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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. I am a Democrat, a far-left liberal, and yes, I am a socialist. Socialism is an economic system like capitalism. A democratic government can administer a socialistic, capitalistic, or even communistic economy. A democratic government can indeed run a socialistic economy with a constitution, and yes, it has freedoms. It has, for example, the freedom for you to work at whatever you want, whatever you think will most benefit society. The good thing about socialism is that the government then fulfills your needs as best it can, using all the assets of society. In a capitalistic economy with a democratic government, needs are fulfilled by the individuals as best as they can, with no help at all from the government. If you are not a successful worker or entrepreneur, you'll starve.
  2. MSNBC is history. RIP Oops! I take that back! I never watch MSNBC or Morning Joe, but I just looked them up on the Internet, and they are considered a liberal news outlet, not a conservative one. So, I hope Morning Joe gets his viewers back, and MSNBC continues to present the news from the perspective I prefer.
  3. No, I do care about the USA's constitution, but some of the aspects of it are outdated. One is the topic of this Forum, and I've suggested another one, the Electoral College. It was put into place 248 years ago because after the votes in each state were collected and counted, they would have to ride on horseback to Washington, DC, to include them in the tally to determine who won the presidential election. Also, because of the emphasis on state's rights, each state was allowed to determine how their votes would be cast. Now, with our computers and communications structures, we should just be able to send the votes electronically and have them tallied as the popular vote. That's what I'd recommend. Of course, I'm a Democrat (favoring a democracy) and not a Republican (favoring a republic). If you're worried that I'm trying to change the results of this election, I'm not. I accept the fact that Trump won (accept it disappointedly). He won the plurality of the popular vote, so he would have been elected president in that case. However, there is the possibility that if no one wins a majority, the top two candidates will have a run-off election. That would have been an interesting event should it have happened this time.
  4. Who knows. I'm not riven by hate so I can't guess their motives. I guess it's a religious thing. I just wonder because I don't care if my toilet facilities are used by other men, women, or transvestites of either gender unless, of course, they assault me. But that would apply to anyone at any time, not just transvestites.
  5. Why? Do transvestites arouse them in ways they don't want to occur in public?
  6. I never thought there would be anything I would agree with RFK, Jr. about, but I guess I was wrong!
  7. Good! I hope he loses his show permanently.
  8. These are just the beginning signs of what will be destructive and catastrophic four years.
  9. Where, then, would transvestites go when they have to go to the toilet? There is now one that will be in the House of Representatives.
  10. How about men's restrooms? Are women also not allowed in them?
  11. I include the Electoral College in the list of historical but outdated aspects of our (the USA's) constitution.
  12. Yes! I recently was skipping through the channels on my TV and saw Trump and Musk sitting in the front row in a UFC match! 😄
  13. It would increase the cost of exporting those goods to the USA. That would reduce the profits of making and exporting those goods. That would either cause the goods to be sold at a lower price or lower the demand for the goods. Either of those would affect the economy of the country and would probably result in a reduction in the workforce of that industry. I am not an economist, so all this is just my thinking and resulting opinions on this subject.
  14. Trump's suggested tariffs would hurt not only US consumers but also citizens in the country where the tariffs were imposed.
  15. The Democrats (including me) don't have a "Death Wish"; we have a "Life Wish." Harris didn't do so badly. She did get about 48% of the popular vote in this election. Trump lost the last election but was still nominated by the Republican Party this time - and won. Why wouldn't Harris still be considered? I, however, would prefer someone like Pete Buttigieg, even though I know the majority of my fellow USA citizens are not ready for someone like him...yet. But after four years of Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress, they might be willing to vote for any Democrat nominated.
  16. The terms "Trump" and "Intelligence Briefing" are an oxymoron.
  17. So, is a "transgender woman" a man who dresses and acts like a woman or a woman who dresses and acts like a man? I know here it means the former. Would this act bar women (the latter above, or even "real" women) from using men's restrooms also?
  18. All you say is true except for the last sentence. The popular vote does not determine the votes in the Electoral College, the Senate, or the House. Trump did not get a majority of the popular vote. The last figures I saw on CNN yesterday showed him with 49.9% of the popular vote. (Harris got about 48.5%). 49.9% is not a majority. 50.1% is a majority. 49.9% is a plurality, but yes, it means Trump did win the popular vote.
  19. The votes in the Electoral College determine the winner. Trump won that. I was just posting that Trump did not get a MAJORITY of the votes cast in the popular vote. He did get a PLURALITY of those votes, but for the presidential election, it's only the Electoral Votes that count.
  20. Trump's 'huge lie' shows 'he’s taking everyone for an idiot' So, does this surprise anyone except the voters who voted for him? And, I suspect it doesn't even surprise some of them.
  21. I would only support the deportation of "illegal" immigrants who have been convicted of criminal acts. I would not support the deportation of "illegal" immigrants who did enter the country illegally but are seeking asylum. I believe their cases should be heard, and then, if their claims of asylum are accepted, they should be allowed to stay in the USA, my home country. If their claims are not accepted, then they should be deported.
  22. Yes, I know. It's determined by votes in the Electoral College. I did see this morning on CNN, however, that Trump did not get a majority of the popular vote. His percentage now is 49.9%. Harris' is about 48.5%, or something like that.
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