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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. First off, TheBlether is one of the greatest internet names in history. -But why not just re-home the dog? It's astonishing to me, but the number of people (many of whom are non-lesbian) who want to "rescue" dogs is limitless. And finally, here's a deeply sad song about a dog taking a bullet that was among Elvis's first recordings -def a weeper.
  2. What was the problem? How did it all work itself out in the end? Me: Had a very untrained pitbull dumped on me by a relative (pitbull debate? Start your own thread). Dumb as a rock, very sweet, 'had a bad habit of forcefully licking visitor's crotches -which is literally a buzz kill from a dog known for dismemberment. Googled. Found a pitbull rescue organization. Actually found 2, a pitbull bidding war almost ensued. 'Went with The Lesbians -woke or what? 'Gone the next day. You? Additional thought: I lived for a long time in England. England is about a 1,000% more humane and evolved in terms of breed dogs than the USA. Prob the rest of Europe too.
  3. Future Trump Campaign Poster: https://theposterdepot.com/products/zsgnnationlampooncovermn7051101
  4. .....And then she went on a mafia vendetta killing rampage and also offed her goat, likewise execution-style. BUT: does her demented ruthlessness actually endear her to MAGA-land? Very poss. It plays to the myth that lib-ruls are outa touch and "don't understand the hard choices of life on the farm" -actual, unironic quote. She had an editor, she has political advisors. This was an audition tape for you-know-who.
  5. Man, this prediction has aged badly, huh?
  6. Rightly or wrongly, that really only happens within the confines of your fevered brow (wrongly). Back in the Trump-dump I fled to move to Thailand, I recall a plan to have vigilantes stationed outside of Walmart Ladies rooms. I was like, wow, and I thought Jury duty was boring.
  7. My wife made me take her to a LeatherMan bar on Fire Island. I was like, "leave those LeatherMen alone, you're def killing their vibe. It's not a LeatherMan zoo"
  8. Maybe once a month -after 3 glasses of Chardonnay. I took her to a BJ bar near Patpong. A sex worker came up to her and licked the palm of her own hand, I advised: "Just say no thank you".
  9. My wife is from the baptized in the river part of the American South. So she loves prostitution places to the point where I refused to go to Hooters near Nana Plaza a third time to, as she puts it, "people-watch". I'm like, can't we people-watch at Tsu 5* sushi around the corner? One time, we were eating at an Indian place across from Beach Road. A guy kept squeezing the forearms of streetwalkers. She wondered why. I theorized that he was just taking advantage of a free-squeeze opportunity. She eventually yelled out "stop bruising the fruit". I def have a free pass with hookers if: 1) I wear a condom 2) I tell her about it in gory detail. 'Tossed the OP a red heart. On her behalf.
  10. Prubangboy


    Sometimes he's white, sometimes he's not. But what he always is, is a great goofball figure of fun here. A welcome palate cleanser when BigNok is on break, no doubt adding to his implausible count of more than 500 women shagged. May he (eventually) find the electric fan of his dreams, something that people living in grass huts in Africa manage. May his every sex worker fake it semi-convincingly -during his very infrequent shots at female physical contact.
  11. Prubangboy


    Uh, no. I make fun of you because you're a dumb racist towards your Philipino co-workers. I put myself through grad school doing computer maintenance in a hospital, which means mostly just cleaning them. Otherwise, I am glad that you get to brag that you are so rich that you can afford an electric fan.
  12. Prubangboy


    Don't get the Tourettes-like John thing. Don't feel like you have to stammer out a hapless explanation. Was last in Pattaya in the aughts. Best wishes in locating a fan, a chore that a monkey could reliably be trained to do.
  13. Prubangboy


    He's apparently paralyzed and can't type words into Google. 'Hope whoever typed that for you did you a favor and wiped away your drool.
  14. I'll meet you half way. Trump has indeed, via his egregious book-cooking, opened the door for every cash-starved jurisdiction, which means all of them (red AND blue), to take a look at developers paperwork as a means to fine them. DA's are revenue-seeking missiles. You, personally, are upset about this? Tell it to a judge. The stable genius handed them his fat you-know-what on a silver platter. And then he hired the B minus-team to defend him. And now it's going to be a thing. Sweet. Fave moment: Eric (Fredo) telling the judge that he was "too busy pouring concrete" to be concerned with the details. The last Trump new-build was in 2005. Funny thing: I've had my house appraised for a loan twice. I know of at least half a dozen people who have. No one describes it as a complex or corrupt process. Only TrumpTrash does. Why is that?
  15. There is no sadder, weaker rhetorical statement then the wishy-washy use of rightly or wrongly. Let me translate: "I know this is a bonehead argument, but rightly or wrongly, I am going to pretend that I am being the voice of reason." Rightly or wrongly pops up a lot on bonehead-central, Fox News. Again, it's an attempt to make stupid and dishonest stuff at least sound reasonable. Mr rightly or wrongly is prob just cosplaying like he's on The Five, weighing in. Said bone-head icon, Sean Hannity. "Rightly or Wrongly", a lot of people are uncomfortable with mail-in voting". No, B-man, it's YOU who put out a pile of disinformation about mail-in voting that has been proven false, over and over again. No rightly, just flat-out, lying-like-a rug-wrongly. And now the repubs realize that they have (again) shot themselves in their stupid foot, since mail-in voting helps them too. But Trump keeps changing his mind about it -rightly or wrongly.
  16. As the board's resident Nimman-ologist, I can affirm that there are a few Canadian Trumpers here. Being a Canadian Trumper is more baffling than being a Euro-one. It's just the usual "I'm an independent thinker"-conceit of sub par rageoholics. The average Thai person could almost certainly not identify Trump any more than I could some old Thai king. They'd just shrug and say, "that orangutang is too orange, 'looks fake".
  17. A good example of this is my wife's daughter. She's very uneducated (by choice), BUT she can reliably think up a pretty funny joke, on the spot, that's directly applicable to the situation at hand. That is a kind of intelligence: she can survey and analyze what's in front of her and create an unique -and usually somewhat useful- response, and do so quickly. If ONLY she would go into sales. As to the rest of your post, I think of people pretending to worry about multiple genders and wokeness as a kind of leaning into a sheeple inclination. My take: since this stuff has never encroached on my life one iota, and never will, worrying about it is neurotic. And neurosis is a stumbling block to directly knowing the world.
  18. -The wet dream mating call of the incel loser. Do you think "the wokes" patronize the happy hour dumps that you call home?
  19. This stuff never happened to anyone else in the history of the universe, and yet it happened to Trump 87 times -that we know of. OK, they moan about Trump Derangement syndrome. But what about agog, slack-jawed, complete suspension of disbelief syndrome?
  20. If I wanted to have sex with someone who hates me, I'd hit up my ex-wife.
  21. We do Air BNB. The agent takes a whopping 25%. But they do every last thing and market the property. The agent rejects 95% of properties offered to her. Air BNB is very competitive. You need a good property AND a good location.
  22. My wife had a stupid Grateful Dead sticker on her fender -left over from the previous husband. I was out there with hot water and a scrubby pad. Redneck trash had a lot of fake vet PTSD stickers warning that "they might go off". Too funny. I'm never going to set foot in TrumpTrash-land again. You?
  23. I had in inlaws in Appalachia who would often express an intense interest in somehow breaking up a flag-burning -"Man, if I ever see that, I'd lose my sheet." How would that even come up? I've been to dozens of lefty demo's. No flags at all, burned or un-. Another righty fake testosterone self-own.
  24. There's a whole lot of interesting people who are dumb as rocks -and a whole of smart people who will put you straight to sleep. If I'm picking......
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