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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Cool! More on Turkey. How about tiny, hairless, small to medium-breasted super-slim GUYS? Ha ha
  2. Carnal knowledge of security apparatus. Not likely more than a misdepeenor.
  3. Before you feign to judge, how else is there to <deleted> a lock?
  4. No! Some people refer to themselves as they/them. Personally that sounds more to me like a multiple personality issue but up to them. But generally most transgender women identify as female and wish to be addressed that way. The article says she is typical in that. This news organ should have respected that or they could have been rude and referred to her as a Mister. But they/theming her is most likely due to ignorance of what that is by the writer. Simply wrong.
  5. Yes. Say black. But in this case it was about actual Africans.
  6. How totally bizarre the journalist refers to her as their! Read the article if you don't get that.
  7. I'm not surprised about that, but surely now they will quite literally spread.
  8. Everyone in Thailand will be exposed to it like everywhere else. Thailand can slow it down somewhat but they should really be focused on a more aggressive vaccine program (plus boosters to those in that time frame) to hit 90 percent of the population ASAP.
  9. So you don't say WHERE in Turkey? I'm curious but I don't blame you!
  10. Yeah it cuts both ways. When it first appeared and we didn't know about the more mild aspect there was an overblown global panic over something that we just didn't know enough about yet to justify that. Now many people seem to be irrationally amplifying the more mild aspect and I honestly wouldn't be at all surprised if intentional virus spreading parties become a big trend.
  11. Spot on. That guy doesn't have one ounce of a clue. As far as gays in the closet out of legit fear of oppression, being cut off from family, career suicide, or even prison and execution, and I reckon that's still the majority in the world, I think it's much harder for those in committed relationships. You know the people that would most benefit from marriage equality. A photo of their spouse and family pooch on the desk? Oh no! That would be sticking it in their face! Taking their spouse to a company event. Don't be so uppity! Know your place! Your real life, your real self -- INVISIBLE.
  12. Blah. Apartheid. Blah blah. Palestinians. Blah blah blah.
  13. She has a body a bit closer to a more natural size rather than an anorexic model type and that's supposed to be brave? It's hilarious and quite silly that men and women that are fleshier (she is hardly a big big girl) are called brave for showing their body.
  14. My impression is that side effects from full dose Moderna are indeed an issue for many. I have a close relative that had severe long term effects from both doses. Yes anecdotal.
  15. Not really. Pretty much everyone will be exposed to this. That's a mainstream conclusion now.
  16. The Moderna Girls? Sounds like a great name for a Busby Berkeley dancing troupe.
  17. Great! Do you happen to know if they are giving the proper SMALLER dose of Moderna when used as a booster, or are they incorrectly giving the regular FULL dose?
  18. Most optimistically, the beginning of the end. Either way, we've still got at least another year of the great viral unpleasantness.
  19. It would have been much better to say it was a hangout for Africans.
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