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Everything posted by StandardIssue

  1. A really good UPS will detect OVER voltage as well as under voltage. It could be that turning off the light is bringing the voltage or current up over the threshold. Your UPS should have an interface (USB or other) so you can access the settings of the UPS and change sensitivity. If that is not the problem the UPS interface should have a log and tell you why it's tripping. I would venture to say it's fairly certain the lights are on the same circuit. A simple work around could be to put the UPS on a different circuit. If none of the above works.
  2. I don't know, sorry if a made a wrong assumption. I just find this topic silly. But my apologies if you are serious. It just seems like the answer to your question is so obvious that the post might be fodder for reactions
  3. How often are foreigners stopped at Phils customs and bags searched. I've been to Phils maybe 10 times and never been searched. Now that I'm older I have some BPH medication and some sleeping pills (Ambien). One of the prescriptions (Ambien) I got while living in Thailand and the others are from USA but I have been buying the BPH medication over the counter in Bangkok the last few months so it's not in USA style medication bottles, it's in boxes. I do have PDF files on my phone of the prescriptions from my USA doctor. Am I gonna get hassled in the outside chance they want to open my bags on arrival at Manila airport?
  4. She's got to be Chinese. no two ways about it LOL!!
  5. How exactly is the "world" knowing how cool you are walking around with a young fun gal? LOL, it's obvious whats going on. You are paying her for companionship. There is nothing "cool" about that. Just a common whore monger with a fun gal. No trophy there. any idiot with the cash can do that.. so nobody thinks it's cool. I laugh when I see this kind of thing since it's so obvious it's a fun$$ gal with her cash cow. Are you serious? This seems like a troll post if I ever read one. Also, you obviously don't know Thai culture. In Thailand culture couples rarely if ever hold hands or show public affection. Thai people are commonly modest. It is considered rude. Geez, some tourists don't even do basic study of a culture before they enter a country. A lot of girls might find it very embarrassing to be seen with a foreigner 3 times her age in public.
  6. Only on AN, dominated by retired Thai expats would this kind of topic get so much attention. Just a ferking joke. The ethics of short time versus long time. Are you freakin kidding me. Man, someones moral compass has slid of his cracker. Listen, if you are so concerned with your whore monger ethics there is an orphanage on Sukumvit between Central and North Roads. Next to the Home Pro. It is Pattaya Orphanage. Are you in some kind of moral conundrum about your behavior as a whore monger? Here is a way you could at least balance your behavior with actually doing some good and help victims of the entire messed up sex culture in Pattaya. Donate some items or money at the orphanage once a week. There are a number of kids there that are mixed race. Why, because a lot of selfish a-holes go bareback on poor northern Thai-Isarn girls and don't give a ferk that they might get pregnant. The young girls have kids and cannot take care them. They wind up at the Pattaya Orphanage. The sex trade in Pattaya is not a victimless crime. It attracts all amount of low life pimps and other so called "business people" who profit from exploitation of women. Whether you like it or not the truth is that if you are going to beer bars and gogo's (not necessarily freelancers) You are lining the pockets of some real scummy people. There is little anyone can say that makes this OK from any moral perspective. nuff said I think, I'll probably get flamed since most here are perfectly happy with getting their nut and not giving any thought to the wreckage they leave in their wake.
  7. Well, since this post was started back in Dec 2023 I can safely predict that it will rise from Dec 2023
  8. You mean the stock market is cyclical? What? really? Thanks for schooling us LOL !!!!
  9. Ok, describe to me what the difference between CEX crypto possession and possesion in a wallet like Trust wallet is.
  10. What's actually even more surprising is a good portion of the people posting don't even understand what FIAT currency is and their complaint/argument that Bitcoin is it is not "real" money. That shows a complete lack of understanding and ignorance of the basic concept of money. Therefore most who post here are full of hot air and not contributing anything meaningful to this bombastic OP. .. I will not participate.. Sophomoric conclusions and comments.
  11. You know the disappointing thing about all the posts here is that I doubt anybody posting actually even has rudimentary knowledge of how the Bitcoin network functions, what BTC actually is, how one possesses BTC, how transactions are executed, what a blockchain is and how it works etc. Blockchain technology is extremely innovative and along with AI will be playing a central function in the lives of everyone on the planet in the not to distant future. It already is in many ways.
  12. No, cryptocurrency adoption is almost inevitable. BTC being the first will probably more than likely be the digital gold. Store of value. The network is solid. It has not been successfully hacked yet. It will not be the day to day digital currency but a store of value, as it is now. I think a better question is, which of the Layer 1, Layer 2 tokens might be the global currency. This would be the trillion dollar question. If anyone owns BTC now I'd not sell it. The price may wildly change over the months or years but historically it has been on a long uptrend since inception. No, it's not going to zero.
