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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Welcome to Utmark https://toisto.net/2021/04/16/welcome-to-utmark-review-hbo-nordic/
  2. When the proof of life letters resume whenever that is, this is how I would suggest dealing with not getting the first letter. No first letter? Do nothing. No second letter? Wait awhile to account for slow mail service. Still no second letter? Email Manilla FBU to report the problem. They will reply with the current method for a non standard filing. Do that. Also by reporting the problem you will have a record of that. Cheers
  3. Well, its my impression that filing any other way than with the actual letter you're supposed to receive is non standard. The physical letters have bar codes. I recall people posting about what Manila told them when they didn't get the first letter. Wait until the second letter. So while yes there are non standard ways to file, filing with an original letter is preferable and again there is no official online method like there is for FBAR.
  4. Yes you are. The letter often doesn't actually arrive in your mailbox. There is no online filing option like for FBAR but you can contact Manila FBU if you know to expect the letter and don't get it. A second letter attempt is made every year. Failure to file results in benefits being stopped. This requirement waived the last two years.
  5. Right. I was limiting this to what people tell the SSA but yes expats must decide how and why to present themselves residence wise to different entities. When I left the US I filed a partial year state tax return to record that divorce and began filing IRS with my Thai address. Many expats especially those from states without state income tax continue to file irs with a US address. If you say that you live abroad to SSA then that has a large impact on your Medicare signup options as well. Then there are banking, brokerage, credit card, and drivers license decisions as well. What about being called for jury duty? Real estate primary residence upon sale tax implications? Etc. Many banks don't want to deal with expats so why tell them? But again I was only talking about SSA. A member here said keep it simple. Well sorry but the implications of how expats declare their residences really aren't so simple.
  6. Do a poll. I would guess about 75 percent of those that are really living here and are collecting SS benefits have informed SSA.
  7. I never mentioned SSI and you know it. Enough of this stupidity. Here is what anyone can do. Contact social security and tell them that you are moving to Thailand permanently and have an old age claim but that you would like to keep your US address with them as your residence address of record indefinitely even though you will actually be living in Thailand. Will that be OK? Hmm?
  8. I never said moving to Thailand affected your retirement benefits. Not on this topic or any other old thread that you might wish to dredge up. Again: “Your Payments While You Are Outside the United States.” ... you will find this information: You are required to inform them of changes of address. "If you fail to report changes in a timely manner or if you intentionally make a false statement, we may stop your benefits."
  9. I am not talking about snowbirds, ambiguous cases, or whatever it is that you're doing although there are of course guidelines to determine which country a person resides in as their primary residence. The obvious point is that if a person actually does reside abroad, social security expects to know that fact in fact claimants are required to inform them in a timely manner. How is this controversial?
  10. Referring to the included document from Social.Security ... “Your Payments While You Are Outside the United States.” ... you will find this information: You are required to inform them of changes of address. "If you fail to report changes in a timely manner or if you intentionally make a false statement, we may stop your benefits." EN-05-10137.pdf
  11. You have misrepresented that other thread to support an ad homenem attack. Shame on you. Also it's quite obnoxious to dredge into old forum history to support your dubious personal attacks. But of course mailing and residence addresses are not the same thing. Let's say a person wanted a new SS claim and his residence was Thailand but he was going to falsely claim to be a US resident. Well in such a clean case its obvious that Manila FBU is not the place to contact.
  12. High school not college but of course in the US teens are often cast by 30 year olds.
  13. This is seriously good. Based on a true story about a gay serial killer focused on the brain dead police work and impact on the victim's loved ones lives.
  14. That doesn't surprise me. I have a condo security desk to receive parcels so no problem with that.
  15. If you are now living abroad it is your responsibility to inform SS and get your address changed with them. There is no problem at all having benefits direct deposited to a US bank account while at the same time recording a foreign address with SS. That's what I do actually. Manila FBU is the wrong place for US residents or those falsely posing as US residents to seek service. For US residents there are the normal US channels. To add I want to make it clear that I well understand why many expats never inform SS that they are living abroad. I suppose most are never discovered. But people should be clear that if discovered it is considered fraud and there will be consequences.
  16. As you dealt with Manila FBU I assume you were presenting as an American living abroad not a US resident correct?
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