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Everything posted by John49

  1. Some are posting against buying any drugs from India. To be specific, we have got to be talking about generic drugs i.e. drugs that are chemical copies of well-known drugs originally made by large pharma, and not drugs with alleged magical properties – that I would not recommend and are excluded. Firstly, there are user reviews on India Mart and it’s not difficult to sort genuine reviews from fake reviews. Secondly, most of the drugs on sale are from well-known generic manufacturers like Dr. Reddy and Cipla. In my case, I was prescribed an immunological drug by a local public hospital. It was ordered from Bangkok and when I went the hospital pharmacy to pay for the one month’s supply, the cost was about 90% (?) cost of the OEM version by Bristol Myers Squibb. The drugs was manufactured by Dr Reddy in India, i.e. it was a generic version, with major price gouging by the public hospital. I did not complain as my very knowledgeable hospital doctor had been kind and helpful. I quickly switched to ordering directly from India and paid about 15% (?) of the local public hospital price. It just happened to be Cipla, and not Dr Reddy. Drugs proved to be authentic and improved my health status. Also, not clear why some above say ‘cannot but small quantities’ and it's only for wholesalers. Both options are catered for on India Mart. Also, I have not heard about 1,500 Baht limit. I was ‘interviewed’ by 3 separate custom officers. They simply wanted to know how much I paid (they not did require receipts and took my word on price) and applied a percentage customs fee. I recommend India Mart. Once, a relationship is established with a supplier, authentic repeat medications arrive reasonably on time and usually at a much reduced price. Just buy small quantities and be prepared to visit to customs - to explain and pay a (small) fee. As some have said, don't use a courier (like DHS) - makes it look more like commercial and not personal? I took that advice and I used EMS.
  2. I think this question has been asked (and fully answered previously) on this forum, within the last year – I suggest doing a search. In short, I have received about six deliveries by postal mail in Thailand from India. Keep quantities small – in my case 2 small bottles of tablets. Then, it can be clearly stated (if stopped and questioned) that it’s for personal use and clearly not a commercial venture. 3 deliveries arrived at my address unimpeded. 3 deliveries required a visit to customs to explain what it was and pay a tax (not exorbitant). Does depend on the customs officer, the first one was very relaxed, the last one said he wants to see a Thai doctor’s prescription next time. However, as someone just posted – strictly speaking an import licence is required, but looks like they bend the rules on small quantities for personal use (deemed to be one month supply, but in my case it’s actually two months supply).
  3. I met with two separate doctors at Siriraj Private and decided to go with radiation treatment, rather than surgery. Next week, I will have a 3 hour simulation procedure and then (after 2 weeks) 5 radiation treatments over 10 days. They did not insist on hormone treatment, at this stage. The machine is a MR Linac and the machine is located in Siriraj Public (not Private). When I look at your case and mine there is quite a difference, especially on the type of machine (?) and number of treatments, and with your machine being located in Siriraj Private? Maybe they have two machines, one new and one older? I visited Siriraj Public to register and meet the doctor there. This was on referral from the radiation specialist doctor at Siriraj Private. (BTW, this was not because I said I was looking for a cheaper solution, etc. I fully expected treatment at Siriraj Private.) Siriraj Public is really overwhelming with it’s large size and equally large number of patients. Plus, the Out Patients Department (for registration, pharmacy and payments?) is undergoing renovation and was pretty chaotic, with dozens and dozens of patients waiting on trollies, I felt for a moment that I was in Gaza. This did give me some second thoughts but I’ve decided to go ahead as the MR Linac is the right kind of machine, and I don’t want to incur further delay trying to find other hospitals/treatments.
  4. I met with two separate doctors at Siriraj Private and decided to go with radiation treatment, rather than surgery. Next week, I will have a 3 hour simulation procedure and then (after 2 weeks) 5 radiation treatments over 10 days. They did not insist on hormone treatment, at this stage. The machine is a MR Linac and the machine is located in Siriraj Public (not Private). When I look at your case and mine there is quite a difference, especially on the type of machine (?) and number of treatments, and with your machine being located in Siriraj Private? Maybe they have two machines, one new and one older? I visited Siriraj Public to register and meet the doctor there. This was on referral from the radiation specialist doctor at Siriraj Private. (BTW, this was not because I said I was looking for a cheaper solution, etc. I fully expected treatment at Siriraj Private.) Siriraj Public is really overwhelming with it’s large size and equally large number of patients. Plus, the Out Patients Department (for registration, pharmacy and payments?) is undergoing renovation and was pretty chaotic, with dozens and dozens of patients waiting on trollies, I felt for a moment that I was in Gaza. This did give me some second thoughts but I’ve decided to go ahead as the MR Linac is the right kind of machine, and I don’t want to incur further delay trying to find other hospitals/treatments.
