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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. Yeah, I know. He'll prob crash the Aussie dollar too. Your meat on a stick dates dates will go up in price too. Maybe you and your 1,500 girlfriends you claim to have had here can just share one. I was reading an old thread where you claimed to have an IQ of 185. Google says that's one in 137 million. What are you doing here with us all day, every day, Elon?
  2. I read a lot here about wife's who go off of sex by year 2. And also about how past 50, many Thai women are just done. When you get old, you just sort of run out of road, or have to pay.
  3. May I introduce you to the rich, rich body of postings by GammaGlobule? My work here is done.
  4. Housing that Thai people rent seldom sees a westerner. If you back out Phuket, Pattaya and Suk Road out of the mix, are rents really going up in other places? Here in Nimman, Chiang Mai, a so-called hot area, the condo's never raise the rent at re-up time. Most condo's are only 80% full. Dreams of Air BNB gold are fading. So what are rent increases in Ubon like? Of course, if I were living in Phuket, I'd be bummed. I could solve my problems by moving to Hat Yai, but that's def a huge step down,
  5. I live in Nimman, Chiang Mai, which is among the most Chinese-touristed places in Thailand. I like 'em. They are big fans of Lanna handicraft and food and create a lot of jobs. I was eating at what I call a $10 breakfast place today and it was 95% Chinese clientele. I talked to some of them and avocado toast is something they dream about on vacation. They may at one time have rampaged at a shrimp buffet, but mostly I see middle class couples who love Thailand and Thai culture as a cheap and close getaway the same way that Yanks love Mexico and Aussies love Bali. Maybe Chinese tourists who love Chiang Mai are diff from the Phuket/Pattaya ones. Otherwise, I have no problem with the world as it is. I am grateful for every day. I am def of the anyone but Trump persuasion, but if he gets back in, it's because women, the young, and black people have let me down (and hardly for the first time). It's on them, I'll feel bad for them, but it won't affect my life, short or mid-term, at all. I expect he'll crash the dollar and my pad thai will cost maybe 10% more, which I can afford even if it costs me double. I def feel a little bad for the semi-skint Trump lovers here who can't wait -and beg and pray every day- to get devaluation-reamed by him. Enjoy! I'm def medium-lefty, but I think the fear of a permanent authoritarian takeover by his incompetent thieves is paranoid. He will over-reach and a massive backlash will ensue. The country always corrects itself. These days, that angst-ridden correction is someone else's headache, not mine.
  6. $35 therapy sessions -those will be with a Thai therapist, and very hard to book. Chiang Mai is great for cheap(er) rehab, tho. For a whitie therapist, you have to go to Bangkok.
  7. Thoughts are born out of emotions. Look at the emotions that underlie your thoughts. Usually, it's fear. 80% of the time (Shame for the remaining 20%). The cure is actively practicing self-love. The Tibetans say our thoughts are real (to us) but not true (your fear and shame are made up). As your emotions heal over time, you will experience many less ruminating thoughts.
  8. I make a lot of wax. About once a year, I get it gently cleaned out. It's fascinating when they show you your globule of gunk at the end. The over the counter methods never seem to work for me. Hydrogen peroxide feels very harsh on my sensitive inner ear skin, so def dilute it. I wear ear plugs a lot, and they can have the effect of pushing the wax close to the ear drum, so don't go crazy pushing them deep into your ear. It's no biggie if you do, but it means they have to pour a gentle solvent into your ears and makes the ear cleaning take a lot longer as they need to take a few passes at hosing the softened wax out.
  9. Just left my wife, hookers don't do it for me. At 71 and in only fair shape (but improving), I may well be done. 'Just don't see many takers for me. I'm still game, but I don't see much prospect of a game I can get into. Been a great run, at least I still have a pile of cash.
  10. I'm separated from my wife. We may be drifting towards permanently living apart. We'll still be friends, be each other's medical power of attorney, stay legally married for various practical reasons, but just call it day. It may complicate my future girlfriend situation by still being married, but whatever. I was listening to Tara Brach, and she said: We get two lives. And the second one begins when we realize we only get one. Things change, be kind, live your second life.
  11. Be for yourself at least a little bit.
  12. Not a diss, but that sounds like co-dependency. It wrecked my life, so have a Goggle.
  13. I did it when I moved my stuff to England. it cost as much as a proper cruise and there is nothing to do on the boat. It was $150 a day in 2002. So that price may be out of date.
  14. He said that some shoes cost the same as my house. Me? I don't think so. My house costs a million dollars. Pretending that million dollar shoes are a real like thing is a little desperate and graspy to have a point. I found that pretty funny.
  15. "I'm outa gas. Time to flounce away with an insouciant 'I don't care".
  16. You believe in million dollar shoes. That million dollar shoes are a regularly occurring thing. "I never go to a rally without my million dollar shoes". Tell me more.
  17. Nah, no story then. And you know it. Just more dullsville, typical brit 'not sher wut yer goin' un abut" passive aggressive. flailing deflection. If you were any more rote-contrarian, your name would be BigNok. He's been rumored to wear lifts forever. Tons of internet pics suggesting/proving it. You know that too, Andy Capp. He should have to prove that he wasn't. You know, like Obama had to with his birth certificate. Because his very, very strange shoe-protection actions strongly suggest that he's not really six foot-three.
  18. I think spiritually of the poor sap in the bullet's path who karmically took a head-explosion to save Trump. I guess he's up in heaven now, playing cards with Herman Cain, another Trump lover who bought the farm for his man-crush.
  19. Trump dodged a bullet and Just Barely Closeted Gay Icon, Richard Simmons died. On the same day. Finally, proof that there is no God?
  20. You just dodged a bullet. Your immediate concern, is oh no! I could be out a grand for new loafers!!! Nope, it was lifts in the shoes. I love that. It makes him look frail and vain.
  21. Trump said he refused to take a bullet for his country. He's not like those losers at Normandy.
  22. Please give me your own "if I just dodged a bullet, my first and only concern would be my footwear"-take. Go on, earn your name.
  23. I prefer presidential candidates who don't get shot.
  24. I love he-man Trump wailing "get my shoes", one second after dodging a bullet. Why? Because they had lifts in them. Why else?
  25. Nobody has been this disappointed by 2 inches since Stormy Daniels.
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