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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Not their culture. Try Colombia, Brazil, or especially Haiti. Also I do think women would rather not find micropenises but fetishizing massive schlongs isn't common. More common a fetish of gay men.
  2. No. Ecuador is not a sex tourism destination
  3. Yes and as Garry Kasparov pointed out that doesn't mean that Ukraine or the west are or need to be pure as the driven snow angels either. Obviously no humans are. But we know total evil when we see it.
  4. At least he's unambiguous and consistent with his totally evil branding.
  5. Yes he'll consider entertaining total surrender.
  6. More accurate studies. You know what they say about corrupt Ecuadorian dick measurers.
  7. The check is in the mail. I won't hum in your mouth. I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today. Those pants don't make your ass look fat. Size doesn't matter. Next ...
  8. From micros to maxies, really at the end of the day AVERAGE is best.
  9. Dedicated practitioners of the hard sciences, I can assure you. Why just the other day a man in a purple coat knocked on my door sporting a measuring tape.
  10. He's just telegraphing more of the trumpist narrative. I alone can fix it. Trump cares only about his own personal power in this case getting it back just like his curiously good buddy Putin who is struggling to keep it. Taking war advice from that insurrectionist is laughable.
  11. You sure do show an awful lot of undeserved respect to a liddle Russian war criminal. If the west cowers every time it barks, the west and indeed democracy is finished.
  12. Much much more than a local scuffle: Francis Fukuyama on Putin, Trump and why Ukraine is key to saving liberal democracy | Salon.com
  13. He's a liar. Of course it would help. That's the money to mass murder Ukrainians.
  14. I actually think there will be an effort. Might be too little too late but we'll see.
  15. Back to the topic which is the Russian war of choice vs. Ukraine and the west, the west MUST prevail and the enemies of the west include not only Russia but also pro Putin and Putin adjacent forces in the far right wing within the west. War criminal Putin clearly thought the no doubt very real DIVISIONS and too strong pro authoritarian populist factions in the west, especially in the U.S., were his trump card to pull this off. He's right that is a major weakness, but the spirit of the Ukrainian resistance and the surprisingly quick unification of the west in response gives a lot of room for hope. But much more needs to be done. Western Europe needs to give up Russian energy in a significant way.
  16. Yes, there is hypocrisy and double standards. That observation is painfully unoriginal. It is a reason that a large part of the world is rejecting taking sides on this, even though this really is a case where the one side Russia has a dictator leader behaving like Hitler. The last two world wars started in Europe.
  17. Don't do Thailand Pass Don't do Test Go. As I said!
  18. Absolutely. The American First movement in the U.S. Not the Trump one. The Lindbergh one. Not an accident that is was copied. White nationalist Lindbergh viewed the WW2 European conflict as a fraternal squabble of no concern to the rest of the world.
  19. Just a squabble? That's just RIDICULOUS. I suppose that's the line of denialist isolationists but it just isn't true. There are always those elements, like the Hitler admiring "America First" Lindbergh faction in the U.S. during World War 2. Tucker Carlson / many trumpists today. This is a war with very significant global implications and yes it matters very much who wins. Putin’s Ukraine War Is the West’s Biggest Test Since World War II (foreignpolicy.com)

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