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Everything posted by noobexpat

  1. Not quite. All income is aggregated and in a specific order. Then applicable personal allowance is deducted. Residual income is the taxable amount - tax code generated. Tax code sent to private pension and collected. State pension paid gross.
  2. A very poor statement and should be ignored by everyone.
  3. I remember when UK forced VAT on to products on aliexpress. The app simply changed, it added the tax and you paid the higher price. Aliexpress sends uk treasury or whoever the tax. Its not rocket science.
  4. Same old sad folks livin the dream.
  5. Touring around pratumnak today and lots of building work around and new condo plots getting ready. Lots of development.
  6. Gods waiting room. Too many sandal wearing teeth picking folk for me.
  7. Bunch of guys with dad bods talking it up.
  8. Poor georgegeorgia. Thought the coast was now clear to revive his flagging status as a formidable dross-poster. Ready to hit Operation Rekindle, with ....whats your favourite shade of sand on pattaya beach? Akin to the poor folks of gaza: lost, forgotten and ignored. All hope has dwindled. Welcome back bob smythe
  9. No they did not. Pre 97 GMP accrues at a fixed rate. Excess over gmp for pensions in deferment accrues at LPI. Both a minimum statutory requirement. 40 years in finance eh? Ok then.
  10. Its usually based upon a revalued career average of the previous earnings. The revaluation used is an earnings index, such as NAE. A tiny technical detail which makes it look like you were penalised. In fact penalised far less than you think. This is the problem with 99% of people's comments and opinions - they are usually wrong in some way. But folks continue to think they know it all.
  11. How old are you now? Old people moan a lot just because.
  12. The great looking bike i was referring too... Super cool. Was about 80k but now about 109k i think. They are mini sized.
  13. Company in bangkok called thomas ev makes some amazing looking bikes. Not sure if they're still around. Honda do some nice ones but small motors/speed. I think to compete with bicycle rather than moped.
  14. Logged on to various platforms and revised my estimation from age 57 to 56 for 100m baht. Its been a good year so far. I could do more if i worked full time ...please show support with a sad emoji. Thanks.
  15. Use opera ...i don't get any
  16. I think that bob smith, who has been hogging the dross limelight lately has given poor old george a bit of performance anxiety. Its make or break for george now, with his next few dross-topics.
  17. Its wakey-up time. What type of plan is it, when you contribute a fixed amount and get a guaranteed income for life? You remember all those employer schemes that closed because they were unaffordable and unsustainable. Now you see it??
  18. You are confusing unfunded with non-contributory. Correct they cannot be changed retrospectively, the terms of your accrual to date cannot be unwound, only future accrual terms amended.
  19. Maybe a rolling 5 years is a better measurement? No denying govt debt keeps rising, as long as it can be serviced, i don't know if its a problem ...every country the same, i imagine. Inflation apparently erodes that debt and a country can 'grow' its way out of it as i think debt is expressed against gdp. Economics not my forte though!
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