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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. I live in Nimman, Chiang Mai. I am also being judged and appraised by swarms of Chinese and Korean people living here. I def notice a diff than if I'm wearing a Uniqlo back tee shirt. Might be a good idea for a thread: Have you dressed up or down since moving to Thailand? Next up for me: more long pants-wearing.
  2. Me too. After the black man, it's like tossing a hotdog into The Holland Tunnel.
  3. We live in a very brand-obsessed place. It's why I wear a polo shirt with a little alligator on it. It's for them, not for me. I pay double for the polo shirt so that they can feel better interacting with me. I def notice an uptick in cheeriness. At least 4 times, they have said: "Special edition, 5000 baht". I save that one for special occasions.
  4. Old German Beer House on soi 13, off of Suk. Just had the potato pancakes. Solid. Many, many German/Thai couples, as you would expect.
  5. How large? When she sits around the house, does she sit around the house?
  6. Mmmaybe time to let this butt-hurt mini-grudge go?
  7. It's more of a funny story between you and your wife than a story that's remotely funny to anyone else in any way. But it's nice that you're in love. At BKK, Airport yesterday, there was a very long line for Crispy Creme Donuts. I put it down to the flat box they come in; there's always room for it in the overhead luggage compartments. It's a loophole free add-on to the carry-on allowance, like fake duty-free is.
  8. Issan is a beautifl-rural, deeply religious vibe. I took some vacations in Mississippi. It's like that.
  9. How often does this happen to you? It seems like it happens to you a lot. Are you only ferry-traveling right before full moon parties and only to Koh Phagnan?
  10. My new rule is no book less than 600 pages and to do two a week. Back in Grad school, we had to read 300 pages and toss out a 12 page paper, daily. I can see running out of 600 page books in 2-3 years. They're not pumping 'em out like they use to.
  11. I googled, I came up with nothing. If you don't want to work with dark skinned people, learn to type or sell something. Floor-mopping? We arrre the world......... I was just staying in two BKK hotels that were 90% non-white. They were chill, but nothing is more inedible than a cheap Indian breakfast buffet. Stick to the omelette station. Avoid the brown sludge with potato's floating in it.
  12. You have my empathy and respect. Out of deference to your situation, I will post no more on this topic.
  13. I have been clinically diagnosed with PTSD and have been treated for it. Meditation helped me the most. But it's not for everybody. As I said, much sympathy to anyone who has it. I come from TrumpLand. I have seen people wear tee shirts saying they're veterans suffering from PTSD and might go off on a sneery liberal. In 3 cases I that I encountered, they weren't even veterans. Their PTSD was as imaginary as their service record. Claiming fake PTSD is the same as emotional Stolen Valor.
  14. The Cambodians like tax revenue too. At the moment, not enough pockets there to skim. If it does become a "new expat hub", expect the same.
  15. If a dentist is the average brag, and I am waaaay above average as a romantic prospect for a HiSo, then I want a brain surgeon. It seems only fair. I do wonder why it's always a dentist, tho. Also, 97% of the dentists I see are men. The other 3% are apparently whitie-phile nymphomaniacs. It would be so great if that was true. On the other hand, a chubby Aussie international school teacher with a filthy mouth trumps a hot Thai brain surgeon. To each their own.
  16. I feel for you back. Super-vanilla sex with some adult 9th grader who's not all that into you and would strongly prefer a Korean. Nah, I'll pass.
  17. 'Have felt a lot of affinity with Thai women, but not yet sexual attraction. And I'm all about the sexual attraction. For the rest, get a dog.
  18. -If I broke up with my western wife and I still wanted to pull white, but: But many Reddit threads claim that white women are pretty much ten a penny in Bangkok. It would be helpful if I could develop a taste for Eastern Euro. As a Buddhist meditator, I might be able to get a westernized upper class Thai woman; but I don't know if I want to fight the throngs of whitie competition. Still, Sparktrader said here the other day that his girlfriend is a dentist (it's always a dentist). If he can pull a dentist, I can pull a brain surgeon.
  19. I don't even volunteer here in Chiang Mai because there are so many other people gagging to do it. I am obsolete and irrelevant -and pretty happy about it.
  20. A lot of people who claim to have PTSD don't have it. They're just, tightly wound, aggressive, self-pitying people and have found a way to be OK with that. Much sympathy to anyone who really has it. Lifestyle change and meditation will prob do more for them than pills.
  21. Maybe once a year, I'll go for a pork burger at Burger King. Not too bad. Laab seems like a natural as a pizza topping. How is it worse than whatever's in pepperoni?
  22. I'm 71, retired at 40. A fair few people have been happy to fill the desk I left. And I was happy to leave it. I don't think I've heard anyone complain about "media hype" since I worked at that desk.
  23. Don'r you just sort of aim and lean on it a little bit? Do I pass your test? Or is there more to it?
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