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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. They are definitely some in Jomtien. No Zs as yet. Contrast to 2014 theft of Crimea where many were sporting Putin worship merch.
  2. So they do smashed burgers. Based on this to pull that off there are a lot of details to get right and easy to get it wrong. Again, I am skeptical. https://www.cookist.com/basic-techniques-what-the-smashed-burger-is-and-how-to-make-it-at-home/
  3. I wouldn't throw Sweden's entry out of bed. Winner? I am slowly checking out the entries. Rather painful as most are quite poor.
  4. Posters. This topic is about suggesting entire CHANNELS rather than single videos. So the videos are meant to be just a SAMPLE. So kindly include the name of the channel. The video above is from: HuntleyFilmArchives
  5. With abortions, you either get the abortion or you don't. If it's illegal it's more likely to be a dangerous back alley version. What if you're ALREADY married and the Handmaid's Tale Supreme Court rules you're suddenly not married anymore? Honey, the government made us divorce! I heard a comment today. The extremist right wing wants to take us back to the 50's, but not 19 ones. Earlier.
  6. Of course Ukraine will get sympathy votes but even with that I don't think their song rates as a possible winner.
  7. Being American I have very specific biases as to what makes a very good or gourmet burger and I'm not even close to a burger fanatic. The source of the meat is only one aspect of many.
  8. https://www.eatthis.com/in-n-out-secret-menu-items/
  9. I definitely agree with that but on the other hand if a man you know informs you he is whatever for example "gender fluid" and perhaps he asks you to refer to him as they, does it really hurt you so much to politely agree? Believe it our not, I find the they thing completely absurd but I still value treating people with respect if they make a polite request. On the other hand if you mess up one time and call him he and then he/they/whatever tries to get you fired for that, that is evil. Another thing I won't do (but it's likely generational) is announce "my pronouns" upon meeting someone and asking for their pronouns. I'm going to assume the standard UNLESS the person presents as transgender in which case I would assume they want what they appear as. But as above if a person tells that information unsolicited may as well listen to them. In life I find a lot of things absurd, such as Jews for Jesus or Gays for Trump, but if that's how such people identify, well, they're telling you who they are, and not agreeing to accept their self identities doesn't really make any sense.
  10. Chains I want to see here in addition to Five Guys Burgers: Popeye's Louisiana Fried Chicken Qdoba Burritos El Pollo Loco Mexican Grilled Chicken
  11. Yes, these right wing extremists are on a roll and more than likely set to hold on to their power for generations. Is there a chance/hope to stop them? Sure but I wouldn't bet on that. LGBTQ rights next? If abortion rights go, Supreme Court has new path (usatoday.com) I don't see how civil war in the U.S. works geographically though. There are large red areas even in California. Big cities like Atlanta are usually blue areas in red states. Even deeper very damaging internal divisions which almost didn't even seem possible, yes, most definitely. The USA has very powerful external enemies now. They wouldn't be stupid to just watch and wait for us to defeat ourselves.
  12. In-N-Out seems rather a cult. Secret ordering language. You can keep it!
  13. Just what I was thinking before I read your post. I'd prefer FIVE GUYS but I haven't eaten at the Shack and it sounds pretty good. As things stand, living in Pattaya, I don't really eat burgers. Won't go to the McDs or BK and don't really trust the "premium" local places. But I would try Shack although I see for now Bangkok only.
  14. Vets near Manila love it. Yeah BGC is a dirt hole. Sure thing.
  15. In case anyone thinks this leak is a big hoax, Chief Justice Roberts has confirmed its authenticity.
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