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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Obviously there is screening. Should be so for all couples and single applicants too.
  2. For some. For others that would be hell. This isn't one size fits all matter.
  3. Where did you get the idea that the majority of Thai people oppose gay marriage?!? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Same-sex_marriage_opinion_polls_worldwide
  4. Imagine if some years back someone said this: And this is one good thing about living in South Africa. Apartheid. That would be an opinion for sure. An atrocious bigoted opinion.
  5. It was incorrectly asserted here that homosexuality does not occur in the animal kingdom and that proves its always a choice with humans. Nope.
  6. That's deceptive. There is indeed a very high demand for babies, very young children, of the dominant race in societies. There is much weaker demand for older children, children with problems, certain races of children. Adoption opportunities for single parents is related to same sex couples adoption. Lesbians of course don't need to adopt to have children.
  7. Give the man a break. Clearly he was doing a sociology experiment.
  8. Why are you getting two Modernas? You already had 2 AZ.
  9. Yes but there is always the cucumber loophole.
  10. Cool! More on Turkey. How about tiny, hairless, small to medium-breasted super-slim GUYS? Ha ha
  11. Carnal knowledge of security apparatus. Not likely more than a misdepeenor.
  12. Before you feign to judge, how else is there to <deleted> a lock?
  13. No! Some people refer to themselves as they/them. Personally that sounds more to me like a multiple personality issue but up to them. But generally most transgender women identify as female and wish to be addressed that way. The article says she is typical in that. This news organ should have respected that or they could have been rude and referred to her as a Mister. But they/theming her is most likely due to ignorance of what that is by the writer. Simply wrong.
  14. Yes. Say black. But in this case it was about actual Africans.
  15. How totally bizarre the journalist refers to her as their! Read the article if you don't get that.
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