I went very boring towards the end of 2024.
Amalgamated some geographical index funds into an all-world one.
Got rid of the following ones:
emerging markets, stoxx50, ftse100, half of my ftse250 holdings (absolutely rubbish), can't remember the others.
Put £30k as a bit of a test into an all world bond fund. Should've just put it in my thai bank as that would've been more exciting! Got a lot of cash that needs to go somewhere, now base rates are dropping. But bond funds??
Put another £30k in some all-world small cap fund. Can't recall the name, but figured it should do ok as global domestic base rates and inflation reduce. Like the bond fund, just a little experiment for the future.
As it stands, SP500 at ATH and my all-world fund also at ATH.
2024 was another great year. Possibly 10m baht up after expenses for the year.