  5. My experience is that – he who gets to the junction first - goes first. (In the event of doubt, wait for acknowledgement from the other vehicle.) Also, whether you are driving in RHS or LHS Country, always give way to the right. Both ‘rules’ above could put the scooter rider on the right side of the argument? But, as others post above, these scooters are a dangerous menace and are ridden at your own peril. Expect to get run over and seriously injured, it’s only a matter of time.
  6. If you read my statement and your statement, there is major difference in intent, and you have ‘over-interpreted’ my intent. I’m looking for feedback from others – on their personal experiences with doctors and hospitals. Without feedback from others, I would have a long journey of contacting hospital and doctors, and trying to determine their ‘competency’ for a successful outcome. I really do question their 'competency' - most are average, some are exceptional and some (or most?) are to be avoided. The feedback here has been really good, it has thrown up a few hospitals and doctors – whom I shall now contact for the diagnosis and advice. Why do I go open kimono and detail my recent medical ‘history’? This is to generate interest in my case so that those with similar ‘history’ can identify and be motivated to relate their personal stories. I would like thank all for their “personal experiences, or suggestions on where to get treatment in Bangkok”. A special thanks to Sheryl who contributes so much to this forum. Sheryl gives so much with tailored “suggestions” and “recommendations” to each and everyone's medical issue.
  7. My recent medical results while in Australia: PSA = 8. Prostate volume 35 ml. mpMRI, pi-rads score = 5. Prostate biopsy Gleason score = 7 (4+3). My urologist in Australia recommends: A PSMA-PET scan to determine if prostate cancer has reached any other parts of body. (Where can I do this in Bangkok, avoiding the very expensive hospitals? My urologist says the result will probably be negative, as a recent PET-CT scan was negative, apart from picking up this same issue with prostate.) Removal of internal part of prostate using Holep laser procedure. (Apparently, this laser removes all internal tissue so that it will not grow back. As I’m in my late 70’s, not sure if that is a real risk? The reason for doing this is that flow is already restricted and will become more restricted with radiation. There are other options like TURP, Rezum, or Aquablation? The cost estimate for Holep is AUD 15,000 with negligible Medicare rebate; urologist said must stay in Australia for 4 to 6 weeks after procedure – a negative for me.) Take hormone tablets for 6 months. (I think that is to hold back the progress of cancer.) After 6 months of hormones, start radiation treatment. (Not sure what kind of radiation or for how long? I see that Bumrungrad has video online that says they use hydrogel as spacer between prostate and rectum, to minimise damage to rectum. Are there other hospitals using this technique?) Apparently, I should only do the PSMA-PET scan now, as my prostate needs 6 weeks to recover from the recent biopsy. Any personal experiences, or suggestions on where to get treatment in Bangkok would be welcomed. A looks like lots of specialist doctors available at each hospital, any recommendations on doctor’s names appreciated. Also, it would be really good just to ‘sign up’ at one hospital for all treatments.
  8. I need to change out the battery on my Surface Pro 5. Any suggestions where it can be done in Bangkok? I see the last post above but I don't have Facebook, and it was posted nearly 4 year ago. From what little I have read, a heating mat must be used (not a gun?) as the screen will break easily. I was able to update to Windows 11 from the good advice on this forum, despite MS saying my device was not compatible with Windows 11, so my tablet now has a new lease of life.
  9. I did buy a foam topper about 10 years ago, cost AUD 300, way too expensive at that time, but I was desperate to get a better night’s sleep. I notice that the more expensive hotels now have spring mattresses with a foam top incorporated. Other hotels can still have the older spring mattresses where the springs seem to be rigid. I remember sleeping on kapok mattresses in Indonesia. Kapok is a fluffy tree fibre that settles down solid, in my experience. Great for pillows if you like a firm pillow. The locals like them as kapok is considered cool compared with the other cheap alternative of a foam mattress. I've come across coconut fibre mattresses (in Singapore) – probably the worst, like sleeping on the floor.
