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Everything posted by Georgealbert

  1. You really are in an alternative reality. Do you get up each morning and think how can I make myself look stupid on the forum today, or does it hust come naturally ? 🤡
  2. The government link to life certificates states the person counter signing can hold any passport , nothing stopping a Thai signing. https://www.gov.uk/state-pension-if-you-retire-abroad/report-a-change-in-your-circumstances#:~:text=You may get a 'life,passport from any specific country.
  3. Did you forget your pills this morning. I suggest seeking professional help
  4. And you do not have an attitude? Life is too short putting up with people who lack the intelligence to see how stupid their posts are. You continue to post non factual conspiracies, but lack the ability to see you are posting rubbish So Bye, I will no longer reply to you. Try using google, Dunning and Kruger, you may learn something. Or go back to your self kite flying with the other right wing, conspiracy theory nu…bs. There be an empty bar stool with a few pi…..ds, waiting for you.
  5. Took less than 2 days to reply this time. Must be fully Tuckered up you conspiracy sound bites or You have a day of from preaching at the bar stool 🤡
  6. 5555 Truth from Fox, that paid out of court to avoid being proved liars. Then sacked Carson! Stick with your conspiracy theories. Only fools fall for the conman Trump
  7. If anyone can watch this and still support this conman, I think they need to have a good look at themself and ask, how did I get here and where did I go so wrong? This narcissistic loser, can never admit defeat, (google him not getting an award for The Apprentice, or buying the Buffalo Bills), and he continues to push the same fantasy, debunked messages. He will blame everyone else and the whole world is against him, A weak crying baby that can only appeal to others that have failed in life too, and fail to see they are being feed BS.
  8. So if you never researched his qualifications and career, what made you decide to make your first statement that his appointment was collapsing the justice system. That seems a big opening statement, if you have little knowledge and admit you “failed to research his history”. Something seems in my opinion, to be triggering your views, “an Obama shill” and “Obama wasn’t a good pres.”. Think it is best to leave it there, and agree to disagree.
  9. Sorry no idea what the yellow ticket means. The only time I had similar is when they have keep my passport over night (pink ticket number that time), and had to pick up the passport next day, with yearly extension in it. Then went straight to counter to collect. Hopefully someone will guide you on the 15 when they see the ticket.
  10. That is totally insane. Seen other reports that it is busy there this week, because of the holidays this Tuesday and next Monday, 11, Constitution day. Cannot understand why telling people to come back later, near the final date, is really helping the work load at the office. Just pushing the extra people to other days. I said before I did not doubt your experience, just reported the one afternoon I was there, and it was not that busy. Can only hope it goes ok next week, but you have wasted two trips for nothing.
  11. This sounds like a scam. Been approached a few times in similar fashion in Pattaya, I just say sorry, bye and walk away.
  12. 55555 So you tell me what you don't like with a will qualified lawyer getting this post? Was it Sri, Obama or both that trigger you?
  13. The baiting key board warrior. Your post prove, you must be a champion kite flyer. Get a life, instead of being a sad troll.
  14. BYE, and thank you for being the sad grammar police. My day would be so empty with your insightful posts. 555555 You really must be a great bundle of fun to be with!! Watch that chip on your shoulder does not get too heavy.
  15. Thank you. This was after posting a light hearted video. So how would you describe you post? Worthless, pathetic or plan pointless.
  16. Sorry you are wasting you time trying to explain to this poster. He is a classic candidate for research by Dunning and Kruger. He will never accept facts, what ever links you provide. He will continue to bait, troll and try to intimidate you, to try to get you to rise to his posts, and try to get you banned.
  17. Strangest post today. Which QAnon site you get that rant from? And then also using the proven lying news site to back you claim. 5555555
  18. 555555 What a highly thought out constructive reply. Can you post your evidence of your claim, or we it something someone told you in a bar.
  19. No you picked the ones that suited you agenda. 55555 Yet another Trump fan, who denies it. Many on this forum seem to lack conviction. Bye, pointless posting faces, when you do not want to read them.
  20. Good, glad it is sorted.
  21. So why just pick the ones that make Trump look good. Maybe this link will give a better comparison, that somethings are better and some worse. Nothing like cherry picking to meet your agenda. I have no argument either way, but like full facts. https://www.barrons.com/articles/trump-vs-biden-economy-ec8ff89a
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