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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. Would you go out of your way to go to a specific fast food burger place? Me, no. I prob eat about half of my dozen or so a year at an airport. Whichever one is closer to my gate. In Chiang Mai, only McD is 24 hours. So I might get 2 of the dozen delivered at 5 AM.
  2. Trump said yesterday: "You can't even cross the street to buy bread without getting raped, shot, and killed". Rainman: What say you?
  3. He really is Rain Man, Part II. I like the thread where he said he went to a 40 baht gym 15 times in 4 pages. You can't really get any more Rain Man than that. How about we all just call him RainMan for laughs till he runs away again?
  4. A speech is scripted. Front page news only to Bignok.
  5. .....Actually, the place on Suk across from Nana is/was a Carl Jr. About the same. Most fast food burgers are close to interchangeable. I rate Burger King slightly for the marginal charcoal taste. It's the sides where they differentiate. Like he said, BBB has better than average fries. It's madness to say, "I don't like X" in a thread about X. I don't like sports, but I feel no need to go into that board branch and tell people not to like a thing they clearly do.
  6. Agreed. Call in half a letter grade better than McD, on par with Burger King. Used to be one across Suk Nana Plaza. But MBK has the world famous food court on the top floor and Hua Seng Hong Chinese where they employ a very liberal hand with their crab-fried rice. What kind of person orders a Green Curry at Bob's Big Boy? I believe the word is 'girlfriend'.
  7. "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy." -Tom Waits, while seriously drunk.
  8. I'm in Brazil right now. Stunner-wise, incredible. I was skeptical, but these are the best looking women on earth. I'm going to Scandalino's, a Scarface-level plush brothel (with a 1st class sushi bar attached) and will report back. Just for Bob.
  9. I keep hearing about statistical analysis but so far, have never seen any of it. Statistical analysis is a moron's conception of what smart people might do with their smartness. Luckily, we have a poster here with a 130 IQ (down from a previous claim of 185) to explain everything to us. He also slept with 1,500 women. And yet, and yet, these geniuses have all day to post here. Usually, for hours on end. Check the timestamps.
  10. Most regrets are self-flagellation. People regret that they didn't try harder at something, but they forget that they were unsupported in their trying or raised badly. Or they regret outcomes that were really down to luck. Or they regret relationships where they were doing the best they could at the maturity level they were at at the time. The most painful regrets are about character, where people willfully make selfish choices. But to even then, the regret itself is proof that the person has morally improved since the regret-situation. These days, I have worked through all of my regrets as above. My primary regret, then and now, is not loving myself enough.
  11. Board Games is the #2 meetup group in Chiang Mai (after Moat House Bar Language Exchange, Tuesdays, 7:30). Gets about a dozen people (but not me). Pattaya has a board game meetup too. Sundays at 1 PM https://www.meetup.com/th-TH/bangkok-improvisation-language-friends-bilf/events/302246572/?recId=1faae4c6-6740-468e-a4ae-7354b702bcb8&recSource=ml-popular-events-nearby&searchId=b92683a3-0d13-4167-b0da-c43fe06de15c Bring your board game and you will find a taker.
  12. It's impossible to overcome deep-rooted aversion. I don't like mustard. After year of trying to like mustard and trying all the varieties, I can tolerate a little grainy French mustard on a ham sandwich. But I am never gagging for it. A little dab, once a year. If I skip a year, that would be fine. And that's a food choice, not an emotional connection. Give me the best mustard on earth, and I too will never have my heart in it (so to speak). You should respect her boundaries and be accepting of her as she is. That will foster plenty of valuable intimacy between you, just not the kind that you specifically want. You have a right to be you, and she has a right to be her. It requires no long story about her childhood, any more than my mustard-rejecting does. If something is truly a must-have and she can't deliver it, that's grounds for a no-fault breakup to set both people free. You can be friends. You cannot be lovers. As time goes on, you both will just feel angry and worn out. Your posting here shows a fair amount of travel already down that road.
  13. Prob won't get better on the intimacy stuff, she'll prob get worse. And it will def. bug you more over time. Either buy all the way in and accept this, or get all the way out. Me? when faced with this, I did the first thing and regretted not doing the second thing. Good luck.
  14. Today, I went to the Chiang Mai expat group. Sadly at a mere 71, they told me I was too young to join.
  15. Yorkshire pudding should be huge in America. It's greasy and full of fat. Where is the McD Yorkie-burger? In Suffolk, they had prefab Yorkshire pudding bowls to serve bangers and mash in. Eat the bowl for another 500 calories -you couldn't get more American-taste than that. English cuisine is one the last holdouts for bitter tastes. Keep bitterness alive!
  16. Agreed. The diet in Japan is a lot of noodle soups and deep-fried food. Very veg.-lite. A ton of sugar too. Those tofu meals in a temple were few and far between. And very much a mono-culture where Kobe is not too different from Nara. They're much less into Whitie than SEA. 'Lived in Kyoto for six months. Gorgeous, but essentially a small town. For other-worldly foreign-ness, hard to beat. But also hard to live in long-term.
