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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. I've never said Trump had something to do with this incident, but he has has a lot to do with similar incidents in the USA.
  2. What drives us is our hubris, and our technological inventions will eventually destroy this planet's biosphere and us along with it. There is no such thing as unlimited resources or renewable energy. Our belief that we will find or invent these someday is what continues to destroy this planet. I have no idea why his daughter is leaving him, but I'm sure she has plenty of very good reasons with which I would agree,
  3. I'm not in favor of anyone "doing wonders" in the space/tech industries, especially going into space. We should not even consider going to another planet until we learn to live both environmentally and socially compatible on this one. Otherwise, our going there should not be called "colonizing," but more accurately, it would be "metastasizing" because we (humans) are like a cancer on this planet.
  4. This topic, "cancel culture," certainly does have something to do with Trump and people like him who encourage such actions. This poor kid is dead. He killed himself because he was publically humiliated by his fellow students because, I think, he was accused of being gay. I'm sure nothing I post here will affect him, but I hope my posts will affect some others who read them.
  5. I admit that Trump's election has had a very troubling effect on me. I am troubled mostly to find out that a majority of US voters would even think of voting for Trump. But after more reflection, I realize I have lived in Thailand for over 20 years, so I am not really aware of what conditions are like in the US now. I'm living comfortably here, so I cannot fully appreciate how anyone could even consider voting for someone like Trump. Anyway, we'll all find out just what a second presidency with Trump will be like soon. He'll be sworn in at the end of January, and he's promised to start implementing his policies on day one. I think by the end of February, we'll begin to know better just how things are going to go over the next four years.
  6. I don't think that's so. I think there are people out there who would provide homes for them. They just need to be found and the dogs sent to them, Take me, for example. I live in the mountains of Phetchabun Province. People from the city come up here and abandon their dogs, some of them who are still nursing puppies. I have a large parcel of land, about 12 rai, so can accommodate any strays we find on the road. Right now, we have 11 dogs. We spay the females but not the males. They need all the testosterone they can get to survive up here. My Thai neighbors all have dogs, most of them more than one. I'm sure that's the case in many areas of Thailand outside of large cities. I hope the authorities in the cities that have to deal with these dogs establish a relationship with rural areas so they can relocate these strays and not just kill them.
  7. I am a far-left liberal, and I accept that Trump's election was, in part, a "wake-up call" on what the right-wingers call "woke" issues. However, I think the "wake-up call" should not be taken as a call to change the policies but to try to further educate the public on these issues and what is best for society. I, myself, intend to stay "woke."
  8. I assume the "personal relationship" mentioned was a homosexual one. That's not mentioned anywhere in the article that I could find. And, yes, "cancel culture" is alive and well everywhere, especially in my home country, the USA, and I'm sure that it will become even more of a problem now that Trump has been elected president again.
  9. I can't see how my prediction of a complete (or even partial) collapse of the US government could be best in any case. I am a liberal, a far-far-left liberal. I do think Trump's presidency will be a disaster for the USA and many other nations, too. I will continue to be a far-left liberal, even if the voters in the US don't like liberal policies. I don't think a political party should only stand for what they think the majority of voters like. They should stand up for the issues and policies they think are best for the country. That didn't work this election, but I hope the Democrats don't change their agenda too much just to appeal to the voters. I hope they stick to their ideas about how to govern and try to educate and convince the public on why their policies would be better for the country than those of the conservatives, especially Trump supporters. I looked up "ANF" on the Internet and couldn't find an interpretation of it that I thought you meant. So I ask you, what does "ANF" mean in your sentence above?
  10. I would never watch Fox. CNN is my choice of news media on TV. Like I said above, we'll just have to wait and see, and I don't think we'll have to wait too long. Trump will be president in just over 70 days. He promised to take several consequential actions in his first few days. I'd say we'll have a better picture of all this in mid-February.
  11. Well, Trump won the election, and now we'll just have to wait and see what kind of job he does on economic and social issues. As I said earlier, I expect the worst case in both. I hope I'm wrong,
  12. Well, we'll just have to wait and see what it is three (or four) years from now. I expect it will grow even faster than these graphs show it has for the past six years.
  13. Yes, and I don't see the lack of sexual arousal, both physical and mental, as a problem. The opposite of "arousing" is "calming," and calm is the way I feel most of the time now. This calm also allows me to concentrate on other things I am doing,
  14. Are you experiencing erection issues? Yes, but that's been the case for many years now - maybe as many as 10 years. It's not a problem for me, though. I don't have any sexual arousal thoughts anymore, probably due to a reduction in my testosterone hormone.
  15. Good luck to her. I wouldn't want to be around Musk, either. He's an anathema to me,
  16. I'm almost 79 now, and I know what you mean. However, I didn't start feeling that way until about a year ago.
  17. I disagree with your description of the Biden presidency. A "Demolish America" program sounds more like what the next four years will be like, but we'll all have to wait and see how that plays out. Israel and Putin want total victory, not peace. Trump's election victory, which I acknowledge, was not "humongous." It was 50.5% for Trump and 47.8% for Harris. I wouldn't refer to 2.7% as "humongous."
  18. And what about the National Debt? No worries there?
  19. Does this surprise anyone? 😄
  20. Who would go to the Bahamas for a holiday and who would go to Baltimore for a holiday ? Which one of the workers would go where or a holiday ? The one who works the hardest ? You would go on whatever holiday the government could fund for you, and that would be according to your needs, not how hard you work or how much you produce.
  21. Oh, I think that will primarily be taxes on the wealthy, but any tax cuts will hurt the economy because there will not be a corresponding cut in spending. Tax cuts will increase our national debt, which is already at $47 trillion (I think).
  22. Well, that's a good example of a justifying capitalism - selfishness.
  23. And who gets to decide who needs what? You would petition your needs, and the government would provide for them as best as possible.
  24. No, in a socialist society, you would work but not earn anything. I'm currently retired (I'm 78), but when I worked, I paid a large percentage of my income. I don't remember how much, probably 35% or more. No, I'm not in favor of the Thai government taxing my income, which is mostly my Social Security payments. If Thailand had a socialist economy, I would be in favor of them collecting all my Social Security payments and any other income I earn, but then, of course, they would provide (as best they could) for my needs.
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