  10. I’m a committed side-sleeper. Whenever I try to sleep on my back, I drop off easily but soon my own snoring wakes me up. For many years, I have on/off hip pain from the ‘contact area’ between the bed and my hip. The pain wakes me up after after 1 or 2 hours and I have to switch sides. Then after 1 or 2 hours, pain again and I have to switch sides. The pain is like a burning sensation and dissipates after 10 minutes. Often, I just get up much too early as I’m tired of the constant wake-ups and opt for my first coffee of the day. The hip pain is not there every night. The ‘attacks’ are more often in cold weather and with harder mattresses. I have no swelling on the hip and no problem walking or standing. BTW, I’ve tried cushions between the knees and rubber rings, did not work for me. I’ve had X-rays and MRI of both hips, nothing of great significance. A well-respected orthopaedic surgeon had me standing on one leg and bending in multiple directions and implied it was all in my mind. On the positive side, an ultrasound did indicate a possible inflamed hip bursa. I had a steroid injection into the side bursa and no pain issue for about 2 months. So, I really think the side hip bursas are the issue. Possibly, I should have the hip side bursa removed. From my Google search, seems it’s not always successful? Plus, arthroscopy solutions seem expensive for what it is. My side hip seems to be just skin and bone; that’s part of the problem negligible fat and muscle on the side? Any personal experiences, or suggestions on where to get surgery in Bangkok would be welcomed.
  11. I had a tooth extracted at a private hospital in Ayutthaya, the local anaesthetic was injected a bit off target and the back tooth was effectively extracted without anaesthetic. Six very painful pulls and despite protest, he kept on pulling. None of the “ I’ll just give you a bit more local”. I think the nurse was holding me down… I know an anaesthetic was used, as my jaw was numbed for some hours after. Not all bad news, since this time I have had 3 dental implants, a few caps and fillings – all went well and no complaints. All done at Thai dental surgeries with a good reputation according to local expats.
  12. I twisted my knee about one year ago. I had an MRI of knee and the report mentioned ‘partial tears’. I have since heard that there are 3 grades of tear, but no mention of ‘grade of tear’ in my report (from Bangkok Hospital). I limped for many weeks and thought that the tear would not heal, but here we are nearly one year later and all is well. (Possibly my tear was on the outer 2/3rds that have a blood supply and can heal??) Not sure about the longevity of tear repair; I had a negative report from someone who had two tear repairs that did not last… I have two family members who have had TKR in both legs. They really suffered a lot post op. for many months. Seems like you need to work really hard on post op physio for a good long term result. Like someone said above, 'not to be taken lightly'.
  13. Thanks for highlighting that point - 'equivalent to 8 years versus 10 days - of background radiation'. Over about 40 years, I have about 12 X-ray investigations (with say 5 shots average) of my 'torso', mostly hips, abdomen and spine; with just one CT scan (blood in urine issue - employer requirement). Now, I feel a bit better about my exposure to all that unwanted radiation over many years! Made up my mind on this one - no more CT scans.
  14. Microsoft Surface Pro 5 Battery Replacement - iFixit Repair Guide Here, the cost of the replacement battery is listed at USD77. There are “56 Steps” in the replacement. I see one comment at the end where someone gives thanks for the guidance and says it took him 10 hours to do the replacement himself. The Surface Pro is thin and compact, and mostly glued together, so difficult to open and access. Risky to do yourself, easy to break the glued screen. Best to pass to a specialist. I think a skilled technician may do it in one or two hours, so that brings the price up to say USD200. Before this, I had a Dell laptop – so easy to change out the battery – just 2 thumbs to push it out.
  15. I was able to update from W10 to W11 via register change by 'allowing upgrades with unsupported CPU,' on my Surface Pro 5, much as you suggested above. Then, I found that “Core Isolation Memory Integrity Fails to Enable Because of Incompatible Driver.” ("Memory Integrity," prevents malware and other malicious code from hijacking high-security processes.) I found that I had 4 old device drivers (from 2015) that were blocking this important security feature. I followed some videos on YouTube but I could not get access to SYSTEM as they described. Eventually, I opened Windows PowerShell with administrator privileges and deleted the 4 drivers. Then, Core Isolation Memory was enabled. So, at first I wondered if it was all worth it as there were so many personalisation options that frustrated me when I simply wanted to get back to what I had before. But, now it all looks good and I have the improved security feature - no regrets. Thanks for steering me in the right direction, especially your first perspective about why MS were blocking upgrades on quite modern machine (like mine), with MS not wanting to take responsibility for potential issues, etc. I will eventually change my battery (about $200), then my machine could be good for another 4 years or more. BTW, I have bought 2 Surface cover/keyboards to date and both have failed after about 2 years use, and this is with me taking really good care of them. I will not buy the Surface cover/keyboard again (they cost about $200). I bought a cheap Bluetooth keyboard on Shopee for when I really need to type.
