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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Yes many women will die and many more will be stuck in a lifetime of dire poverty because this disgusting supreme court has enabled so many states to force women into carrying out pregnancies they wish to end.
  2. Just don't post. You might need visa help someday. This forum is an incredible free resource for many practical matters.
  3. Yeah its good but it doesn't exactly equal the ravages of inflation and the crashing stock market.
  4. No. Fired for using his official position to intimidate/groom young boys to participate in a religious activity in a public school. Separation of church and state being crushed by this American Christian Taliban illegitimate court.
  5. Of course they weren't but they realized if they continued to allow Jesus freak coach to lead his flock of impressionable boys then they would have a hard time denying the Satanists.
  6. The quarterback for my high school football team was a bisexual atheist acidhead but they were 0 and 12.
  7. No you don't get it. The radical Christian theocrats are now working to make fetuses legally persons which would instantly ban abortion nationally and make all abortion murder.
  8. But spilling seed willy nilly outside of a hoohah is religiously prohibited. Maybe a new project for Justice Thomas. These radical Christian theocratic nut jobs are already seriously discussing criminalizing contraceptives. Its not such a stretch to making jacking off illegal. Of course they won't do that. Their target is women especially poor women. Not men except if they are gay.
  9. What he actually did. Very different than your naive charactetization! Imagine the social pressure on team members who were not Christian. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/27/supreme-court-praying-football-coach/
  10. Exactly. He would be tarred and feathered. This is about codifying Christian dominance and destroying the separation of CHRISTIAN church and state. The SCOTUS is now like the American Taliban.
  11. Quite a stretch. At this point in the US a fetus is not a person under the law. Fact. The radicals are trying to change that in which case then yes then abortion would be murder.
  12. For those that support this HORRIFIC misogynist court ruling by the theocratic right wing radicals, consider that in much of the world what has happened in the US is a cautionary tale that they should take pains to avoid themselves. Shining city on a hill? More like a putrid mountain of dog poo. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/06/27/global-abortion-reproductive-rights-united-states-cautionary/ The Supreme Court turns the U.S. into a cautionary tale The American right loves to trumpet their nation’s “exceptionalism,” the myth that the United States’ political system and values are inherently unique and implicitly better than anything found elsewhere in the world. But whatever the merits of the belief, the United States in recent years has been seen by its closest partners as exceptional for all the wrong reasons.
  13. You do you. But that doesn't give you or any man to FORCE any woman to bear a child she doesn't want to bear.
  14. Unfortunately it is not the same. The damaging politicization of mask wearing from the west (and Russia etv.) has sadly infected Thailand at least among westerners here.
  15. I will add that for those that sensibly intend to keep masking, if you haven't done so already, up your mask game. With so many people being unmasked cloth and medical procedure masks are almost useless for SELF PROTECTION. Also Omicron variants are much more infectious I favor the Korean standard KF94.
  16. This isn't Chiang Mai. Our lungs are thankful for that. Next ....
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