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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. This tells us the Fulton County investigation is DEAD serious. It would be very surprising at this point if this doesn't lead to an indictment against Donald John Trump. While indicting a former president is unprecedented and the historical significance of this happening can't be discounted, the environment is now ready for it to happen. The house select hearings led mostly by traditional right wing republicans has been BRILLIANT and recent polls show a strong majority of Americans support that Trump should be prosecuted. He's very worried and he should be. Perhaps it would be better if he fled the country. I like the "America First" irony of that.
  2. Yep and the irony of a former U.S. president who spent a good part of his youth in Indonesia who later grew up to be a notorious teenage pothead in Hawaii. He was lucky to not be busted in Hawaii as if he was we wouldn't know his name.
  3. Harmless as in the ganja he was carrying was harmless. It was obviously for his own consumption. He's not a pusher. Not harmless as far as the consequence to his life. Look, if you want to be a hard ass about this, up to you. Indonesia approves.
  4. You didn't ever do anything (harmless) that was a stupid mistake when you were young? Or recently? This guy's life could be ruined. That matches the crime you think?
  5. The excellent Georgia option to lock Trump is gathering steam! Looking good. Looking real good. These are the kind of subpoenas you cannot ignore! Lindsey Graham, Rudy Giuliani, and others subpoenaed by Fulton County election inquiry | Washington Examiner
  6. Good sarcasm. But it might not be a bad idea for Thailand to put up big warning signs at the airport and offering donation bins to "recycle" the goods.
  7. Florida's hateful Make LGBT people and discussions INVISIBLE law is just the tip of the iceberg. It's a major national trend. LGBT youth are under a vicious and persistent national aggressive attack by homophobic right wing demagogues. Particularly noxious is forcing LGBT youth to get permission to join supportive school clubs as many such youth have extremely homophobic often ultra religious parents. So forcing people OUT way before it's safe to do so is part of the right wing's agenda. Of course most such kids will not OUT themselves to awful parents and thus not be able to join the clubs, the group that could benefit from a supportive place the most. Obviously the sum total of these policies spreading rapidly nationally is increased bullying of LGBT youth and increasing suicides. These aren't innocent laws. They may be great politics for the culture war demagogues, but they have human victims (who the right wingers obviously don't care about at all). Right wingers keep saying they are trying to protect the children but in reality they are trying and succeeding in directly causing harm to LGBT children. This article references both the endangered clubs and laws like Florida's to make LGBT INVISIBLE. Gay-Straight Alliance clubs come under attack at schools nationwide - The Washington Post LGBTQ clubs were havens for students. Now they’re under attack.
  8. Straight pride is every day. https://www.theodysseyonline.com/why-there-shouldnot-straight-parade/1-straight-pride-is-every-day
  9. Everywhere huh? Do you live in West Hollywood. Your rhetoric does come off as homophobic.
  10. Florida schools are now literally telling their teachers to avoid any and all LGBT related content and discussion IN ALL GRADES out of fear of lawsuits. LGBT teachers are afraid of being fired and LGBT students are being made INVISIBLE. This is the kind of oppressive stuff you expect in authoriatarian states like Russia and Iran. The USA under demagogues like DeSantis is going down a very dark road.
  11. Then you have led a sheltered life. In my own life the worst example was moving to a new house to be greeted with the word FAGS painted in red on the house.
  12. If you say so. Frankly I find your OBSESSION with favoring limiting LGBT visibility to be homophobic but yes I am well aware that homophobia continues to be very widespread. Evidence of that is abundant on this very topic.
  13. Actually I would say in ALL countries there is a real or potential price to be paid for coming out. Things including being disowned by family, youth kicked out to the street by family, friends dropping you, bullying, employment and housing discrimination even if illegal, violent attacks up to incarceration and execution depending on country. In the US for example it is legal to fire someone just for gay identity and the republican right wing is on the warpath to scapegoat LGBT people and conflate them with pedos. The Florida bill is but one example.
  14. This is a crackpot line of debate anyway. The Florida law nor does any other state law limit schools to math and science.
  15. I said no such thing! I find your suggestion that homelessness is only about choice and mental illness in a time of historically massive rent hikes coupled with relatively weak wage increases to be incredibly offensive and truly disgusting! BTW try being borderline homeless or full on the streets for any length of time and see how your mental health holds up. Then there are those with fixed income, even worse if low. You got yours, why not just gaslight and blame the suffering of others only on themselves? How convenient. Back to the topic! Can you do that? The type of person I was talking about that would be in a total caca storm going back. Low ss check say 1200. Low assets. Not enough to buy even a basic <deleted> house in a <deleted> area for cash. No car. Could he afford one of your units? Obviously not. I recall you saying you wouldn't do Section 8. You and scads of other landlords. So what is the name of your SD area? What options if any would that returning expat have? I will check it myself if you say the area. Up to you. Referring to the actual topic here, obviously such an expat would be much better off staying an expat in a lower cost country. Able to afford a nice safe home in an area where a car isn't needed, to eat out daily if they want, to not worry about instant 50 percent rent hikes, indeed to live in dignity.
  16. I am not going to be baited into a policy debate. I have already posted links about the direct correlation of dramatic rent spikes and increased homelessness.
  17. Only 600 is it? Was that a typo? Source please.. There is also the definition of homelessness and how well the counting is done. Are these groups counted? Couch surfers Living in cars Etc. What about people who are working three jobs paying 75 percent of their income in rent basically one minor unfortunate event from the streets?
  18. Trump is so not chilled about this! He's crapping his panties bigly on his ironically named Truth Social.
  19. Gay people are like everyone else not a monolith. However its very clear that have PRE JUDGED any responses the root of prejudice. DeSantis' law is obviously a cynical exercise in inflaming and exploiting hatred towards LGBT people for culture wars political gain.
  20. This topic is not about Gay Pride parades at which attendance is optional. Its about Florida schools at which attendance is required. LGBT people and topics are being made INVISIBLE by an authoritarian right wing demagogue who has a good chance of being president. Putin would love this deeply bigoted law.
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