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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Everyone is assumed by default to be straight and cisgender.. You didn't know that?
  2. This increased during the pandemic for good reasons and now the habit persists. I get many many deliveries but not from my nearby convenience store which I do walk to.
  3. My personal experience in a decent well funded US school district in the 60's and 70's. LGBTQ stuff non existent in classes. LGBTQ kids and those suspect for any reason bullied relentlessly often violently. The schools offered no support. MOST but not all teachers made their relationship status public to the students. No openly LGBT teachers. I had a drama teacher who was gay but he needed to be aggressively in the closet if for no other reason than he could have been legally fired just for being gay. I did have a chance to talk to him after I graduated. He was badly damaged by the closet and had severe internalized homophobia.
  4. South Dakota population represents what TINY percentage of the country? You have reported your anecdotal personal experience and that has value but hardly tells the bigger national story.
  5. I have noticed that the majority of news reports about victims of very greedy landlords include information on landlord's POV and give them a chance to respond which they often decline. They also report the hikes as legal. Legal isn't the same as right.
  6. I know the town from a family connection. Is it too early to speculate what the social media of the shooter apparently a young white man might look like?
  7. Is basic just crappy housing only for the elite? This young woman brings up some obvious but not discussed enough points about the overall SOCIAL COST of such widespread housing insecurity. Tenant Puts Landlord on Blast After They Try to Increase Her Rent by $700 (dailydot.com)
  8. They are very different holidays. I noticed some of the pushback (honor the military) to the Orlando letter seemed to imply that the 4th of July is more or less the same thing as Memorial Day. The 4th of July isn't even about victory against the British. At the time of the Declaration of Independence that victory was a long shot.
  9. Yes, under oath. Doesn't need to be a court trial to be under oath. Lying to congress under oath is the crime of perjury. Similar to lying a FBI agent. Very serious!
  10. A sign of the times. I think the original message was apt to these times but of course they were forced to walk it back. Florida city apologizes for saying 'a lot of people probably don't want to celebrate our nation right now' (nbcnews.com)
  11. George McGovern's nomination acceptance speech: “It is the time for this land to become again a witness to the world for what is just and noble in human affairs. It is time to live more with faith and less with fear, with an abiding confidence that can sweep away the strongest barriers between us and teach us that we are truly brothers and sisters.” I don't see that is going to happen! Referring to the video things keep getting stupider and stupider.
  12. Well my feeling is that the 4th of July can be a time for Americans to reflect about how they feel about being American in the current time in history and only Americans can do that. Refer to the video. I have a personal family connection to Highland Park IL a very American midwestern small town suburb and yes it was apt to post that as it happened at their 4th of July parade and I doubt many people are particularly surprised.
  13. Maryland should enforce the law whatever it is but they should not be bullied into changing the law by the radical right wing theocratic minority rule for life illegitimate supreme court. Those batards need to be taken down a peg or ten.
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