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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. I -Looked at Mazlan, Mex. Heavy ex-military and cop. Uh, thanks for your service, but I'll be shuffling off to somewhere more enlightened.
  2. Yeah, I like a guy who went to cooking school and makes the sauce out of crushed shrimp heads and has some aspiration. I am super-supportive of chefs here trying to evolve wonderful Thai food and celebrate it. Like if I go to Italy? I might pay more for a pizza, since I will be in a place I can eat the absolute best pizza on earth for $3 more. I'm in Morocco right now, and the best goat cheese does in fact cost 20% more -to eat the finest, and support the people trying to do a little bit better, and enjoying the support of tourists who allow them to do so. -Rather than gobbling down a gummy, too-sweet mess for 70 measly baht. I am in touch with basic reality that good food costs money. I am unsurprised that TrumpTrash eats swill. It's who they are. In every aspect of their lives.
  3. How smart do you really have to be to be me? I mean, if even I can fall out of bed and do it? But to play: got my BA by mail (like prison inmates do), got a Masters from NYU, where anyone with $$$ is admitted super-easily as long as they keep paying.
  4. Thanks to the amateur demographer who never sleeps, MikeLister, I know that at most only 50K Americans live here. It's like the Passport Bro's on Reddit. Millions claim to be moving here, but few will ever actually pull the trigger, even at the 2 week millionaire level. Coming from the very anus of TrumpTrash-land, I could make the claim, but really, I'm here for the good pad thai (the kind that costs 200 baht, in a restaurant with a full bar and expensive hill tribe handicrafts for sale). Even more than having the money and personal freedom ability, being an expat requires a very unusual mindset. So no, not much uptick likely and most refuseniks will be drifting -ironically- south of the border. When I was living in Mex City 2 years ago, all of Mex's were cheerfully chanting: "Build. The. Wall".
  5. Love your deep dives into forgotten 60's films. I saw it as a play with a very tortured Richard Chamberlain and super sassy Sylvia Miles as the hotel owner in '75. When I was an aspiring actor, to pad out my skint resume, I claimed I played the title role in Night of the Iguana. But no one ever got the joke.
  6. Hard to believe that we get deep into page 5 before someone (me) says they're here because they are ga-ga in love with Thailand. I had a good life in the states, and if visa's were not an issue (big if), I could afford to live in most western places. But I'd happily pay double or quadruple to live in this fascinating, ultra-chill sanuk wonderland. I am joyful, engaged, and spoiled every day of my life. With the cheaper-everything, I figure I get paid an extra $100+ a day as a reward for having the brains and good taste to choose paradise. My now unpaid state income tax alone covers my rent and health insurance. Previously, those tax payments were essentially just tossed down a well in terms of benefiting me. Those sweet $100 bills just keep on piling up, day by day. I'm writing this from Morocco where I am dodging the Chiang Mai smoke. In just six weeks of passive $100 bill-stacking, Morocco is essentially "free" now too. Short version: I can afford elsewhere, but I would be bedbug crazy to go there.
  7. If you come from a place where tipping is not a thing, I have no problem with people not tipping. Thai people don't tip much (if at all). Our rule for Grab delivery is 50 baht, unless they're coming from the Old City or beyond, then we go up to 100. They def like seeing a tip on their phone upfront. One guy we love texts us to say, "I'm really waiting a long time for the food", but it's still a flat 50-100.
  8. I hafta vote no. Conviviality abounding, but a diff vibe from when you plan a menu and mix of people.
  9. He thought it was bad to go with Thai women, due them all being sex slaves. "Sex slaves in that good Story of O-way?", I pressed. But he didn't know the book. Of course. The wife was another diehard advocate for more Merino Wool in my travel wardrobe.
  10. This guy was a human rights academic, so woke-wise, I was left in the woke-dust. I read The Economist, I have friends in refugee resettlement. But it was like talking to Mount Rushmore -assuming one of the stone presidents were wearing a turtleneck ("Merino Wool, it's very important. Merino Wool"). He said Europe's situation with boats arriving hourly was "difficult". He called for "balance". I got up and took a long whizz. I at least had him laughing, Me? No laughs to be had from Nanook of the North. Can you point me in the direction of the simp-guide you live by that says I have to be endlessly nice to retard dullards? Because that's a book I want to avoid.
  11. My whole life, whenever I heard the word, girth, on any subject, my mind went to only one subject.
  12. It's not just the attention span, it's the ability to commit a week out. My wife tried a couple of times and the response was "can we just stop by?". Of course, most of our friends are potheads. They're fully embracing a low attention-span/low commitment lifestyle like ourselves.
  13. for the first million sessions, it's just punch and kick. Jet Gym offers the Kombat class daily with a membership.
  14. I'll go first: Dinner party, 2016 -six of us went to see John Prine the next night. Up there with Dylan for a show of that type. Cocktail Party: Like, '92. 1st wife. She had special glasses just for grapefruit juice, so you know those were some well-made Paloma's. Pot Party: 2 weeks ago. With Chinese potheads in Nimman.
  15. When was the last time you attended or hosted a dinner party (family doesn't count)? Extra credit: Cocktail Party or Pot Party.
  16. As a native Canadian, I had to remind him: Tip-ping is not a city in China.
  17. While that idiot was in broken record-mode about the turtleneck ("It never goes out of style")., I ate two thirds of the waygu beef roll on the table. And that was a 1,500 baht roll.
  18. Long may your thing run. But I'm more into having some laughs than turtleneck ruminating. Def agree: Boomers are the worst at blathering (and I am one).
  19. Fair enough. I enjoy his posts, but you need to be an Ionesco scholar to get where he's going.
  20. People are more into my wife than me. I'm more into my wife than me too. I'm a three-timer too. So is my wife.
  21. Canadians. Theoretically, fairly left by US standards, so should be somewhat on my team. So far, no luck. Another example: My wife said she was going to London and was ready for a little cool weather and had just bought a fleece -this was after the hot, but not too hot boondoggle; which I have considerably condensed. RainMan said: A turtleneck, a turtleneck, a black turtleneck. You can wear it anywhere. If it's cold, you could put on the turtleneck. A black turtle neck, so you could wear it anywhere". She knows that I'm either checking out or I'm going to troll. Since I ordered food, I can't leave until I eat it.
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