  16. Nobody above has mentioned it but I read that one major point about Vietnam was, the people in the South are friendly, and the people in the North are unfriendly. The bias based on the western support for the South during the war? So, the people in the North don't like westerners? I visited the South for a week and it was fine apart from the excessive number of motorbikes on the roads. I do remember asking Immigration on arrival if I could extend my stay visa (3 weeks?) - totally unfriendly - and that was at Saigon in the South. I felt as though I had arrived in China or Hong Kong/Macau - you are not allowed to ask questions.
  17. Recently flying with Thai from Heathrow to Bangkok, the lady at check-in asked if I had an onward ticket. I said ‘no’ and then I said ‘why do I need an onward ticket’. (I knew I was on safe ground as I had a resident return visa.) At this point, the check-in lady got really upset – I had answered a question, with a question. Cannot remember rest of conversation, but I complained as to why she was so angry and reminded her that I had said ‘good morning’ and she had ignored my courtesy. Ultimately, we both reduced the tension and all was OK. The question of onward ticket is serious issue as of course you can be put off the flight. I learned a lesson flying from Singapore to Philippines. At check-in, they wanted my onward ticket. I found out that this actually a government requirement for travel to Philippines. I had to rush to another counter and bought a return ticket with another airline (SIA was too expensive), before I could check-in. I have not heard of ‘onward flight.com’. I have sometimes bought a cheap onward throw away ticket. Just googled “dummy ticket for return flight”: Dummy Ticket in Visa Processes There are some countries that ask for dummy flight tickets while applying for the visa. Beware: In the market there are some dummy tickets generator who just put your name and other details in the format of an E-ticket with fake PNR, you must not generate such tickets from there because if the ambassador gets your ticket fake he may REFUSE YOUR VISA and moreover can get taken action against you by the cops for providing false information. There are some travel agents also who do not hold the ticket they do the same as the ticket generators do. OK, so I recently bought a dummy ticket from a local travel agent for a Schengen Visa. No problem there – seems like all the embassies are aware that the tickets are dummy. (Why do they have such a dumb requirement, same for dummy hotel booking requirement. That's the EU for you.) The comment I quoted above in italics has 46 upticks, not sure how valid this comment is; he does mention the “ambassador” and not airline. Probably, airline just waves you through – no time to check if ticket is dummy or not i.e. PNR fake or not. Maybe, if you are within that 48 hour window, they have to give benefit of doubt, that ticket has been paid for, but not yet issued? I think I feel safer with a cheap throw away ticket - depends on the price of that ticket I guess.
  18. Would not happen to me – I always remove the blister pack and leave the box and leaflet on the counter with them. Much more discrete - with just a blister pack that fits snugly in your pocket.
  19. The reason my tack was different (no transfers to her) is that my partner is not Thai, and is my dependant in my one year visa based on retirement. So, it’s kind of evident that she is fully supported by me in Thailand. I bring money into Thailand and then pay all the bills, etc. I’m sure that many months or years, of fund transfers to a Thai partner or housewife is strong evidence of support and works well for the visa approval. I guess most applications are based on that evidence of support.
  20. I saw this video earlier and the comment: Did not work: Oct 17, 2021: Surface 5 LTE Intel Core i5-7300U 2.6-2.71GHz: Windows 11 Install Stopped: "The processor isn't supported for this version of Windows" My CPU is same but not LTE, so I think same will happen to me… There is a solution with another comment (mentions the ‘register’?): EDIT THE WINDOWS LOG in this way: Click the Start button, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK Locate the Computer \ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ Setup \ MoSetup subkey it can be found either by copying the address in the search box, or by opening the folders HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE> SYSTEM> Setup> MoSetup in sequence In the right panel click with the right mouse button and select New> DWORD (32-bit) value Name the new value as AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU Double-click on the new value created and type 1 in the Value Data field, then click Ok and close the register This goes further than the easier instructions in the video. Maybe I’ll try later… Worried something will stuff up… Thanks for your comment that puts it all into perspective: “It just means that since it doesn’t meet the minimum requirements, they are not responsible for any slowness or incompatibility…. It’s just that Microsoft don’t want to be responsible for millions of older devices…etc. “ That’s good to know!
  21. If the laptop is 8 years old and is ‘upgraded’ – will it be able to run Windows 11? My Surface Pro 5 is only 4 years old. I have TPM 2.0, but Windows says my CPU is insufficient (or not supported) for installing Windows 11. I checked on Google - seems complicated to work around – like have to go into registry. Anyone know of an easy way to work around, apart from switching to Linux. MS support on Windows 10 will stop in October 2025. I know it is a way off but I’m looking at having to change the battery and it may not be a worthwhile investment if I cannot upgrade to Windows 11. I want a Windows version that is supported as I do banking / financial work on the laptop.
