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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Nothing against her so RIP. On the other hand she was the mother of Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka
  2. Conversion to O done in Thailand insurance not required. Annual retirement extensions if you started with O, insurance not required. Annual retirement extensions if you started with OA, insurance required.
  3. Yes, very difficult indeed as there is no such thing as a retirement visa for Vietnam. There may be current workarounds (rules change and I don't know the current situation) that might involve frequent visa runs or better paying off agents to do the dirties in country. But it's clear to me Vietnam will NEVER have a retirement visa, it's not their style, and any workarounds you might be able to do are subject to changes on a dime. For that reason alone, I think trying to "retire" long term in Vietnam is crazy. Of course there are marriage and work options but those are a different path.
  4. The First Team It didn't get great reviews. It was cancelled after one season. It fails but in my view it fails in interesting ways and is still a fun watch. Compare (mostly contrast) it to Ted Lasso, a big international hit and deservedly so.
  5. These radical right wing anti-abortion extremists will stop at nothing until ALL abortions are criminalized in all 50 states. In fact, that's exactly what they're working on now to change the legal status of fetuses to persons. This is going to be a battle royale. It took these out of touch RADICALS 40 years to accomplish what they did. It may take the majority 40 years to get it back.
  6. Aren't they currently giving 45 days instead of 30 for the visa exempt stamp? If so, that helps this situation. If not, he might consider getting a tourist visa to give more breathing room.
  7. You won't need insurance to enter. Converting from your entry stamp to a 90 day O visa to later use to get a retirement extension is commonly done, but not 100 percent guaranteed based on the office and how they respond to your specific application. Technically under the law for this conversion step you're supposed to prove the money was imported, but that may be typically waived as the money has been there a long time. Again, no guarantees. If you try this, get it started soon after you enter Thailand. The conversion application won't be accepted too late on your initial entry stamp time (someone else can tell you the exact number of days). Seek information on how your specific local office is handling these conversion situations these days, if possible. If you try this and it doesn't work, probably people can advise on possible options on getting an O visa in a nearby country (if possible). I recall a recent post saying that it is, but I'm not sure, and if it is, you would want to know the optimal country to travel to. Good luck. Corrections to my post welcome. To add, I think this guy is painting a less optimistic picture than the reality:
  8. Fighting Back! A very rare case but good to hear about. The greedy landlord's excuse is weak. Says everyone can get on Section 8. As evidenced before no they can't! Being eligible is only the first step.
  9. Depends on exactly where you are in the country. For many, such trips will involve very long distances and great expenses that poorer women can't afford.
  10. Conservatives? NO! The people behind these draconian abortion laws are not conservatives! Conservatives would have respected Roe vs. Wade as settled law subject to stare decisis. Conservatives wouldn't have lied under oath in the senate that they respected that when they didn't. No, sir, these are radical right wing extremists forcing their retrograde theocratic "morality" on a public that has overwhelmingly moved on from that.
  11. His immigration status makes NO DIFFERENCE to the situation of the raped young girl.
  12. Do the new super restrictive abortion laws in many states triggered by Roe vs Wade falling diiffer based on immigration status of the oppressed women or birth father consensual or not? If not then immigration is 100 percent OFF TOPIC to the abortion debate.
  13. .My reference to slavery days was about back then we had slave states and non slave states. Now we have abortion banned states and reasonable access to abortion states. Back then we had abolitionists and the Underground railroad and also slave state authorities chasing escaped slaves in non slave states. Now we have abortion access rights activists trying to help oppressed women from the ban states and also ban state legislators trying to make accessing abortion in other states illegal, banning certain medications etc. We can also see the North South pattern now but not entirely. This led to a civil war and the abortion divide may be a factor in a future civil war.. This is what I meant before when I mentioned current parallels to slavery times.
  14. The gayest spot in town is at the Dolphin roundabout. Gay dolphins.
  15. OMG! The issue here is about barbaric abortion laws triggered by the radical right wingers on the illegitimate Supreme Court trashing constitutional rights that had been in effect for 50 years. It's not about immigration. Rapists include citizens and also migrants, legal and illegal. Don't get sucked into yet another cynical right wing diversion.
  16. I said before that Biden should not have highlighted that case before it was more robustly verified. The reason for that was that if it turned out to be false the right wing would focus on that instead of the important part, the horrible new laws. If you think that's deserving of eating crow, so be it. I don’t.
  17. Bill Maher and many others were predicting as much a year before voting. It was not surprising! It would have been surprising if he had conceded like a normal person.
  18. Enalapril dosing is different. 10 mg. Lisinopril equals 5 mg Enalapril. Anapril generic is very very cheap.
  19. I'm skeptical. Maybe they just had a big supply of old stock. The info I have in Pattaya is that suppliers aren't even accepting orders for any brand name of this med. A problem with a raw material needed to manufacture. Boots told me it will be December at this earliest. Many people are using Enalapril now instead.
  20. The topic here is about trump and his attempted coup. Not particularly funny.
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