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Everything posted by Georgealbert

  1. Try sticking to facts. My post contained a link to a reported fact, and after watching the full interview Musk seems to be suffering some health issue. His middle finger response, will be followed by him attempting to get the revenue back, same as the recent apology tour to Israel. Then there is just more trolling and baiting, you can not seem to help yourself!!! Your post has again been reported.
  2. I have done this before. You need a new re entry permit, but it will only be valid until the 28 December, immigration would not extend my under consideration date. I came back in 2 days before my under consideration date and the IO laughed about stamping be in for 2 days only. Make sure IO does not try to be helpful and give you 30 visa exempt. I also told immigration about my plans, so they could do home visit, etc. before I left. So it is possible to do, but not recommended, as it only leaves a short time frame if any problems occur.
  3. About 40% of the population have a fear of flying, and that is reflected in all aspects of the flight, starting from before leaving/traveling to the airport. Last year I had to average 15 to 20 flights a month, through different airports and countries, and I saw people stressed at check-in, immigration, security, waiting at the gate, boarding, throughout the flight and even at baggage claim. Many people find flying a stressful experience. People deal with these issues in different ways. Myself I tend to just get on with it, but have helped a few others at different times, as I am aware others finding the whole experience difficult. https://www.stratosjets.com/blog/fear-of-flying-statistics-trends-facts/
  4. Was at Jomtien this afternoon. At 13.15 took 5 minutes in queue to get counter ticket. I was after a reentry permit, walked straight in to main building as my number was called, and got my passport back after another 15 minutes. So in and out 20 minutes. Observations of the other counters, Main building. Retirement extensions were flowing well and no large numbers, seemed fairly normal. Marriage/family extensions much the same as you see all year around. 30 days extensions had the largest numbers of people, but again did not seem excessive and there was no one moaning about delays that I saw. Outside building. 90 days and TM30 had a steady flow but all moving fairly quickly. So in summary, there were no one having to queue outside of the air con buildings, immigration now have a photocopy service next to the ticket counter, yes you have to pay. I have seen it a lot worse at this time of year, but seemed that none of the counters were swamped. When I left at 13.35 there were only a few people at the ticket counter. This is just a snap shot of what I saw today, a Thursday afternoon, I can not guarantee what other days or mornings are like.
  5. Think you got it the wrong way around. Musk is getting upset because these companies are using their freedom of speech to remove their ads. Also anyone that needs to use the word “woke” really just show that they have no constructive comments. Have a look how successful Musk was last year. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/01/10/elon-musk-guinness-world-record-losing-most-money/11022084002/
  6. My son renewed his Thai passport earlier this year in Pattaya. He was doing his nation service in Thai army at the time, and was told he could send the passport to any address. He had it send to a relative in Pattaya.
  7. I said it yesterday and repeat again, the only thing consistent from Johnny is the inconsistency, Just look at his Trump and Musk posts, no more then is expected when he gets the information from selected, bias, social media and youtube. I cannot work out if Johnny really believes his posts, or is a baiting troll, or has an inferiority complex issue and hence likes narcissistic big mouths, or is a perfect research candidate for. Dunning and kruger.
  8. No problem with that, but think they should email the notifications, not just use the post system. Know a few people who had problems because of the form going missing in the post.
  9. I believe it is hit and miss of when and the frequency of Life Certificates are sent out. Everyone I talk to seem to just get them at random. Even from the government web site it only states, “you may get a life certificate form”. It would make it a lot easier for everyone if there was a set timetable and it was also possible to receive by email. https://www.gov.uk/state-pension-if-you-retire-abroad/report-a-change-in-your-circumstances#:~:text=You may get a 'life,passport from any specific country.
  10. How old is that picture of Huckabee? About as real as the evidence in Biden impeachment inquiry. This is a screenshot from his recent show.
  11. Here is a link to the view of Mike Pence. I would imagine a few will call him a never trumper or traitor. Lets look at the facts Trump lost. https://washingtonpress.com/2023/11/28/spilling-mike-pence-told-the-doj-all-the-details-leading-to-jan-6th/
  12. 555555 Flip-flopping again. You do not like Trump, but, but……., none stop support and propaganda for him. 55555 You do know that your village is still looking for you.
  13. Trump was also sure the Emmy awards were fixed against him. The man is narcissist.who can never admit the truth. https://time.com/4537809/donald-trump-emmy-awards-debate/ And the false financial records when trying to buy the Buffalo Bills https://www.si.com/nfl/2019/03/02/donald-trump-buffalo-bills-michael-cohen-falsified-financial-records https://www.gq.com/story/donald-trump-shady-scheme-to-buy-nfl-buffalo-bills When are you going to wake up and see he is a serial, liar and cheat, instead of repeated his propaganda.
  14. The only way around it would be to never to inform them you left the UK or Belgium, some members here will tell you that there is no risk doing that, but too late if their already know your in Thailand or if it worries you to lie. More info in these threads.
  15. Another comical post! 555555 Last week you told me you do not like or support Trump, and here you are again with the fan club cheering. The only thing that is consistent is your inconsistency!
  16. My post is wrong, because I misread the original details. Sorry. I should learn to wake up fully before posting, or I make myself look stupid.
  17. Stop posting facts, you know the Trump fan club will just cherry pick and lie, to support their hero.
  18. Sorry do not know about the current queues, but a month ago was not too bad at 10.00 in the morning, re entry permit took about 45 minutes on a Thursday. This link is about the new set up there. https://pcec.club/LATEST-IMMIGRATION-INFORMATION
  19. Try some facts. I know truth and reality are difficult for you. https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/eu-and-irelands-economic-growth-and-recovery Facts are better than your racist wet dreams.
  20. Older thread, with top advice from the late Udonjoe https://aseannow.com/topic/910961-marriage-visawife-dieswhat-happens/
  21. The Uk list for life certificates is the same as counter signing passports.
  22. More complete fantasy from the empty kiwi echo chamber. Trump was con man, and you have bought the propaganda. This is from someone who then denies, in posts, being a Trump supporter.
  23. Do not worry those who believe this will be along soon to defend this and that everyone is wrong, BUT Trump.
  24. Fully agree The leaving/blaming ECHR is just headline grabbing to please the extreme right of the tory party. It will also please those voters who never read past those headlines, and I am sure a few of them will be along soon, to add their views in this thread. They will never read the judgement, never understand the ruling, never believe the facts and then tell us they speak for everyone, and are never wrong.
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