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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. During my CIA interview, you had to apply; they weren't inviting anyone. I got a callback based on a lot of knowledge I had about the Caribbean. Not to give conservatives here a coronary, but clearly a black or hispanic candidate would have been a better fit.
  2. Also, for a solo person, it's pretty hard not to fall into a few conversations a day here.
  3. Just moved from Chiang Mai to Suk, Soi 11. Can't fault it; it's like living in a very chill version of Times Square. Tremendous restaurant selection. AnotherFarang said that Bangkok IS Thailand. I agree.
  4. To get an "old fashioned" woman, it would help to be a truly old fashioned guy. Are these men for instance, orthodox religious? Do they live in intergenerational households or excessively care for their parents? Unhappiness with Sheila-slappers does not necessarily make you old fashioned.
  5. I interviewed for the CIA in grad school (obv. an upper tier school). A battery of psych tests, like the OP would love, and then an hour-long interrogation by two HR types. Got called back for a second interview, then nothing. I didn't have a foreign language and I was a bit on the old side.
  6. Yeah, I had a Malaysian meal in Ekami on Sunday. About 2 thirds women, half Chinese and half Thai. Most of the women are looking at these events and most of the men are not.
  7. Fair play tho, I did shoot a woman from the meetup a Line and we're going out to dinner. A lot of my fellow oldies were very weak on approaching. If a woman was talking to another man, they were incapable of politely inserting themselves into the conversation. So my old age sex advice would be to take your shot, if a woman laughs a bit and it's plausible that she might go out with you.
  8. Chris;s bleak, brutally honest reflections are gold to me. What will you do differently?
  9. The problem with singles events: If you were desirable, you wouldn't need to be there. Everyone is looking for the bargain who shouldn't be there. Everyone thinks that they are that bargain. Disappointment ensues. And: total sausage fest, 8 to 1 male/female ratio. Mostly old guys and women in their 40's. Heavy on the Indian/Arab mix. Nice to get out, but.....
  10. Reading that article, much sobbing about illegals selling stuff on the street. Who's buying this crap? White people. I just sold my Christmas Tree farm. The Guatemalans who used to rotate up yearly (illegally) to trim them have moved on to house-painting for more $$$$. No whitie ever trimmed a Christmas tree in the Trumpian bootstrap-nonsense back water I called home. How do we have an economy without illegals? If you thought inflation was bad before, wait until you have to pay whitie wages to get a cup of coffee poured.
  11. Yeah, shame about that. More illegals mean more crime. Duh. You want no illegals. And you want coffee. How to solve this problem?
  12. How very poseur. No white people are making coffee in Manhattan. Maybe you could volunteer. How do we have no immigrants and still have takeaway coffee?
  13. If you hate them and they hate themselves too, isn't that a win/win all around for you?
  14. What if I want a coffee from a deli in Midtown? No brownie's mean nobody there to put it in the paper cup for me. The last white person to do so did it in the mid-80's. Do you have any solution to my coffee problems or just more butt hurt wailing?
  15. I'm old. No one cares if I'm a real man or not. I like FredWiggy's posts (up to a point), but if I want to be nice or admirable, I will, and if I don't I won't. Again nobody cares. As George Bush said, taste the freedom.
  16. When I lived in the American South, the desire to coach high school sports was so demented that a half a dozen assistant coaches lolling about doing nothing was not uncommon. Thank you for letting me know about assistant coordinators. Every coordinator needs someone to send out for coffee. I can't remember a VP getting so much press. It's just down to Trump not being entertaining anymore and Harris being a blank slate that the VP's are the only way to fill up media space.
  17. Time to wish you well with your wife and avoid your humorless self forever? Please be less English. It's killing you.
  18. If you have somehow discovered a new orifice, please claim your Noble Prize. Ear's don't count, you can barely get in.
  19. I really wish hookers could get me hard. My ultimate conclusion is that if I want to have sex with someone who's super-not into me, I have 2 ex-wives to dial up. I envy the powerful suspension of disbelief I read about here. A 5 who's into me trumps a 9 who just wants a nice handbag. Posters like RDS and Yagoda are my idols. In the meantime, I'm waxing it twice a day until I eventually fall into some kind of situation ship. I have the prostate of an 18 year old boy. Thank god he doesn't want it back. I'm going to an Internations Org. meet up tonight to try my luck. I hear that where the white women over 40 in Bangkok congregate like impalas around a watering hole. Am I risking physical injury by informing retard-fist fight threatening Susan as to my whereabouts? If it comes down to it, I'll just say I'm not me. And then whisper "40 baht gym" to him just as the elevator doors close.
  20. Gotta agree. If you are in fact a Man Going Your Own Way, at some point, you do have to actually shuffle off and go some version of your own way. You can't keep looking over your shoulder, hoping that women will notice (and regret!) that you have left the playing field. Tho I do respect the very stoic renunciation aspect of what they're saying. Downgrading women as a life focus can make some sense for some men, and possibl7 for most men at some point in their lives. Post recent painful breakup, I am def in some version of monk mode. I doubt it will be permanent, but at 72, you never know. I'm not angry at women, or my ex. I just want to be off the merry go round for an indeterminate while. And it feels very chill. I have been chasing women for 60 years. The only thing I have liked longer is chocolate chip cookies -which I am also giving a hard miss of late.
  21. Sooo many variables: are they really into you. Will they stay into you? Are you into them back? Why? Suppose you're a homely old loser and nobody is into you?
  22. After my dismal rub and tug attempt, I took her out for sushi. Using the translator app, she told me a lot about her voo doo-like candonomble faith. I told her about Buddha. I loved seeing a Buddha in a whore house. Prob not a thing in Thailand. Sweet kid, she offered me a free re-do after she ordered up a second tempura. All in, cost less than a private day tour. I am willing to wear the shower of judgement and worrying about my impact on "society" like a badge.
  23. That def sounds fantastic and I envy you those times. But I am the opposite of a demisexual. Those people need to have an intense connection to their partner to feel horny. I am a reverse-demi. I just need them to be super-attracted to me. I have zero moral judgement of others who have different sex temperaments. At 71 and in need of yet another year in the gym, that's always going to be a small cohort. What I want from a woman is not purchasable. Like I said, if I could, I would. But if many guys CAN purchase it, I'm really happy for them. As to sex you'd be too shy to ask your wife for, I say marry a diff wife. Sex compatibility trumps all other non-moral issues in a marriage.
  24. You can read about my failed attempt at prostitution in my Brazil Travel Report. Not for me. Glad others are busting a nut in peace.
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