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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. A sign of the times. I think the original message was apt to these times but of course they were forced to walk it back. Florida city apologizes for saying 'a lot of people probably don't want to celebrate our nation right now' (nbcnews.com)
  2. George McGovern's nomination acceptance speech: “It is the time for this land to become again a witness to the world for what is just and noble in human affairs. It is time to live more with faith and less with fear, with an abiding confidence that can sweep away the strongest barriers between us and teach us that we are truly brothers and sisters.” I don't see that is going to happen! Referring to the video things keep getting stupider and stupider.
  3. Well my feeling is that the 4th of July can be a time for Americans to reflect about how they feel about being American in the current time in history and only Americans can do that. Refer to the video. I have a personal family connection to Highland Park IL a very American midwestern small town suburb and yes it was apt to post that as it happened at their 4th of July parade and I doubt many people are particularly surprised.
  4. Maryland should enforce the law whatever it is but they should not be bullied into changing the law by the radical right wing theocratic minority rule for life illegitimate supreme court. Those batards need to be taken down a peg or ten.
  5. Yes the economic push and pull of ruinously high US housing costs has clearly amped up interest of Americans to move abroad. Sometimes as a survival tactic and other times to get much more bang for your bucks.
  6. Hmm. Let me check. Maybe its the HOMELESSNESS. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/07/03/inflation-homeless-rent-housing/ Inflation is making homelessness worse Rising prices and soaring rents are taking their toll across the country
  7. Well, I think everyone expects rents to go up gradually over time. But was this kind of historic spike is different. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. Rent prices across US at all-time high; tenants struggle with hikes (usatoday.com)
  8. So what?!? Do you honestly think that matters even one bit? You know perfectly well almost nobody has a photographic memory. It was her very credible way of expressing I don't remember the exact words but to the best of my recollection this is the gist of what was said. She's a witness. Not a God. Others are welcome to appear UNDER OATH and give their accounts to confirm or not.
  9. True but collective popular support matters sometimes. Right now there is a strong majority support among Americans to support Ukraine's military. Without that it would be harder to get the needed funding.
  10. I was outraged by it. But the political will wasn't there at that time (not with Obama and not with Western Europe) in the west to push back adequately and ALSO Putin hadn't pushed his GENOCIDAL agenda yet towards the Ukraine people and nation. Yes of course the west should have tried to stop him earlier, that was a mistake, he was emboldened, and he was very surprised that the response was so different this time. Objectively even with the dark history in Ukraine, Chechniya, Syria, the terrorism he used to gain power yes we should have known how bad a monster Putin was before. But recently he has completely come out of the closet with his extreme horribleness, with his genocidal invasion of Ukraine, his Russian empire rhetoric, his threats to other European nations, and it's likely linked to his age and very poor health. He wants to do a lot. quickly. To add, sorry to disappoint but I don't set U.S. foreign policy. IF Obama had decided to try to form a strong coalition and push back more aggressively at Putin after he stole Crimea, I most certainly would have supported him in that.
  11. Not sure if I got the idea here or not, but CLARK is hilarious!
  12. Taking the 5th is a right but you can't control what people will think of those that do.
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