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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. The law has nothing to do with speech outside schools The biggest issue with this bill is the chilling effect it will have in ALL SCHOOL GRADES. That is because ANYTHING LGBT in ANY GRADE is vulnerable to snitching right wing homophobic parents complaining and costing the school large financial penalties. Also teachers are afraid of being fired. So school administrators out of self protection are making LGBT topics and people INVISIBLE. This is vicious intimidation and forced self censorship. This will increase anti LGBT bullying and LGBT youth suicide already very high. This is a cynical bigoted bill by a very ambitious demagogue who has a great chance to become president. Anti LGBT Putin would admire such political power grabbing through scapegoating tactics.
  2. Ukraine needs to win. Putin needs to lose. The results have global consequence. Luckily the US doesn't have an America First fascist isolationist as president now.
  3. Doesn't matter. Your rhetoric reflects Trumpist Americans. Are you Russian or something? Can't keep track of everyone's nationality.
  4. Too funny! Right wingers always forget about deficits when they are in control. Witness the moronic massive tax cuts for the rich by Trump. Then when they aren't they get their old timey religion deficit obsession
  5. It's funny not ha ha funny how right wing Americans are so often so sympathetic to authoriatarian dictator war criminal Putin.
  6. Its a completely different republican party from 30 years ago much less 160 years.
  7. He did want to go there. No lunge is needed to prove that. But intent can be proven even if he didn't want to go there.
  8. Yes! Because then they can ask them about anything. The lunge detail is trivial compared to the bigger picture of Trump's criminality.
  9. Maga die hards aren't enough. I didn't day he won't run. He might. But he won't be nominated.
  10. It won't fail at least in some potentially many red states. So far its constitutional based on a similar evil law in Texas. These radical right wingers are on a roll and they're out fot blood.
  11. Obviously you wouldn't want to get overly graphic about slavery to the very young but to introduce the basic facts about such an important part of American history using clear words yes absolutely.
  12. I would like to refer people to Jon Stewarts The Problem with Jon Stewart on youtube for a brilliant analysis of the downfall of trump and how the Hutchinson testimony fits into that. He doesn't need to be prosecuted. That would be nice and well deserved but he's OVER regardless.
  13. So lie to them about history? They clearly are teaching history at that age so freakin' don't whitewash it!
  14. I wouldn't go because I wouldn't fit in except if they have a separate restaurant. Sometimes Indian nightclubs do.
  15. Its pretty annoying to read all the not so borderline racism here. Anyone that actually knows something about this group would know that along with great unwashed masses many are filthy rich and like to show it.
  16. I was thinking as the place is so high end IF they did serve food it would be special.
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