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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. Since we're not beach people, I def took a research trip to The Dark Side of Pattaya. Very western couple-ish. Super-value. But we're more self-contained and prefer the beatniks that drift in an out of our condo. She told me that if I need to go off with a 7/11 cashier, she'll just wait me out.
  2. I was in a brothel in Jakarta having a few drinks and laughs. My friend (her cousin) asked me if I wanted a prostate massage. I said, no thanks, but if I want one, I'll just tell my wife to get on it and maybe take her out for sushi afterwards. She wouldn't be into doing it, but she'd be into making me happy. Like I said, at 70, very few of those trains will be pulling into my station going forward. She said she can't look at the cousin anymore without cracking up.
  3. I have. Problem: 'Just not that into me. But many here are unconcerned with that. I'm 70. The two planets called "Free" and "Into Me" are highly unlikely to ever align again.
  4. No, we both never think about sports even for a single moment. If she knew her framed footie shirts at the pub, she could prob ditch me for richer pastures.
  5. I'm here with my American wife. You prob see it more in Chiang Mai than anywhere else due to the cultural factor. Ask me anything. When we go out to eat, about one time in three a guy with his Thai wife will just start chatting with her and ignoring his wife. They miss the flavor. My all time favorite Thai Visa thread was from an old white woman who was likewise besieged by small talk at the mall. She accurately assessed: "They want my mind, but not my body".
  6. Unlike you, I'm not anti-bogan. Stop, stop the self-hatred. I envision a Star Wars-like moment between you and BobSmith where he says, "Luke, I'm your father".
  7. Why not put it to a poll? Why not be like Chav Superstar BobSmith and just wallow in it? Note his favorables compared to your own.
  8. As the first person here to rightly pronounce you a Bogan, I ask you: Why do you think it stuck so easily? Where are the contrarians saying, "no, he's not a bogan' . Is there even a single one? Will they come forward today?
  9. Wow, you went to Chum in The Old City on my recco. Next time, this is the place that all the locals rate as #1: I live 2 minutes away, but I never go. Maybe twice in a year. Reason: too much meat and spice level at 5. It's YouTubed to death for a reason.
  10. I don't love it, but it's not Vietnam's fault: -Less Buddhist and less Sanuk attitude -Food's a little boring; hard to dodge soup and spring rolls. My least fave SEA food. -The traffic kills it (including the boat traffic in Han Long Bay) -dodgy visa that wasn't delivered on time (use an agent) What I liked: -Sapa, the train system, Hue (very under-rated), communist monuments, Hoi An (worth 2 days, still), cocktail culture. Still want to do, but will prob be a bit underwhelmed: The beach, boat trip from the delta to Phenom Penh, Dalat. If I go again, it would prob be back to the North only. Getting back to Chiang Mai overland is a rough, strange week on the road.
  11. It's a diff color wheel here. Do you love orange and green like at the temple? I do. We have a 60's modern house back in the states. Thai color theory suits us fine. https://www.google.com/search?q=panatone+thai&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiqvoLWpbSCAxU0bWwGHT-dDbcQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=panatone+thai&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQDFD1BFirE2CgIWgAcAB4AIAB5wGIAeQOkgEFMi45LjKYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=VHBLZarEC7TaseMPv7q2uAs&bih=727&biw=1440&client=safari#imgrc=6Xi4o00gscWsPM
  12. I have long admired and collected SEA art, of which Thailand is the most refined. And then there are The Hilltribe's, who's art is up there with the best of so-called Primitive Art. It takes some Hindu/Buddhist iconography knowledge and a broader understanding of Asian Art to get its wow factor. In a time of Game of Thrones, Myth-interest, Marvel Movies, the Thai version of the Ramayana and the former lives of Buddha are at that level and still unknown. Living in Chiang Mai is akin to a Western Art lover living in Florence. Not many people relocate here for the art, and you'll find them entirely in Bangkok and Chiang Mai.
  13. Just saw the new Scorcese. An hour and a half too long. He makes the same film over and over now; a morally flawed Leo Di Caprio is lured by a Robert Di Niro villain, who's just phoning it in.
  14. I thought this post was about Gamma Globule. Then I saw the word Or.
  15. You can smell the flop sweat desperation. Off to the loo -or am I really franticly running away from his searing bon mots?
  16. I like him best when he's playing the internet hard man -making people run away (in his dreams).
  17. Yeah, sure it's a pile of bogan dross, tossed out from a rider of the short school bus. But I'm contributing to that, if only to point and laugh, so that's one me, not Mr Shouty.
  18. The young people here give me free marijuana. I have no complaints. Try being less of a typical, whiney boomer. It's not them, it's you.
  19. We really, really need to hear their side of the boring-equation. Me and my wife spend about 70% of waking time together. She's very into me and wants the best for me. So that's one in a million and def un-boring.
  20. Went a year ago. Dead silent, but these days approaching normal. Given how heaving Chiang Mai is, expect crowds. Youtube has some good historical video's to help you pick out the key details The boat ride thru houses on sticks tour is def touristy, but low key, cheery, broke touristy. They want more to go through a tiny patch of mangrove on a little boat. Crocodile novelty-eating was crazey-priced at $20 a head. Khao San Road has the best bargain croc (200 baht), had it twice in one year. Just below the party street, there's a greek restaurant across from a Mex restaurant. That's your dining corner. Lovely Indian nearby there too. Do not express interest in the puppet show. Our driver unconvincingly claimed that he fronted for tickets on our imaginary say-so and that they were non-refundable. We laughed it off and bought him some soup.
  21. This happened to me too. I tried 3 diff transformers, no luck. I also tried a power line conditioner with the transformers -in vain.
  22. Basmati by a mile. A biryani has me scraping the bowl. Not so much with Thai fried rice. But the preparation is all. In a nicer Thai restaurant say, where Crab Fried Riced is 400 baht, it will be fluffy and dense at the same time. Vegan restaurants also seem to take the time to steam the rice instead of boiling it.
  23. Don't buy an Amazon pod machine (that's Amazon, the coffee bar chain, not Jeff Bozo's-Amazon). The booklet was only in Thai and 4 pod attempts of various sizes later, we put it out in the hall. I've seen it back out in the hall twice since. For a machine with consistently gettable pots, Netpresso is it. We gave up and went to filter coffee.
  24. Oh, for those mellow days when it was Korean deli owners who were the rightie immigrant outrage du jour. Also: Thanksgiving at Duke's restaurant was 495 baht last year, 795 this year. The pic looks like they're piling the turkey on top of the mashed potato's and stuffing to make it look bigger too. Last year, it was all spread out on the plate.
  25. Exhibit A: Qanon. TlDr: That's Scientology for Hillbillies.
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