  13. Exactly, it will be picked up by the local scrap hounds for sure. I live down the street from a recycle center. There is a constant flow of trucks and carts bring all manner of junk into that place. Just leave it next to the bin outside, someone will be around to collect it and recycle it for you .. unless you live way out in the sticks somewhere.
  14. It's your OP, you want experience, you got mine. If you've made up your mind already don't waste your time making the post then. Some of us don't like to hear the truth I guess. ..what's that old saying "Karma is a biotch" BTW, cats are not "harmless" pets.
  15. Simple, you are trying to justify to us how it's OK for you to break the pet rule. You want to be an exception. Everyone should understand your position and point of view. BUT, So.. here's the rub. Your "secret" will absolutely not be a secret as long as you think it will. More than likely a week or less after your bring the cat in it will be discovered by someone. So, allong with the rest of the folks breaking the rule, someone will ultimately justify breaking the rule and think it will be quite alright to keep one of those small whiny or yappy dogs that make horrible noise just when you don't want in their condo. AND as Murphys law always seems to come to play in situations like these, the noisy new dog will be in the condo right next to yours and when you complain to your neighbor they'll say "well you've got a cat"
  16. Why ask here? Just call the airline or better yet have your girl do it. She does speak Thai right?
  17. Ever seen some of the 10 to 12 year old Yamaha Nouvos on the street? All it takes is common sense recommended general maintenance. Why would you think these machines need any special maintenance here? They are all designed to work in this environment. But, as was suggested before, if you want it to look the best, keep it out of the sun and rain especially if it's not used regularly.
  18. 7 day return policy at Mr. DIY. They don't check for defects etc.. Just tell them you want to return. I've never been given cash back as I just want what I bought. So exchanges for another item are no problem. Of course, must have the "bicet". I think I might have actually exchanged for something cheaper and been given the difference but not sure. I speak Thai OK so I have no problems with small issues like this. Can exchange even if you don't' like something. Just tell them return na krub.
  19. Pattaya, Jomtien, that entire area is played out. 20-25 years ago it was great. Jomtien was a quiet area to get away from, what I thought then, was busy downtown Pattaya. Now the entire area completely played out. Dongtan beach had a nice cobblestone road that was hidden away and quiet all through the day with no cars. I used to visit before the Russians, Chinese and Indians were coming. I lived there in 2012 to 2015 and it was acceptable. Now both Pattaya and Jomtien are a mob scene with unacceptable traffic, noise and crowds. I'm in Bangkok now and really don't see much difference accept the beach. To get away from the City there are a lot of better choices. I don't need a Soi 6 or Soi Buakow to enjoy my retirement.
  20. I prefer women, so yea Latina's are amazing women. I also like African women too. There are some great Thai women. I've had a couple wonderful GF's over the years. Nothing wrong with men liking men. So if you like Latino's than, to each his own.
  21. Very rude and over entitled Karen approaching someone (Kamala) she doesn't even know and expecting her to drop everything and respond. There are proper ways of approaching people and then there's this craziness. Marjorie Taylor Green and this Karen should team up and make a new reality show. They could call it. We are sociopathic, sophomoric and entitled and here's how you can be too! I'd be calling the police by now if some kind of weird Karen crept up on me at baggage claim and started shouting expecting me to respond. What impresses me is how our the VP remained composed through this madness. All this video does is show us how rude this Karen is. Very telling about the original poster if she thinks this is acceptable behavior towards ANYONE by this Karen.
  22. Specifically a post not mentioning "my member". Oh wait, I just did. Anyhow... gotta get my sex life back in high gear .. if there was ever a good news article meant to boost the massage parlor and gentleman's club revenue it is this one. In all seriousness, vaccination really needs to be taken seriously and it's a shame that some of these countries can't get it together to provide some of these basic vaccines to it's population.
  23. I don't know about that, with Bolt, Grab, motorbike and regular taxi's around, seems to be no reason to use Tuk Tuk's anymore. Simply a novelty these days for 1 week tourists selfies and social media fodder. Look at me I'm in Thailand!! wow wow wi!! It might be cool to own one though. I had considered that. Fun to drive I'll bet .. but the safety concerns are pretty significant
  24. Sad, but true. This guy practically had to be dragged out of the white house last time. No concession speech, countless millions spent trying to fight the legitimacy of the last election to no avail. He might pull some s#!t so outrageous and obviously criminal that no amount of BS and money will have him avoid prison time. It might be just the ticket to silence this living blemish on American society.
  25. Years ago, I mistakenly hired a Tuk Tuk to take me to tour the wats. We made a detour to about 2 suit makers during the trip and they tried to hard sell me suits. After the 2nd stop at a Tailors I ditched the driver in the middle of China town. I was a bit green back then. I knew it was not going to end well so I ran. I have not used a Tuk Tuk since. Just a bad idea. I always chuckle when I see the green tourists all smiles roving around in the Tuk Tuks here in good ole' Kruntep.
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