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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. I agree, but old whities are good for a laugh too. My largest ethnic cohort that I hang out with is Chinese potheads.
  2. If you don't want to go there after seeing that film, you're essentially dead.
  3. I hate him. But only part time. One if 4 died in my TrumpTrash town during Covid. I knew an idiot who drank diluted Lysol. We were harassed for wearing masks. My mother in law went Fox News-nuts and that's part of the reason we left. I will not speak to my inlaws again in this lifetime. When I moved to Appalachia, the Confederate Flag meant Yeeeea-hah. 4 years later, it was for nazi's. In an area that never saw a black face for years on end and depends on Mexicans to stay alive, he encouraged fear and bullying. He degraded every aspect of traditional Southern culture, partic the churches -now dying on the vine after leaping on the Ru Paul wants to use the Men's room at Walmart-train. When I see socialists enjoying decent healthcare and America's protection and then blowing someone who hates them, I have to laugh. The cosplaying faux TrumpTrash here reads books, travel, and are sexually liberal. They wouldn't like the cammo-wearing real thing. At all.
  4. Must check him out sniffing bread in a Moscow supermarket on X. To convince people that Russia is fine, just fine. Later on, at Putin's urging, he visited a tractor collective and praised their beet crop. Yankee imperialists can only dream of such root vegetable production.
  5. I would love to, but SkipCassidy says I have a better chance of snagging a Taylor Swift ticket. Just absolutely packed out. Unlike the website pic.
  6. And yet, and yet.....I have my doubts that this is strictly true -that the stalwart New Yorke hotelr is somehow miraculously punching above its 195 baht weight and then into the Four Seasons stratosphere. But then again: "Tasty" fruit? - how do I get involved?
  7. I was gently kidding your blind hope that the US government would ever willingly forgo the pittance of revenue derived from expat retirees.
  8. Love how Putin mocked him for applying to the CIA. Waiiiiiit a minute, if Tucker applied to the CIA, then Tucker is deep state, and then some. What does a Q-anon retard have left to believe in? "Trump derangement syndrome. And: Orange Man bad, amIright?. Take that, libtards. We had eight years to come with some new jokes, but we never made it past the original first two".
  9. As an active member, you should be trying to coax me to come. 'Can't help but notice how evasive you are on the dodgy fruit issue. Who got to you?
  10. My wife is a letter grade better looking than me. Hoping for any more is inviting disaster. -Wrong post, whatever.
  11. If she's too fat, you have to go reverse cowgirl -and you're the cowgirl. I'd get on a plane too.
  12. Would that be like the 1970's, black and white, rented tv from a village shop news?
  13. What about English women being barking mad and wanting to be spanked? Very hard to find Roi Et. Give me a nutter I can go to town on with my belt over a bland Ka-Starfish type.
  14. I hate English womanhood even more than you do (I'm half-English), but is this sweater-wearing insult your own invention, or is it in common usage? Why can't those pub slags wear a sweater on a cold day? This seems to be the most incomprehensible of disses. If you did indeed average 8 free trips to the Thai well a year, and then amended that with 15 quid pops, what percentage of your sex life was Thai-only? When was the last time had sex against a car in a chavvy car park? Not that I'm reminiscing or anything.
  15. Maybe lead with: I believe in Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve.
  16. What's the air quality like? We nixed India for April for that reason. Last year, we did The Cameron Highlands. Pretty and mellow, but very dull, Just a strip of samey S.Indian chapati joints. But very cool for most of the day. (I'll be in Borneo and Sulawesi this year).
  17. How many free except for pad thai sex encounters in the last 21 years? Feel free to round up.
  18. Our dear leader weighs in: "An expat -a bigly expat, the biggliest expat in expat-dom, really- asked me, asked me, 'Sir, what if I need the Marines to come and save me from being sodomized by Somalian pirates, Sir, what if?" "I'd ask him: Are you paid up in full on your income tax? -They're laughing at us, the Somalian pirates: I'd like to wipe that Somalian grin off of their too-tan faces- BUT, are you, are you in possession of a PAID stamp in your passport?". "Because if you're not, I want to send those Somalian Pirates vats of KY Jelly and urge them to go to town on you, you know, you know, like line up, tag team-style. You know, do whatever the hell they want".
  19. The smoke will get you before the heat. The higher the mountain, the duller the town.
  20. -But not much. Just closer to Chiang Mai to mitigate the disappointment.
  21. What happens at the meetings and would it be of interest for a first time visitor? What's the nationality mix?
  22. In Chiang Mai, they have something even stupider, called The Algonquin Club. Surely, only Gammaglobule alone here will know that the Algonquin club was a fabled round table of wits, from which the phrase, "Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses" emerged. You have to be invited to join. I got an invite. I looked at their website. They had a lecture from a guy calling himself "the bad boy of finance", so basically blowhard-central. The person who recco'd me (my estate agent) said it was about a thou a year to be part of the magic. You can google it yourself to laugh at it.
  23. I think the buffet is 200 baht. But BritmanToo goes to a German buffet for that amount. So is that really a discount? Partic if it's a watermelon/overripe pineapple/hard cantaloupe fruit selection as per a usual discount hotel buffet?
  24. You're gamely fighting a fight I already won against myself. What are people's (who've been or never been) perceptions of these clubs? Is it OK to have a broad opinion of something without extensive, first hand knowledge? If I went to the buffet would that sole appearance fully legitimize my thoughts, or would I need to do a tour, including Roi Et?
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