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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I think he thinks being an official candidate might shield him from being indicted. Sadly it might because he will weaponize his well armed cult and Garland might feel indictments aren't worth the risk of civil war.
  2. Exactly. Owning the libs, bigoted culture wars are much more important to magas than good policy.
  3. So this is just entertainment for you. That is disgusting. Also you say you're not a trump loyalist yet much of your rhetoric could be taken directly from Truth Social. So sorry Charlie your denials are simply unbelievable. Quacks like a duck ...
  4. It's only a "farce" to Trumpist loyalists as they're starting to realize the jig is up and their criminally corrupt dear leader is now permanently damaged goods. It is not a trial. It is not a body that can indict. If hopefully Trump is indicted for one ot more of his obvious felonies then the rules of trials will be in effect. For now Trump and his associates are more than welcome to testify under oath. But most are too chicken as they have awareness of guilt and of course they can always take the fifth.
  5. Exactly. It's totally absurd. For a witness to act as if they could accurately remember every word of every recalled quote would ruin their credibility unless they could prove they were a freak with perfect photographic memory.
  6. It's impossible to predict the future. The US condo I.sold to finance my early retirement was at a bubble price at the time. Rents did not match. Having US rentals while living abroad is not for everyone. Its a complication and depending on the state a tax issue. Chickens home to roost suggests bad behavior. Yes I reject that negativity. All we can do is make the best investment decisions at the time based on what we know at the time. But frankly even knowing what happened over so many years I still don't think I would choose holding US real estate. Not everyone is you though I agree people should be advised to at least strongly consider not selling. Personally its not as if I want to repatriate but its nice to have the option. I didn't forsee a future where repatriation even in a more remote crappy area would become highly unfeasible. Certainly 5 years ago that was not the case. Oh well.
  7. The law has nothing to do with speech outside schools The biggest issue with this bill is the chilling effect it will have in ALL SCHOOL GRADES. That is because ANYTHING LGBT in ANY GRADE is vulnerable to snitching right wing homophobic parents complaining and costing the school large financial penalties. Also teachers are afraid of being fired. So school administrators out of self protection are making LGBT topics and people INVISIBLE. This is vicious intimidation and forced self censorship. This will increase anti LGBT bullying and LGBT youth suicide already very high. This is a cynical bigoted bill by a very ambitious demagogue who has a great chance to become president. Anti LGBT Putin would admire such political power grabbing through scapegoating tactics.
  8. Ukraine needs to win. Putin needs to lose. The results have global consequence. Luckily the US doesn't have an America First fascist isolationist as president now.
  9. Doesn't matter. Your rhetoric reflects Trumpist Americans. Are you Russian or something? Can't keep track of everyone's nationality.
  10. Too funny! Right wingers always forget about deficits when they are in control. Witness the moronic massive tax cuts for the rich by Trump. Then when they aren't they get their old timey religion deficit obsession
  11. It's funny not ha ha funny how right wing Americans are so often so sympathetic to authoriatarian dictator war criminal Putin.
  12. Its a completely different republican party from 30 years ago much less 160 years.
  13. He did want to go there. No lunge is needed to prove that. But intent can be proven even if he didn't want to go there.
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