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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Like I said, toxically divisive. Americans know which side you are on. In a pandemic we should all be on the SAME SIDE. So many Americans have needlessly died because of the toxic politics represented above.
  2. It's a mixed bag in the U.S. You can't discount that the U.S. has been the hardest hit of any other country in the world! Why? Insane, divisive politics where basic things like mask wearing and vaccinations have become political footballs. Seriously, health ministers might suffer some normal criticism in Thailand but in the U.S. a great man of public service and science like Fauci receives constant death threats. On the vaccination front, Thailand is not a rich country. You would expect rich countries to be successful in widely vaccinating quickly but Thailand and most countries in the world are NOT playing on any kind of level playing field! Looking at the reality, the Thailand vaccination program has been very good.
  3. Seriously? I'm skeptical. Has anyone else had that experience? If so, maybe some kind of new slang is developing to perhaps call very white f-rangs Mayonaisse N-words. That would be amusing.
  4. You have a situation that I don't have direct experience with but I will share this with you. Presenting yourself as a U.S. resident (and your wife) when you definitely are not is seen as fraud by Social Security. It can potentially lead to your benefits being stopped resulting in a major headache to get them back. Of course, many people do it. I think the main reason they do it is to avoid the "proof of life" letter which is annual for Thailand expats but has been cancelled the last few years due to Covid. If you go that path to deceive them (is that language too direct?) then you definitely do NOT want to use Manila FBU! If you choose to start to be honest about living abroad then I would suggest working through Manila FBU. I recall getting help by calling the foreign service phone number in Baltimore but for a recent attempt to sign up for Medicare Part B I called them for two weeks and never even made it to a call answering queue like there was nobody working there. So I did it with Manila FBU all by email and it was surprisingly quick and efficient.
  5. Just a theory. Another theory is what WHO is saying. Much of the world is barely vaccinated at all. Meaning unknown new variants are coming. Don't break out the champagne quite yet.
  6. Exactly. There are a number of places where the Covid related rules for tourists are reasonable. Thailand isn't one of them. Tourists shouldn't come here.
  7. Bottom line, tourists shouldn't come at all until this mess is over which still could be years. Returning expats, family reunification, those are the only rational reasons to come now.
  8. You've got to be barking mad to try to come to Thailand for a holiday these days.
  9. Right. A RIF or layoff is not the same thing as being fired. Laid Off Vs. Fired: The Key Differences You Need to Know | The Muse I suppose it does usually hurt but I've had occasions where I welcomed it and once even made a deal to volunteer for it.
  10. Keeping it real, it's obvious to anyone paying attention that Thailand is NOT a big book reading culture. That doesn't mean that no Thais are readers. How do they protest in Thailand? By reading in public - CSMonitor.com
  11. Well if they have a Pinoy accent being paid less is justified. Thais picking up Pinoy accented English is just wrong.
  12. The association isn't a thing. Eat your green gold fruit as you like.
  13. No it isn't. It's about milennials in general. Cuck is a moronic alt right insult.
  14. I've seen cado toast on a few menus in Pattaya.
  15. I was eating cado spread on bread for decades before it was a thing. What's not to like? Its a fat like butter? Nothing like the soy boy thing which is used as an alt right insult often by moronic incels. They're obsessed with connecting soy products with man boobs. Avocado toast is associated with millennials willing to pay 20 dollars for it. Sometimes used as a reason why they can't afford to buy a house.
  16. Jingthing

    Tiler needed

    Pattaya Dark side
  17. I couldn't sell weed to a pothead but once I took a sales job and realized very quickly that it was a criminal boiler shop out to steal life savings from pensioners. Not only couldn't I do that I wouldn't want to. I don't remember if I called in to say this isn't a fit or just didn't show. Another time I was formally hired with all the paperwork to a high position during a severe recession. The interview process was like central casting for a company and job you'd have to be insane to take The three people that interviewed me were all leaving shortly. But I figured what the heck, this new job title is impressive. Gave it a week and it was even worse than the red flags suggested. So I basically fired myself and they were not at all surprised. I even asked them not to pay me for the week but I don't remember if they did or not. Not featured on my resume!
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