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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Yeah. Not only less hot but less flavor too. I use this now: https://www.tabasco.com/hot-sauces/chipotle-sauce/
  2. Even though this is not a good look for the U.S. (what else is new?) it was much better to cancel than risk being among the Patient Zeros for importing Omicron to Thailand.
  3. I wish more people believed that tripe because it would decrease expat housing demand in desirable places like Puerto Vallarta and San Miguel de Allende. To me the worst thing about Mexico now is that it has gotten too expensive and too many people moving from cities in the U.S. that think 1000 dollars a month rent is cheap.
  4. Incels are not a gay thing at all. Never heard of a gay incel. These are men that can't get laid by women. Gay men that can't get laid by men don't have a special club.
  5. When I talk about retired expats, I'm talking about people that move to a country initially and specifically to retire. Most countries don't allow that. Taiwan is in the most category. Of course many countries have other paths like marriage and become a resident other ways, then retiring.
  6. I don't recall if this was mentioned already, but I'm loving Swedish BEARTOWN. I'm not even a hockey fan either.
  7. Yeah we need more apps like that like a hole in the head. Lipstick on a pig controller app for other annoying onerous apps, it sounds like. If and when they ever want a reasonable volume of tourism then it's time to eliminate apps, not add more of them. Maybe ONE app, deeply pared down, and associated entry requirements also deeply pared down. No predictions on how many years until that might happen. Look at Colombia for an example. They're already there.
  8. Yeah, the list is about expats in general probably skewed towards working expats, not retired expats specifically. Retirement in Taiwan? No visa for that. Vietnam, also no visa for that. .
  9. I could have told y'all that without any report. It's freakin' obvious.
  10. This topic is about marriage equality specifically. Boys in dresses is something else. Can you say you're not sure about Adam and Steve? Dude, you just said it. So you can say it but it does make you sound like an ossified fuddy duddy. My suggestion to you and everyone else that opposes gay marriage is simple. Don't get gay married.
  11. No. If a child has been legally adopted the child then has parents with the exact same legal parental rights as any other parents.
  12. Obviously there is screening. Should be so for all couples and single applicants too.
  13. For some. For others that would be hell. This isn't one size fits all matter.
  14. Where did you get the idea that the majority of Thai people oppose gay marriage?!? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Same-sex_marriage_opinion_polls_worldwide
  15. Imagine if some years back someone said this: And this is one good thing about living in South Africa. Apartheid. That would be an opinion for sure. An atrocious bigoted opinion.
  16. It was incorrectly asserted here that homosexuality does not occur in the animal kingdom and that proves its always a choice with humans. Nope.
  17. That's deceptive. There is indeed a very high demand for babies, very young children, of the dominant race in societies. There is much weaker demand for older children, children with problems, certain races of children. Adoption opportunities for single parents is related to same sex couples adoption. Lesbians of course don't need to adopt to have children.
  18. Give the man a break. Clearly he was doing a sociology experiment.
  19. Why are you getting two Modernas? You already had 2 AZ.
  20. Yes but there is always the cucumber loophole.
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