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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Coast to coast means every state. This map is VERY DIFFERENT since the radical right wing court abolished constitutional abortion rights against the overwhelming will of the people.that were in effect for 50 years. https://states.guttmacher.org/policies/abortion-policies
  2. It's not a matter of tolerance. If someone says that abortion is still available as before in all 50 states they are either very ignorant or more likely lying. Reality matters. If we can't agree on basic real facts a civil discussion is impossible. It's OK to be against abortion but it's not OK to promote outrageous distortions LIES about what happened after Roe vs Wade was ended
  3. As a foreigner I would wait for the legalities to shake out for awhile unless you have a medical use proof.
  4. Yes the Republicans are anti gay! https://www.washingtonblade.com/2022/04/22/overview-of-over-300-anti-lgbtq-bills-in-2022/ POLITICS Overview of over 300 anti-LGBTQ+ bills in 2022 As Republican politicians continue to push for limits to LGBTQ+ rights, many LGBTQ+ people & their allies promise to continue fighting https://slate.com/podcasts/what-next/2022/07/the-trevor-project-on-anti-trans-legislation The War on LGBTQ+ Rights How The Trevor Project sees the impact of the GOP’s newly-introduced, anti-LGBTQ+ laws on American youth. -- Abortion is already banned in many states. Why do you insist on doubling down on insipid gaslighting?
  5. I haven't received it yet. My thought is that it's best to wait until the second mailing and then if still not received only then contact Manila.
  6. Parity hit! Congratulations to those who voted July. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/12/investing/euro-dollar-parity/index.html
  7. I'm happy for him that he can afford it but not everyone has the "skills" to cash in on Only Fans
  8. That is opinion based on basic logic. If a person hates gays they are obviously not likely to support a gay man for president. Anti gay politics is part of the republican brand. I see I erred using the word never. Some would of course.
  9. It's not an opinion. Its gaslighting. To say women's rights have not been trampled when its a fully verifiable fact that they have that everyone can see.
  10. No. Not this slithering game. Polls aren't reality. You know that. Roe vs Wade was struck down. You know that. You said: There is no "stamping on women's rights" happening at all. That's wrong. We're not morons. Of course it's happening. FACT. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-supreme-court-overturns-abortion-rights-landmark-2022-06-24/ U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, ends constitutional right to abortion WASHINGTON, June 24 (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday overturned the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that recognized women's constitutional right to abortion, a decision condemned by President Joe Biden that will dramatically change life for millions of women in America and exacerbate growing tensions in a deeply polarized country. The court, in a 6-3 ruling powered by its conservative majority, upheld a Republican-backed Mississippi law that bans abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. The vote was 5-4 to overturn Roe, with conservative Chief Justice John Roberts writing separately to say he would have upheld the Mississippi law without taking the additional step of erasing the Roe precedent altogether.
  11. No! Each case is different. He said There is no "stamping on women's rights" happening at all. We all know for a fact that is not true. This isn't a matter of opinion. Its a matter of FACT.
  12. Another thread says many have received by now. I haven't in Jomtien.
  13. I saw at least one for sale on Lazada. One had a ganja leaf graphic on it.
  14. As if we needed yet another reason to hate the regime in Iran.
  15. That was a very bigoted comment. He's very skilled at debating and giving speeches He has charisma and youthful appeal. He had much higher numbers than Harris in the nomination fight and actually had a real shot at winning. He's up for going on Fox News and directly facing the trumpists there. As he's ambitious he wisely passed on running for Indiana Senator or Governor because Indiana is a very right wing republican state so he had no chance. So it was go national or nothing. Being a Midwesterner like Klobuchar is always a plus. It's hard to pigeonhole his politics. Not really progressive wing but something more moderate of his own creation. Definitely high appeal to independents and the key suburban women demographic He has trouble getting support of blacks though and the perception that he's highly intelligent even nerdy is probably a negative in anti intellectual America. Of course hard core homophobes would never vote for him but they are mostly Republicans anyway. I think he's an option but there is probably a better option out there. It's early. May well be a much less well known person.
  16. United Shades of America. Season 7 has started and the first episode about the "Woke" culture wars issue is one of the best treatments of it you're going to see anywhere.
  17. Wait until after the midterms. It would be foolish to have such division before then.
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