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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Yes. For years. Use special soaps. I've been using turmeric and mangosteen spa bar soap sold at Boots. You don't really need to soap up your arms, legs, or torso very often. Some moisturizers make it worse.
  2. Yeah. What people choose to do with their rockets behind closed doors is their business. But these rockets are being waved shamelessly in our faces. We don't even have the option to make them go away. Kind of emasculating, no?
  3. It takes no intellect to know that Infowars and Marjorie Taylor Greene are garbage sources. There are facts. There are opinions. There are lies. .
  4. Many sources are total garbage so the equivalency you imply is nonexistent.
  5. How do you feel about the rockets? Do we love them, hate them, or don't care?
  6. I'm not going to dignify that with a response. There was no way for Thailand to keep Omicron out. Period.
  7. Death threats aren't opinions. If you don't acknowledge that toxic political divisiveness as well as misinformation about vaccines is a huge problem in the U.S. that literally kills people, we have nothing to discuss.
  8. I'm skeptical. Omicron has MOSTLY low or no symptoms. Most of the world is dealing with this with at home isolation. A huge portion of those infected would never feel a need to even seek testing. There has been a clear trend in Thailand to blame foreigners for introduction of all phases of this virus. It's convenient xenophobia.
  9. Depends on if they express the same outrage towards a Thai that decides to self isolate.
  10. I agree about zinc. I saw a source suggesting 50 mg. twice a day upon first onset of symptoms. Cough syrup with expectorant. i think there is a controversy about fever control especially for milder fevers. Fevers are your body fighting it. Why stop your body from fighting? It's too late after you're infected but I've been convinced that Vitamin D is a good thing to take. If 4K IU or more K2 is also recommended.
  11. Like I said, toxically divisive. Americans know which side you are on. In a pandemic we should all be on the SAME SIDE. So many Americans have needlessly died because of the toxic politics represented above.
  12. It's a mixed bag in the U.S. You can't discount that the U.S. has been the hardest hit of any other country in the world! Why? Insane, divisive politics where basic things like mask wearing and vaccinations have become political footballs. Seriously, health ministers might suffer some normal criticism in Thailand but in the U.S. a great man of public service and science like Fauci receives constant death threats. On the vaccination front, Thailand is not a rich country. You would expect rich countries to be successful in widely vaccinating quickly but Thailand and most countries in the world are NOT playing on any kind of level playing field! Looking at the reality, the Thailand vaccination program has been very good.
  13. Seriously? I'm skeptical. Has anyone else had that experience? If so, maybe some kind of new slang is developing to perhaps call very white f-rangs Mayonaisse N-words. That would be amusing.
  14. You have a situation that I don't have direct experience with but I will share this with you. Presenting yourself as a U.S. resident (and your wife) when you definitely are not is seen as fraud by Social Security. It can potentially lead to your benefits being stopped resulting in a major headache to get them back. Of course, many people do it. I think the main reason they do it is to avoid the "proof of life" letter which is annual for Thailand expats but has been cancelled the last few years due to Covid. If you go that path to deceive them (is that language too direct?) then you definitely do NOT want to use Manila FBU! If you choose to start to be honest about living abroad then I would suggest working through Manila FBU. I recall getting help by calling the foreign service phone number in Baltimore but for a recent attempt to sign up for Medicare Part B I called them for two weeks and never even made it to a call answering queue like there was nobody working there. So I did it with Manila FBU all by email and it was surprisingly quick and efficient.
  15. Just a theory. Another theory is what WHO is saying. Much of the world is barely vaccinated at all. Meaning unknown new variants are coming. Don't break out the champagne quite yet.
  16. Exactly. There are a number of places where the Covid related rules for tourists are reasonable. Thailand isn't one of them. Tourists shouldn't come here.
  17. Bottom line, tourists shouldn't come at all until this mess is over which still could be years. Returning expats, family reunification, those are the only rational reasons to come now.
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