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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I'm not surprised about that, but surely now they will quite literally spread.
  2. Everyone in Thailand will be exposed to it like everywhere else. Thailand can slow it down somewhat but they should really be focused on a more aggressive vaccine program (plus boosters to those in that time frame) to hit 90 percent of the population ASAP.
  3. So you don't say WHERE in Turkey? I'm curious but I don't blame you!
  4. Yeah it cuts both ways. When it first appeared and we didn't know about the more mild aspect there was an overblown global panic over something that we just didn't know enough about yet to justify that. Now many people seem to be irrationally amplifying the more mild aspect and I honestly wouldn't be at all surprised if intentional virus spreading parties become a big trend.
  5. Spot on. That guy doesn't have one ounce of a clue. As far as gays in the closet out of legit fear of oppression, being cut off from family, career suicide, or even prison and execution, and I reckon that's still the majority in the world, I think it's much harder for those in committed relationships. You know the people that would most benefit from marriage equality. A photo of their spouse and family pooch on the desk? Oh no! That would be sticking it in their face! Taking their spouse to a company event. Don't be so uppity! Know your place! Your real life, your real self -- INVISIBLE.
  6. Blah. Apartheid. Blah blah. Palestinians. Blah blah blah.
  7. She has a body a bit closer to a more natural size rather than an anorexic model type and that's supposed to be brave? It's hilarious and quite silly that men and women that are fleshier (she is hardly a big big girl) are called brave for showing their body.
  8. My impression is that side effects from full dose Moderna are indeed an issue for many. I have a close relative that had severe long term effects from both doses. Yes anecdotal.
  9. Not really. Pretty much everyone will be exposed to this. That's a mainstream conclusion now.
  10. The Moderna Girls? Sounds like a great name for a Busby Berkeley dancing troupe.
  11. Great! Do you happen to know if they are giving the proper SMALLER dose of Moderna when used as a booster, or are they incorrectly giving the regular FULL dose?
  12. Most optimistically, the beginning of the end. Either way, we've still got at least another year of the great viral unpleasantness.
  13. It would have been much better to say it was a hangout for Africans.
  14. Is it necessary to visit to register and pay for that? If so, how can that be done. How do I contact the desk?
  15. As an American with adequate wealth to live quite comfortably in countries like Thailand, Mexico, Colombia, and the Philippines I find the "safety" issue quite amusing. On my budget I would be lucky to find a rusted trailer infested with snakes in a decrepit backwater filled with drug addicts to live in back in the U.S. Now there is a REAL safety issue. (OK I admit a tad of exaggerated literary license there.) The trick with living with relatively safety in the countries with bad reputations is to pick your specific location carefully, avoid the bad parts of town just as you would at home, and avoid the drug and sex trade. Even with someone like me with low wealth level for the U.S. there are tons of good such choices in Latin America. There is a difference to Thailand with the Americas for mongers. That's safe here (other than diseases) but it puts you into a high crime risk in the Americas. I realize there are many sexpats in Thailand, so yes understood if that would be a turn off. Also if you're wealthy and coming from a place like Switzerland your baseline acceptance of crime risk will be very low.
  16. But there are always personal taste factors. I have taken a very long vacation there driving all around the country (but sadly didn't make it as far north as Porto). It was a great vacation (though my car was broken into it) but for some personal temperamental reason, I was super happy to get on the plane getting out of there. Contrast to my first trip to Thailand where I immediately felt -- how can I move here ASAP?
  17. You completely ignored the point I was making about codification when another term other than marriage is created to stick sexual minorities in an OTHER category. Either you actually STILL don't get the issue or you're playing a disingenuous game to avoid facing the issue and the utter hypocrisy and mean spiritedness of your positions. Given your incredibly insulting, hateful tone towards sexual minorities over the course of several posts, I am now inclined to think the latter. I have no interest in engaging in "debate" here with people pushing a bigoted POV that can't even discuss things in good faith. So post all you want, but engagement with me about this is over.
  18. Why is it that those that are curiously obsessed with denying sexual minorities equal civil rights as if that would take something away from them, seem to always talk about stuff being shoved in their faces? Oh, the imagery.
  19. History shows that once a country slips out of democracy its very difficult to ever get it back. Of course countries like Russia that never had a culture of democracy in the first place didn't have much to slip out of.
  20. Me too but the suggestion has changed to three months. Without a boost both of us are very likely to be infected with Omicron.
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