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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. There's so much less incentive for them to try. What do you get for being the best counter person at 7/11? Also: At their age, I was a hippie, hoping to make a living as a Zen poet. So I'll leave the stern judgement to imperious hospital building services professionals.
  2. We're talking about the mildest kidding being met with this scribe of huffiness. Then the deranged he-man alcoholism boast. Nope, can't get anymore Canadian than that.
  3. I was someone else with a Laos-oriented name for about 20 months. I like commenting on forums. I do Slate a bit too. Prob the best one left standing. Hard to find one that's not like Yahoo News where it's just random idiots screaming into a useless internet maw.
  4. Those show biz windfalls are gone for good. You'd be lucky to see a mil out of a Netflix series. What Netflix dross will have the legs of a Friends or a Seinfeld? Will people want to watch Is It Cake? even a year from now? Is It Cake? def gets some viewership in pot bars.
  5. I just read that he had a fling with Gwyneth Paltrow -"at a party". Does that mean that he grappled her in the coat room? If so, respect.
  6. As my (new) idol, Sydney Powell, said, "Only a crazy person would take anything I say seriously".
  7. I prefer no rankings. Idiots, when being laughed at, would often point to their ranking as some kind of goofy validation. Please take this pathetic crutch away from them to let laughing at them proceed unimpeded.
  8. I was broadly making fun of the popular trope that Canada is "too white" and that that makes it culturally inferior. And then I half-heartedly dissed the midwest, which is the birthright privilege of every New Yorker.
  9. Jian Tong in the Nimman1 Mall had a nice duck at a decent price, but it did not have the super-crispy skin that I expect with the dish. Hong Kong Lucy Restaurant on the top floor of the Maya Mall gets closer and has the other specialty Chinese hanging meats at a good price. Not particularly cozy, tho. Haven't been yet, but Yangzi Jiang in Nimman is a pretty place that my Taiwanese neighbors like. If I have Peking Duck, it's so rich that I don't want it again for a very long time. I had a $150 Peking duck in NYC where the duck was crisped table-side with a flame gun. Best ever.
  10. In fact, it was 39K. Sorry! I was in an out in about an hour, including the consult. No discomfort at all. When I got home, I slept like a rock for a couple of hours. The cleanup process was much less onerous than my last attempt a dozen years ago. But yeah, make sure you laptop is charged for the toilet time.
  11. I just paid 32K at Chiang Mai Ram Hospital. If you don't want to be totally knocked out, you can save a little money.
  12. To ask people what they think about Canada. The only person in the entire world who gets butt hurt about that is snowflake-you.
  13. This is backwards thinking. Moving to Thailand is like joining The French Foreign Legion -For ne'er do-wells to forget their sordid pasts.
  14. For cheap and old, try Chiang Puark flea market. I bought Kantom trays there for 100 baht apiece.
  15. I'm in a long-term empathy deficit after years of a caretaking situation. Gotta let that empathy well re-fill. At its own pace. Will def be highly selective about engaging in empathy-inducing situations.
  16. Not on google map, but there is a store next to GreenHead Dispensary on Nimman Road that sells odd lots celadon plates for about 100-200 baht apiece. I recently bought nice fake Japanese-style plates at Central Dept Store for 129 baht a plate (on sale).
  17. He wants a virgin. They only want to part with the panties. I'm seeing a win/win all around here.
  18. Sadly -Tragically, even, this is a complete urban myth. Here is the definitive research: https://www.techinasia.com/japan-used-panty-vending-machines-fact-fiction TLdr: -You do see panty vending machines with salacious advertising, but no claim to actual funk. -you do see panty vending machines saying Used, but they mean used as in appearing to be semi-worn out. Those crotch holes were done in a factory.
  19. Part of the pantie sniffing thing is that you have some pretend-relationship with the sopping clam in question. Like an only fans encounter or a little chit chat behind a bush behind a Shinto temple. No one just want's to just take a whiff of Jiff from random panties. Altho, for many, I'll bet the any port in a storm argument works here. I had a friend, he had school girl panties in a baggie that he had bought at a sayonara sale. He had a test: sniff the baggie or depart his life forever. Verdict: a bit like over-ripe cantaloup.
  20. For the school girl connoisseur, there is the delightful sub-fetish of Roose Sox. Imagine a bad girl who had further defiled her school uniform by taking the elastic of of the tops of their socks -rendering them slutishly roose (loose). Magazine are stocked in piles chronicling famous Roose Sox girls. Can you buy panties AND Roose Sox? From the same nymphet? Only if you have -well, I can't say price here, can I? PM me if you need to know.
  21. Sadly, this has been over-blown. The was ONE used panty vending machine for ONE day. It was an art project. I doubt the panties dispensed was funky. You can buy panties in a baggie with a pic of the wearer in a porno place. Most porno places won't let white people enter. Pantie-fans usually cut out the middle man and negotiate directly with one of the little sweeties hanging out together in a park with their Fendi bags. After the all-access thrill of Thailand, Japan is like taking a Mormon vacation.
  22. Top tip: Tempura at the train station. That oil is always fresh due to the foot traffic. ....And then, hopefully, explaining the existence of Yukio Mishima to the 99% of J's who have never heard of him. A j-woman friend asked me to write a little speech about Zen Buddhism for her -for an audience of J-women. What they got was my hippie mis-remembering of zany Alan Watts books from 3 decades past. Japanese people like their Japanese culture on the light side, and hopefully involving near-nude cartoon waifs.
  23. Like most Americans, I never think of Canada one iota -even less so since Bachman Turner Overdrive had their acrimonious split. I have been to Vancouver and Montreal. Nice 3 day towns (at the outside) with tremendous bagels. And Nova Scotia, which makes Maine look shabby. Net Impression: Socialist Ohio with one tenth the black people. Def. heavily blah (the no black people problem), but the locals are smarter than Americans. I'd retire there if I could, since Canada is like the dull milk of magnesia antidote to Trumpism. If a one bedroom apartment cost $500 in Toronto and you could date Thai transplants on a budget, would you?
  24. In the position they typically end up in, just how much of the top of your head are they really going to see?
  25. I worship 60's Soul, but Rod The Mod did it better. My wife feinted into a bowl of Khao Soi Noodles. 3 times. Put her right off Khao Soi noodles. She said, she was there, and then she was not. As she went face down, she felt bad for me, and then she felt absolutely nothing. (She's had that looked at and is better now).
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