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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. People are complaining about an alleged extra ingredient. Food gone off, THC, or mass hysteria? Secret of Siam restaurant accused of serving ‘adulterated’ food | Las Vegas Review-Journal (reviewjournal.com)
  2. I don't comment on Thai politics. Not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent.
  3. In Florida the further south you go, the further north you go.
  4. That would be covered under awesome political division. For example often people complaining about "cancel culture" are very quick to hypocritically support final cancelation of people they don't like. Perfect example of such a target is Dr. Fauci. "A house divided against itself, cannot stand." Lincoln
  5. Yeah awesome. Awesome economic inequality. Awesomely crappy crumbling infrastructure. Awesome racism. Awesome lack of affordable housing. Awesome political division. Awesomely dysfunctional government. Awesome inflation. Awesome lack of public transportation. Awesome homelessness. Awesome seniors living in cars. Awesome criminalization of poverty. Awesome book banning. Awesome retreat from democracy. Awesome corporate power. Awesome rejection of science. Awesome incarceration rates. Awesomely poor access to health care at awesomely high costs with awesomely poor outcomes. Awsomely high covid deaths coupled with an awesomely stupid antivax death cult. Awesomely high rates of gun violence. Awesome burritos.
  6. Good luck back in the rapidly declining empire.
  7. I hear you but most countries made big mistakes so I was suggesting grading on a curve.
  8. No it wasn't at all. Your wee story reminds me of a 100 year chain smoker saying that proves smoking is healthy. Get it now snookums?
  9. You could make a rational case that Thailand's response overall has been reasonably decent all things considered. But best in the world? Beggar's belief.
  10. How ten false flag narratives were promoted by pro-Kremlin media | by @DFRLab | DFRLab | Feb, 2022 | Medium
  11. You can find local news stories like this all over the country. A few members here seem to be suggesting that people just ignore the press on this issue. I don't buy that.
  12. Jingthing

    Booster shots ?

    My information says the crowds at RGP are lighter now. Maybe much lighter. There are three lines. One to register for Moderna. One to register for Pfizer. One for the jab. You could also go to Pattaya Memorial Hospital to pay for Moderna in which case you might get it same day or as in my case perhaps ten days later.
  13. Do they have an AUTOFILL feature for filing the next report with the same information after you've done one online before? I'm assuming not but if not that would be most welcome.
  14. Hard to know. Maybe they wanted to give suffering tourism businesses the impression they were opening rather than the reality.
  15. Well, golly. This is the greatest thing since sliced rice. While I wasn't able to.use the old system this one worked seamlessly. Four days before my date: Created an account Password sent instantly Did a report Notification of receipt sent instantly Approval message with attachment next day
  16. Jingthing

    Booster shots ?

    Royal Garden Plaza. Pfizer and Moderna now available FREE. You choose your brand. Line up and register. Same day may be available but not always. If you had two Pfizer you need to wait six months after.
  17. Thanks for the update though of course policies can always change. I don't actually have a Cap One account but got my apparently false info from a high profile expat that does.
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