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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Here https://link.springer.com/book/10.1057/9780230104716 But this isn't a discussion of Russian history. The obvious and obviously ridiculous insinuation of that being posted was to suggest that the current western media is equivalent to Stalinist.
  2. Its not always as black and white as you suggest. For example old time westerns rarely show black or gay cowboys, yet they definitely existed and black ones were very common.
  3. No comment on that but I will say that the virus doesn't care about politics.
  4. You might want to look at the Dominican Republic. There are some "naughty" beach resorts there far away from Santa Domingo. I personally don't like the DR culture but its very popular. Covid rules sound OK. https://www.southwest.com/coronavirus/dominican-republic/
  5. The US is a very large diverse country so infection.waves hit different areas differently and at different times. Oregon being a blue state is heavily vaccinated. The Omicron hospitalizations and deaths are mostly about the unvaccinated.
  6. Personally I wish more of these predictions about when the pandemic ends emphasized that at this point its impossible to know. Emerging from Omicron there appears to be a majority of very optimistic projections. But such projections minimize some inconvenient truths: Massive vaccine hesitancy even in countries with excellent vaccine supply and distribution Very low vaccination rates in most of the world No plan to get all the world vaccinated quickly Rampant vaccine misinformation Great potential for new variants from both humans and other mammals Unknown how well and for how long an Omicron infection would be protective against future variants Effective treatments not very available to most Testing logistics poor. Treatments often require very early treatment Still unknown just how mild Omicron actually is because it hits populations already exposed to Covid The sad fact that Covid 19 passes back and forth between humans and all other mammals. So based on the above the pandemic COULD go on for MANY years Could, not will. We just don't know. What we want doesn't matter. The virus is in the driver's seat.
  7. If you want jungle AND beach Puerto Vallarta Mexico is great but I wouldn't recommend it for people wanting Pattaya sin city type scenes.
  8. Many videos about that that can't be posted here. Search nightlife Cartagena.
  9. Cartagena Colombia. Or Santa Marta but less of the kind of nightlife it sounds you want. Rules are doable.
  10. That's interesting. Residents is a loaded word. Remember the fiasco with registration when only f-rangs with yellow books could register? So it would depend on what they are asking, if anything, of f-rangs that show up as far as proof of residence.
  11. Maille Seasoned Whole Grain Mustard
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