont-say-gay-law
  12. Biden's numbers are academic. Numbers only matter if he runs for reelection. They are bound to improve if he's paired one to one against insurrectionist Trump or Don't Say Gay DeSantis.
  13. Thai Civil unions are not marriages. This isn't even law yet and people are assuming Thai civil unions will include adoption rights. What's the point of this debate here on children without knowing that? Of course LGBT people.with existing children will keep them and lesbians can have children after marriage anyway.
  14. Americans that support Orban, Putin, and their ilk somehow have failed to understand the point of America. They are the opposite of patriots.
  15. We beat the! American fascists before but can we beat them again? Madison Square Garden 1939
  16. So true. There is a massive oversupply of domestic ones. But it's not so different from the "America First" movement of the past where American fascists like Ford and Lindbergh adored their dear Adolph.
  17. The grooming thing is especially vicious and all the rage amongst the now mainstream homophobic right wing Republican demagogues led by DeSantis. They are basically insinuating that all LGBT people are pedos. Very Putin adjacent. Not because they believe it but because they can grift on it. To wit; https://www.vox.com/culture/23025505/leftist-groomers-homophobia-satanic-panic-explained A renewed moral panic, stoked by the far right and trickling into mainstream conservatism, has come on the heels of an abrupt shift in the fight for gay rights in America. Following the recent passage of Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law and a wave of other homophobic and transphobic legislation throughout the country, current right-wing rhetoric has focused on accusations of “grooming.” The term — which describes the actions an adult takes to make a child vulnerable to sexual abuse — is taking on a conspiracy-theory tone as conservatives use it to imply that the LGBTQ community, their allies, and liberals more generally are pedophiles or pedophile-enablers.
  18. Yeah they can take their blood money rubles and stick 'em where the sun don't shine.
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