  22. I had a bad experience getting a 60 day Thai tourist visa at the Thai Embassy in Singapore a few years ago, just after Covid. They wanted bank statements for something like prior three or six months. I printed them out online. They had my name but not my address – not acceptable. Some statements are like this now – like a security thing. I have a Singapore bank account, so I was able to visit and get an alternative bank statement with my address. Then, they wanted proof that I was legally in Singapore by means of the email from Singapore Immigration, confirming my visitor’s on-arrival visa. Possibly, I had made a mistake in my email address and did not get that email? So, I visited Singapore Immigration (very long queues) and explained the problem. They give me the old type of entry/exit card. The Thai Embassy would not accept this - until I went the lady in the next booth and pleaded for some sanity on the issue. The Thai Embassy in Singapore is also very busy another reason to avoid. The Thai Embassy in Singapore is definitely not user friendly.
  23. Sorry, not read the above posts in any detail… As I have already made the importation work for me, here’s my experience… I looked in to bringing generic meds from India well over one year ago. My interpretation from advice online was not to use DHL (like too formal/get too much attention?). The ‘advice’ was to use EMS and get the supplier to hand write my address on the package (printed labels could make it look like an import business?). The ‘advice’ was to bring in sufficient for one month’s supply as this is considered acceptable by Thai Customs as for “personal use”, but double the amount to say two months’ supply, as if checked no one really is that certain of the dosage. For me this meant bringing in two small bottles. Despite my request for a small package, the supplier in India keeps putting my two small bottles into a cardboard box that could contain about 8 or 10 small bottles. Sometimes, the package arrives 80% squashed, maybe that’s good as Customs can see there is a negligible quantity? I did not want to change my supplier because I know his generic drug works and is not fake product as occasionally happens. My findings are that about one in three packages gets stopped by Customs. I then have to go and pick up. Customs assess the tax payable simply on what I said I paid for it in India – they have just taken my word for it. Last time it was different, the latest Customs man wanted to see my Thai doctor’s prescription – I have but was not carrying it; he said next time must show the prescription. The drug I purchase is generic (made by Natco). If buying OME they are like 20 times the price (from memory). In the beginning, I bought a trial one month’s supply one time from a Thai public hospital, and they charged me about 10 times the generic price for drugs that were actually generic (made by Dr.Reddy), and not OME. I thought that was a bit rich.
  24. Dummy flight bookings are bookings that a travel agent will make for you with the airline, for a cost of say 1,000 baht per head. This will detail your proposed flight itinerary in and out of EU. I think the bookings are only valid for 24 hours then drop out of system. Copy of this dummy booking must be included within your Schengen application. I did not bother with hotel bookings thinking I would have to give card details and could be charged. The lady receiving my application (VSF?) told me to go outside and use a shops computer and printer nearby (for a small fee) and make hotel bookings on Agoda for hotels not requiring credit card details. Can be done. I brought back the dummy hotel bookings and the lady attached them to our application. Looks like they scan the total package and send to embassy. Later, I cancelled all hotel bookings. Take care to apply for visa at embassy of country where you will spend most of your stay in EU, not the country of first arrival. I believe you can completely change your itinerary after you have the Schengen visa issued. Beware of small time window given on your entry and exit dates on the issued visa. I forget - something like week or so. This can tie you down when you come to make your actual flight bookings and travel plans. On reflection, I wish that I had 'dummy booked' a longer EU stay period, the only actual extra cost is the extended health insurance - not so much compared with the total cost of the trip; gives some flexibility later on in/out dates of your actual trip.
  25. Sounds like the “MRI of Prostate Gland” that I had done at “PC Imaging Center” in Bangkok a few months ago. It cost 15,500 baht and included a contrast injection. The machine was a 1.5 Tesla. Someone commented earlier that this machine is not sufficiently advanced (or something like that) and a Tesla 3.0 machine (with coil?) should be used for a more reliable result. I did a ‘copy and paste’ from my report – "Assessment Categories" shown below. I was RADS-3 (in bold print below). Some weasel wording here - “Equivocal”, meaning cancer may be present, or cancer may not be present. PI‐RADS v2.1 Assessment Categories PI-RADS 1 – Very low (clinically significant cancer is highly unlikely to be present) PI-RADS 2 – Low (clinically significant cancer is unlikely to be present) PI-RADS 3 – Intermediate (the presence of clinically significant cancer is equivocal) PI-RADS 4 – High (clinically significant cancer is likely to be present) PI-RADS 5 – Very high (clinically significant cancer is highly likely to be present)
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