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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I looked up Chester rents. Posted a link. Nothing close to 300. The lowest rent one was 762 but a car dependent area and most were well over 1000. Stop the gaslighting!
  2. Chester PA is no answer. Check out these rental prices https://www.zillow.com/chester-pa/rentals/ Ridiculously high and unaffordable for one of the most dangerous places in the country. Remember the premise here. A returning expat who is low income / low wealth / low or no earning potential. For example someone on a 1200 social security check and limited assets.
  3. Well as I mentioned before returning expats who are low income / low wealth / low or no earning potential may typically be limited to the DREGS locations. This is a big downwards change from five years ago. Of course I reckon any roof over your head usually beats homelessness. But in some cases just barely.
  4. What's the opposite of warm and fuzzy? That place sounds appalling.
  5. So this indeed is what mainstream media has been saying has been happening and consistently so. Obviously at different relative levels in different locations but still something that it is fair to say has been happening across the country. Perhaps someone can point to some "alternative facts media" sources which are saying US rents are NOT going through the roof?
  6. This Georgia thing is as serious as Sweet Tea to a diabetic.
  7. I agree. There are so many options in the Philipines. Yes I've been to Manila and Cebu City and wouldn't want to live there.. A little basic research would tell most people to avoid Angeles. But how about: Mactan island near Cebu City Dumaguete Tagaytay Just for starters.
  8. Well, there ARE options. How about a 700 dollar house (IN HELL)? What I've seen happening over the years is that the options (such that exist) for returning lower income / lower wealth expats keep getting worse and worse but NOW have progressed to ridiculously bad. It was pretty much always the case that returning to prime price areas like SF Bay Area, Manhattan, etc. were out of the question but as early as perhaps a few to five years ago, there were still LOTS of quite good options. For example Pinelas Country Florida outside of Tampa, and many many more.. But NOW, it's really the DREGS. So again, why would anyone (lower income / lower wealth / no or low earning power) in their right mind CHOOSE to repatriate to the U.S. now? But there should be concern for those that for various reasons are more or less PUSHED back. There are no "halfway houses" waiting for them.
  9. The Thai Muslims need to get over themselves. Nobody will be forcing them to smoka da ganja or marryin' their good DL buddies. Live and let live.
  10. Out of control rents. "Income lower than my rent." Not very long ago this was an affordable area of the country. With so many people spending so much of their income on rent just to stay off the streets, how does this not lead to social disintegration?
  11. Dad says he didn't do anything wrong. Roll eyes. It turns out that charging him is being considered.
  12. As this topic is about Americans of lower income and wealth and problems getting affordable housing, Section 8 is one possible avenue to solve this. However sadly in the current environment the program is even more inadequate than usual. This clip covers why with a lot of details in one state.
  13. How were they to know? But his Dad knew more than enough to not sign an affidavit that allowed him to buy the guns at age 19. I really hope there is a law that can be applied to charge him.
  14. Choosing a Jewish area to shoot up is a coincidence then? Could be. Clues are coming in that are raising doubts. But as said before I doubt there will be enough to charge as a hate crime https://www.newsweek.com/robert-crimo-highland-park-shooting-trump-rallies-illinois-1721618 Update. https://abcnews.go.com/US/robert-bobby-crimo-iii-suspect-highland-park-parade/story?id=86236026 I just read this. A lot more information linking him to fascist ideologies. But a big one here is that he did visit a Highland Park synagogue during a major Jewish holiday. Knowing what we know now about him it's fair to suspect he was probably casing the place rather than doing research on the Jewish religion. This aspect of his crimes should not be swept under the carpet.
  15. I have indeed posted numerous times that I have no intention to move away from Thailand to any other country including the US. However for me and some others learning about options and considering a BACKUP plan if things go south in Thailand can be interesting or perhaps wise. It is obviously a fact that the premise of this topic is correct. For many or even most low income / low wealth expats the US has become dramatically less desirable to move back to. Most rational people don't want to radically degrade their quality of life if they can avoid it. This is a general topic about a VERY REAL issue for many expats and indeed so many more that never left the US. Not you obviously..
  16. Info is coming out now that is starting to possibly look like there was a political (domestic right wing terrorism) and/or hate crime motivation (which frankly I and many others suspected because it happened in Highland Park). The shooter was heavy Maga, was seen at Trump rallies, but also perhaps more significantly was a QAnon conspiracy theory follower which at the very least is anti-Semitic adjacent. Where did he shoot? Highland Park. Well known in Chicagoland as a heavily Jewish town. Where did he travel to where he reportedly considered doing a second mass shooting? Madison Wisconsin. Unusually very liberal city for the Midwest Madison. What about his irresponsible Dad? A Maga and 2nd amendment gun nut fanatic. Nothing illegal there but what kind of father signs an affidavit to allow his son to buy automatic weapons when he knows better than anyone that his son had a history of murderous threats? I don't think they'll have enough to charge a hate crime as after all he didn't target a synagogue (though he did manage to murder some random Jews which it being Highland Park was highly likely). But the father -- can't he be charged with gross negligence? Just how anti-Semitic is QAnon? – The Forward
  17. Well I read in Bloomberg the odds of that are 1 in 35. So for now at least very unlikely. But dollar Euro -- so close now!
  18. We've talked about HUD Section 8 before. It can be very good but the demand for the vouchers is much more than supply and even if you get them finding a landlord willing to rent Section 8 can be very difficult. In recent rent price explosion times greedy landlords just want the highest possible price so they don't want to be in the program at all. Then there are more long term pervasive problems of landlord discrimination against poorer people in (who are often from minority groups). https://time.com/5783945/housing-vouchers-discrimination/ 'A MASK FOR RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.' HOW HOUSING VOUCHER PROGRAMS CAN HURT THE LOW-INCOME FAMILIES THEY’RE DESIGNED TO HELP -- So bottom line if you're lower income / wealth moving back to the US don't assume Section 8 will save you as it probably won't.
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