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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Biden wanted to do something historic for representation on the SCOTUS and he kept his promise. It's done, she's very qualified, and on the horrific illegitimate radical far right wing court she's on. he vote won't make any difference anyway. You guys won and still complaining!
  2. Again, it is not! It was just an obnoxious baiting showboating for right wing media question by an obnoxious culture wars far right wing republican, and she responded properly by not being baited! Smart lady but we already knew that.
  3. No fault of her own but sadly Justice Brown Jackson enters an ILLEGITIMATE court thanks to the dirty tricks of McConnell and Trump to install two radical far right wing justices. Trump's third radical far right pick was done honestly. Supreme Court's dramatic rightward turn may undermine its political distance: Experts - ABC News (go.com)
  4. You're right. Another member said definition of a woman would matter in a trans athlete case and it really wouldn't. So I addressed that. Of course the new justice is immensely qualified.
  5. True. The issue with trans women athletes is a matter of balancing the rights of the trans women with the rights of the cis women. As a credible argument can be made that trans women have an unfair biological advantage, the clear trend for that issue is excluding trans women from competition.
  6. I guess a buy one get one free promotion is out of the question.
  7. Wow. So we agree! For a lower income / wealth expat to voluntarily repatriate to the U.S. they are in for a MUCH LOWER quality of life with a real risk of life threatening homelessness. But plenty of people for a wide variety of reasons do "go home" with relative levels of actually wanting to. It's always a possibility for better or worse, if you're not wealthy and don't have earning power -- FOR WORSE.
  8. They are definitely a far right wing party now with a focus on white nationalism, white resentment, opposition to LGBT. anti voting rights for poor and minorities, opposition to abortion rights, almost no gun control, in favor of insurrectionist Trump's big lie, pro authoritarian and anti democracy. They aren't a Mitt Romney party anymore -- not for a long time already.
  9. Your the one that said she isn't far right when she definitely is, Nazir or not.
  10. Yes but the trumpists and other adjacent right wing flotsam and jetsam eat that stuff up. They usually don't care so much about policy, but CULTURE WARS trumps.
  11. Actually she is! You didn't even check first did you? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marsha_Blackburn
  12. So what to do when the rent doubles and your 25,000 thingie becomes worthless? Such deals are literally TRAPS for poor seniors. A captive audience for the vulture corporations buying up such parks. Not to mention hurricanes.
  13. If you're on a low social security check rent over 600 won't work. Obviously better to live abroad in countries where you can get something quite good without need for car for well under 600.
  14. Your specific example is very good FOR SOME PEOPLE but you need to always look at the details. A returning expat may not have 75 k cash. A returning expat on a lower end check would not be able to get s mortgsge. I checked rentals there. 600 and less all looked horrible and subject to future ruinous increases. 1200 up decent. Thats the entire income for many. No landlord would rent in that case. You would need to run a car there. Several thousands annually even ig you bought a beater for cash. Repairs maintensnce, gas, insurance. So yes an example like that could work for SOME but best if they could buy with cash.
  15. Because Fox news brain infection never sleeps? Benghazi! Hillary's server! Etc.
  16. Its objectively trivial compared to the report about Trump's actions about arms. That could be the basis of a felony charge. Again nix the noise and see them testify under oath if they dare.
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