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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. They should. Maybe they don't have the supply.
  2. My focus is on RETIRED expats so heres my response to that list in that context. 1. Taiwan Not a fit 2. Mexico One of the best choices in the world. Overall moderate cost. 3. Costa Rica Pretty good. Relatively high cost. 4. Malaysia Visa program has priced most people out. Moderate cost to live though. 5. Portugal One of the best choices in the world. Overall moderate cost. 6. New Zealand Visa program has priced most people out. High cost 7. Australia Same same NZ 8.Ecuador One of the best choices in the world. Overall lower cost. 9. Canada Not a fit 10. Vietnam No legit visa option Should be on the list Colombia Phillipines Panama
  3. Perhaps but it shouldn't really matter either way. I'm more inclined to think there are multiple factors involved depending on the individual. Personally I have vivid memories of same sex attraction going back to very early childhood. It wasn't a time where people were coming out super early. Adults would call it a phase and in most cases it probably is. Why it shouldn't matter. I recently saw a doc about antisemitism in the UK. It featured a convert who looked about as Jewish as Archie Bunker but he wore a kippah so he experienced hatred on the streets often. So he chose to be a Jew and he was getting the same bigotry as those born Jewish. Again. It shouldn't matter.
  4. Easiest predictions ever. It will become dominant in Thailand. Everyone except hermits will be exposed to it. Because it will hit all there will be many serious cases and deaths even though milder. The vaccinated will be much better off in avoiding severe cases even though huge numbers of them will still be infected.
  5. Indeed. But that one is probably more obvious than the do your own research thing at least to people paying attention. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-tweet-echo-mein-kampf/
  6. Superficially it may appear that way. But look deeper and you'll discover its not the paradise for Thai sexual minorities that you seem to think. Things like family reactions, career limitations especially for Ts, school bullying. Of course its much better than Iran.
  7. Hmm. We really need a lot more info about your specifics to know if its relevant to the group being talked about, 2 previous AZ jabs, being honest about having done that already, probably no yellow book. As you seem unwilling to share info, sorry but your report should be discounted. Going off thailandintervac site, Pfizer is mentioned as being available some places, no mention of boosters at all, no mention of booster eligibility rules. The link to Medpark today shows no bookings open to anyone for anything. Of more interest to me is Bangkok Hospital Pattaya as I live there and am sick of having to schlep to Bangkok. https://healthrisk.bangkokpattayahospital.com/rvs_covid/rvb_en_add.php There Pfizer boosters for people that had two AZ jabs is mentioned for pre registration! But wait. Only for Receive AstraZeneca 1st and 2nd dose [over 6 months] The government now says 3 months!
  8. There are crass people of all kinds. Gay people are not a monolith.
  9. This is most likely at a ONCE PER YEAR Gay Pride event. Are you implying this couple is doing that all the time? Again being gay is not a lifestyle any more than being straight is a lifestyle. You grow up and you then discover about your sexuality.
  10. So you had two AZ jabs before or if so what? Registered at Medpark how? Link?
  11. Marriage equality is not complicated. It has already happened in many countries.
  12. You don't understand how this works. Marriage is codified in law in hundreds or thousands of ALL apects of life. If you create a new category you must legislate each and every one of those at all levels of governance if the intention is to have the same thing different name. So now you're saying you're for 100 percent equaility? Really? Including parenting and adoption?
  13. You cheated! You said you were OK with a new name IF it included all the rights of marriage. No! The new name thing would need every right legislated just as you want to stick gays with.
  14. Here is a test Have a self pleasuring session. You get aroused by men or women when doing so? Particularly at time of orgasm. Can you choose to get aroused by men? Then you might be bi.
  15. Home run! Or should I say homo run? Anyway ideally national laws are separate from religious dogma. States should legalize gay marriage but shouldn't force religious venues to perform them.
  16. I'm suggesting that Pfizer is probably a much better booster than AZ.
  17. Yes but the early research seems to indicate that AZ is <deleted> protection for the new variant.
  18. Dude you're obsessed with toilets. How about this if you actually believe gay people having something different is equality. How about you an admitted heterosexual in the straight lifestyle accept civil unions for you guys and give marriage with all its automatic civil rights to gays? If you're not a total hypocrite you would be OK with that. Yeah?
  19. At this point I'm not even sure IF AZ is an ACCEPTABLE and EFFECTIVE booster after 2 AZ jabs for the new variant.
  20. You persist with that lifestyle garbage. Show some respect. You are not superior to your fellow humans that happen to be sexual minorities. You do not deserve superior civil rights just because you are in a majority.
  21. The situation for access will likely vary radically based on location in Thailand and other factors. Also to note the preferred booster for 2 AZ jabs is Pfizer not AZ X3.
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