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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. You're solidly middle-tier here in my book. But that's the middle of this tier. So not much of a self-esteem boost.
  2. Who even insults you any more? Not even me.
  3. I love it when someone in the middle of some minor tiff throws out how high their like-count is. It's like bragging about being the tallest midget. But "I touched a nerve" is still the all-time stupidest internet claim ever made here.
  4. Love ya, and hope to lift a glass in Chiang Rai with you in '24, BUT icon-guessing is sort of too into it for my vibe. Like the person you're citing. 'Can't fault him or it; being into this nutty little watering hole at all is mildly indefensible.
  5. Yeah, I gotta stop again. In the old days, they would poke a retard in the village with sticks and stuff -really, how am I any better? And they're so Johnny One-note. Typical exchange: Trump Trash: <non-specific, butt hurt muttering, life's unfaiiiir> Me: Got any proof? TrumpTrash: I suddenly remember I left the stove on, I gotta go.
  6. The likes are pretty arbitrary. I can easily scoop up 20+ in a day by baiting TrumpTrash till they pathetically physically threaten me. Or I can write a long, informative paragraph about Thai food and get nothing. It's basically bread and circuses without the bread part here.
  7. I come from America where the visa process is very hard. I am in no position to throw stones at Thailand, where I basically just had to fill out a form to live here.
  8. "The Humanities are bad. Wut about gun-cleaning as a college major?" "Huh?"
  9. I come from TrumpTrash USA. The pit bull is very popular, and therefore very overbred. If it were like England where breeds are more regulated, I'd view it like any dog. But I see them being sold at swap meets, when they're way too young. Personal experience: Have known two. Sweet dogs but dumb as rocks. Among the most likely dogs to get hit by a car in my area. Constantly abandoned to shelters. The pitbulls you see in TrumpTrash-land may well have had 3 diff owners. The quality of which is uh, you know variable -which is polite-speak for red neck.
  10. I was snarfing at the 90 or so losers to whom he deigned to pop out of Mara Lago wearing his funny red hat and give a quick wave to today.That's right, 90 people. How many Trump voters live within 20 miles of Mara Lago? Millions. I guess they were busy. I guess they're always busy. https://www.mediaite.com/news/trump-basks-as-fans-chant-keep-fighting-wave-trump-won-flag-outside-mar-a-lago-amid-jaw-dropping-court-losses/
  11. What's his possible grounds for appeal? Whenever I ask TrumpTrash, it's like when Wiley E Coyote would run away through a brick wall, leaving a Wiley E Coyote silhouette.
  12. Headline one year from now: Biden, the most unpopular 2-term president ever.
  13. The Diaper Wearer is currently bumping along the ceiling of his polling -with no attempts to broaden his appeal and nothing but bad, bad, and worse news in front of him. The madness balloon will soon be deflating. Again. Looks like Weekend at Bernie's is going to snooze to victory -again. I'll be there to help ThaiBeachLover through that difficult day. Went down a Youtube thing of looking at Kennedy Center Awards shows. Loved Steven Tyler doing Abby Road. 'Wondered about the Trump years shows. There weren't any. No joy, no classiness, no art, no reaching out, no nothing. It's all about him. And sending him twenty bucks. TrumpTrash cucks, I know you're holding out him. Pay him today. Has any of the TrumpTrash here even sent him a single dollar? I expect tomb-like silence to this question.
  14. Read and laugh at liberal simps vainly trying to denazify their TrumpTrash children: https://www.thecut.com/article/can-we-keep-our-sons-from-conservative-politics.html?origSession=D240220pjpsYRsutnZ7iOEoWTo3DXcWI93NGD7AdHJlx6mecJQ%3D&_gl=1*4yzgei*_ga*MTM5MTI3MTgwNS4xNzA4NDA0Nzk2*_ga_DNE38RK1HX*MTcwODQyNjE3My4yLjEuMTcwODQyNjIxNS4xOC4wLjA.#_ga=2.57827498.1045277621.1708404799-1391271805.1708404796 But respect to Swissie: If Trump wins, a Taiwan war is much more likely. If you thought Phuket was crowded before......
  15. I would def love to be you for two hours while my wife is out of town. Bignok, if you already saw it all twice, why not just pick a place or two, stay for a week or two, and get the benefit of the little relationships that form? I was just on Koh Tao for a month in a lower-tier hotel. Without trying, I became enmeshed in a schedule of little chats and routines with the staff, the breakfast place, the banh mi place, and the various comings and goings of other tourists and long termers. None of it was riveting, but I feel like I semi-"know" Koh Tao a bit. If a restaurant owner in a place like Koh Tao sees you spending money 3 times, they are usually up for a chat. You can learn a lot in 10 minutes.
  16. Free checking -The next expat destination must-have? JingTing, can you get on it, researching which Latino desert hell holes will toss in a toaster if you open a passbook account? Where are the places on earth where people can only but dream about snagging a non-secured credit cards? Zambia? New Guinea?
  17. If you already drove around Thailand once (or more than once), stem to stern, why do you need to do it repeatedly? Does Roi Et change dramatically from visit to visit? Or were there just too many Roi Et attractions to take in in one go? I can see going to Paris a few times, but being Nan-ophile is a baffler.
  18. I hope you buffs get to ride the rails in Myanmar. If you like old trains and cheap prices, it's two weeks minimum to see it all.
  19. America's best Thai restaurants could be a CNN article (not a Fox New one, ever). Here's my entree, deep in Hillbilly Land. How they got there: Claiming oppression as Christians in Laos. Repub chumps will believe anything. All those Mex washing dishes are christians too. Any way, proper stinky papaya salad: https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g55129-d15196140-Reviews-Zaap_Lai_Thai_and_Lao_Cuisine-Johnson_City_Tennessee.html
  20. Thailand plans (if I can be fully @rsed: Try every 5* restaurant in Bangkok (11 left to go) Learn enough Thai language to talk to Thai people about their folk religion beliefs. Get a useless advanced degree from Chunglakorn for networking purposes. Go to Koh Lipe (the last hold out).
  21. had to toss you a blue heart.
  22. When I lived in Smokey and the Bandit-land, cammo-everything was huge: cammo jeep, cammo Bic lighter, even. Much, much fetishization -not just of their leader- but of an implied association to the military that was wholly fake. Stolen valor on steroids. I asked the fake cammo guy who was pressure washing my house if he was done and he said, "that's affirmative". I'd get hit up at the Walmart register to buy Pringles for the troops in Afghanistan, and then I'd toss them into a vast, empty bin where true patriots before me had opted instead for a SlimJim for themselves. What's weird is the Trumpers here who's so much more educated and well-travelled than THAT wanting to be THAT -when THAT is already a weird and nutty cosplay lost world in itself. It's the same old Tea Party fantasies, but now more distilled into poison. Call it 10 years out at the latest, we're going to have to have some kind of widespread de-nazification program. You can't have a full third of the country this berserk. We're going to have heal their trauma.
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