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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I will add though that Canada is welcoming U.S. women from the republican FORCED BIRTH states to access their already overburdened abortion clinics. One reason they are doing this ironically is history. There was a time in Canadian history where many Canadian women needed to go to the U.S. for abortions, long ago, but a touching demonstration of international reciprocity.
  2. That's a weird question. You need to be Canadian to be part of their health care system so no Americans don't go there for health tourism. However they most certainly DO go the Mexico for health care tourism IN DROVES! Medical Tourism in Mexico by Angeles Health International | Hospital Angeles Americans go there to save money. Canadians go there to jump the queue on waiting times in Canada. Of course for Americans that are eligible for migration to Canada, the health care system is a big attraction.
  3. I recall this was asked for before. A credible source linking rising rents to homelessness. Here it is The Government Accounting Office states that for every 100 dollar rent increase homelessness rises 9 percent.
  4. Nude pics or it didn’t happen. I would like to observe as I'm doing a sociology project.
  5. This kind of mentality is rampant in the USA. Presumed guilty period. I hadn't realized how toxic it had become until I visited a large crowded park in Buenos Aires, Argentina. There I observed obvious strangers including single men and older single men comfortably socializing and playing ball games with random children (relatives were nearby but looked completely unconcerned or into it). Travel does open the eyes. When I was a kid it wasn't nearly as bad as it's become. Most of us were free range children. We went out to play wherever and that was that. Obviously no cell phones to track every movement back then either.
  6. Exactly. I would be better than Trump. Some rando Uber driver would be better than Trump.
  7. Biden probabmy won't run. He needs to act like he will in order to not prematurely castrate his presidency. This is Politics 101.
  8. It's much worse than that.. I am certain that if he runs and if then indicted that he will intentionally rile up his far right wing white nationalist militia groups to "protest" at the courts such as in Atlanta similarly to his criminal activities related to the January 6 coup attempt. He will then literally have nothing to lose and he doesn't care if he brings down America with his own sinking ship. It was never really America first with him. It has always been Trump First, Last, and Always.
  9. No. Being a candidate for president offers no legal protection from indictments whatsoever.
  10. If Thailand is really neutral on Putin's war crimes of choice at the very least they should eject such vessels from all Thai ports, da?
  11. Anyone can easily find several sources with this additional information. Current age of alleged victim -- 21. Length of the alleged relationship with Ricky Martin -- 7 months. Do the freakin' math! If true about the relationship actually happening at all and also the alleged domestic violence, etc, it's not a case about underage sex. Who Is Dennis Yadiel Sanchez, Man Whose Incest Allegations Can Send Ricky Martin To Jail For 50 Years? Girlfriend, Net Worth (jantakareporter.com) To add, yes obviously due to the nature of this story, most of the sources will be of the celebrity gossip, sensationalism variety, but think about it, IF there was anything in the story about an underage sex accusation, don't you get they would have jumped on that big time already?
  12. Well, if he isn't imprisoned or otherwise legally barred from holding any office including dog catcher (yes, that is possible) then he almost definitely will run and will probably be nominated as well. One one one against Gay Panic Florida Guy and Florida Guy wins. But there will likely be multiple challengers like before, so Mr. trump can get nominated with 30 or 40 percent support. Ironically (and dangerously) it would be much easier for the democrats to beat Mr. trump than Florida Guy, etc. Another twist is if Florida Guy loses his governor's contest to the excellent candidate Charlie Crist. What does that mean? I don't know. But will the republicans nominate Florida Guy that can't even win in Florida?
  13. If there was any question that this was an age of consent issue that would have been part of any lead stories about these accusations. I have seen a few links. The emphasis is always on the legal problem being about incest, with no mention of an age of consent violation. If anyone has anything to post that says differently, do post it. Otherwise, enough of this noise!
  14. Regardless it's an interesting story. How did it happen that consensual sex like this between uncle and legal age nephew or presumably neice could be punished with 50 years in the hoosegow? Also Martin is an international celebrity. This is definitely a legit news item.
  15. That's a very interesting question. Why isn't the nephew equally culpable? I don't know. But I somehow doubt we are going to have any Puerto Rican lawyers here to explain it all to us.
  16. I wonder what youtube's policy is on severe anti-gay speech. Allowed or not? For example camments like all gay people should be murdered (yes I've seen those).
  17. Oh give it a rest, Buster. This is not a case of rape. This is not a case of sex without consent. This is not a case of sex with a minor. I get it though -- you smell blood and want to go for the jugular.
  18. I'm wondering if this is a peculiarity of Puerto Rican law? It's basically a colony and is mostly Latino meaning it's mostly Catholic. If it's older law, would it even make any distinction between hetero and gay incest? Is there a distinction between siblings, nephews, cousins, parents. etc.? Same penalties for all? This whole thing is a can of worms. because yes LGBT people do want legal equality, so in this case even if the code is very extreme, that would be equal treatment.
  19. Oh boy, here come the haters. Ron DeSantis would be proud. The nephew is 21. I obviously fully condemn cases as you mentioned. Whether relations or not. DUH! This case is NOT like that so BACK OFF.
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