  17. I was booked on a tour for a big tribal festival this September, but it just got cancelled due to internecine tribal warfare. Again. Go to Sabeh instead. More touristy, but we're talking about places that get less tourists than Roi Et. Brunei is worth 3 days too. A day's worth of sights, dementedly friendly locals; you better like Indian food. Their bit of very manicured rain forest was the best rain forest experience I've had to date. About $200 for a private 2 night tour.
  18. I give it to Laos for maximum strange for minimum $$$$ with zero hassle. Anyone there is interesting. 'Can't say that about Chiang Mai. Myanmar = orthodox buddhist vibe, def min $$$$, but it's hard to get to, visa required, terrible food, and you will def get sick. Cambodia: diminishing returns outside of Angkor Wat, but prob best for the eco-tourist jungle experience. Vietnam: Went only twice. Too much traffic, too little sanuk, boring food. I can why people love the commie French Indochine vibe. Malaysia: Cheerful, boring, Penang would be the obv. pick. Kuching, Borneo is the like Rain Forest Chiang Mai. Singapore: Do you love Indian food? Because that and nice parks in glass domes are the big attraction. Japan: Requires about 4 trips to see it all. If you have to pick, do the South. Abusing a 7 day rail pass was a top 5 vacation. Korea: Duller Japan, tremendous nature-Buddhism (Won-style). Pusan to Hokkaido Japan is a great two weeks. Taiwan: Cheerier China. Under-rated, partic the food. Hong Kong: Still a bit neon-atmospheric, but go to Tapie instead. Bhutan: A little boring for the money. But the green Himalaya's stayed with me for a long time. A week would be on the long side.
  19. This is emotionally unhealthy for you. And you aint right in your retard-head. You follow me around, sniffing my old man butt, pretending we're going to have some kind physical altercation (over and over agin), trying out 6th grade debating club techniques to "challenge" me and then getting all fawning in the next post. You're just too nuts to deal with. As an act of kindness. I gotta just ghost you; like the way I stopped participating in TrumpTrash threads. This parrot is dead, dead, dead.
  20. You aren't supposed to talk about Pm's. They are PERSONAL messages. The retard label sticks again. I answered YOUR pm. You infer I initiated. Once again, you are a dopey liar. Could you be any more emotionally incontinent? No, no you could not be.
  21. It's great that I hung "you sound very frustrated" around his passive aggressive, cowardly neck and it seems to be sticking, BUT: Don't let this blithering retard ruin decent threads. Leave this dim-witted miscreant standing on street corners, waiting for imaginary fist fights -like I do. Jesus, talk about sounding "very frustrated". Bob's OP is a reasonable topic: How might our taste evolve as we get older, what's left in the taste barrel to scrape? Having absorbed so much, I now look to entertainment with a sense of longing. Will a film ever jolt me the way Means Streets did? Probably not, but I saw Twisters and they did find a way to retell a disaster movie a different way. It's not just that Mean Streets was such a shock, but that I was young, so was the world, and shock was possible. Today, I am happy that I wasn't waiting for Twisters to be over a half hour before it was. Like I usually am. Even a decent new film like Oppenheimer had me wishing I bought a book to it.
  22. The prob with other people's bucket lists is that in an attempt to seem well-rounded, they will have a lot of stuff on it that will hold no interest to you. I respect hip hop, I guess. I never want to hear it again. EDM, the same. New Latin music, ditto. No point in forcing myself to endure it. I love reggae. The 2-3 reggae records on such a list will be too mainstream for me. Jazz is an ocean. They will just tell you to listen to Kinda Blue. If that's as far you're going to go into jazz, that's a good one. But if you're not a jazzer or a brit popper, or Metal-head, why bother? When I was young, music critics served a purpose. They might occasionally survey something like African music or minimalism, give you a context, and let you know where you might want to dip in to the genre. These books do the same thing, but much less well. It's shifted from you probably will like it, to you certainly should like it. I read a book called The Long Tail, about how now that every last bit of music is available, that people would have incredibly diverse tastes. But that didn't happen. 95% of all reggae searches are still for Bob Marley. When I look on YouTube for reggae minor great, Sylford Walker, he's only up to about 600 views, world-wide. Taste is a funneling process, and by definition, funnels narrow things. Taste is also a distilling process, and when you distill something, you get less of it. As your taste evolves you like less stuff, not more stuff.
  23. You already comically threatened to meet me on some street corner an assault me. Twice. I will someday leave you swinging impotently at the air while I laughingly ghost you. What gets into you? Is this just more pretending to be nuts? Or are you truly nuts for real?
  24. Although he's a passive-aggressive crybaby liar, he def should be allowed to troll whenever he wants. It amuses me.
  25. But you're here too. Isn't this like yelling "pervert" at the guy next to you in a porno theatre?
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