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Everything posted by StandardIssue

  1. Airing stuff like this on this forum is tantamount to asking for help from a verbal fire hose .. I mean a verbal thunderstorm. Do what you want. If you are looking for punishment or to be confused out of your mind ask for advice here 🤣🤣🤣
  2. While I do agree that the "customers" deserve punishment. I'd like to think we live in a world where "execution" is no solution. These "customers" are extremely sick people and need to be locked up etc but not killed. Comments like this are what suck oxygen out of a room and deprive the rest of space to make more rational conversation.
  3. My sponsor told me somethings that are really helpful. One important thing we have been reading in the AA book is that it promises in many places that Alcoholics who completely follow the path of the 12 step program can become recovered!! from alcoholism. I hear people say they are recovering alcoholics in meetings. But my sponsor pointed out on many pages of the AA book where they say that had recovered. I love that. It is a very hopeful thing. He showed me the 10th step promise and what it looks like to be a recovered alcoholic. It is a wonderful thing. Another thing he pointed out to me is that if I am willing to "thoroughly follow the path" by taking all 12 steps I won't need good luck. I will have Gods help and I seem to be getting it. Thanks for your encouragement
  4. Respectfully sir, it appears to me that you are making an incorrect assumption about the people who frequent this forum. I noticed most all your posts have zero responses. I think there is a good explanation for this. I've noticed almost all your posts deal with AA and your "Agnostic" brand. I think you might be mistaken in thinking that a lot of people already in AA visit this forum. I for one did not visit this forum looking for "advanced" AA advice or agnostic methods for doing the AA program (which I personally have found through study of the literature with my sponsor cannot be done) I did however find a post that spoke about online AA meetings and that post was very helpful. I would have probably never gone to an AA meeting had I not known they could be visited online using these new video chat apps. Perhaps you'd have more success is getting discussions started (or advertising your book) on recovery forums. my two cents as a new AA member.
  5. I had been having a pretty bad drinking problem. It was suggested that I attend some online meetings of AA on this forum. I used this link to find a couple groups online in Thailand. I really like the online Zoom meetings. I didn't need to turn on my video and I just listened for the first few times. No need to even leave my condo. Just turn on the computer and use the Zoom video chat app. https://aa-intergroup.org/meetings/ I have an AA sponsor and have been doing the AA 12 steps. It appears to be working. I've been sober awhile now. Anybody with a drinking problem who might think they are alcoholic I would urge to check out an AA online meeting. best, SI
  6. Respectfully, I have no idea what you are talking about and it's my business what step I am on. I've been looking for help here and trying to get recovery from alcoholism. My advice to you is, if you wish to help people here, that you not communicate in riddles.
  7. What's even better is that my sponsor explained to me that the fellowship meetings will not give me recovery from alcoholism. He told me he drank again by only going to meetings. So we are talking 30 min everyday and studying how to do the steps in the AA book and I just did step 2. I heard about the Roundup but my focus is on recovering from alcoholism now. Not socializing in the fellowship. My sponsor explained that meetings are nice but not required for recovery. I go to some meetings sure, but meeting with my sponsor has been the focus. Doing the 12 steps is my focus now. When I do go to meetings I hear very little about what I'm studying with my sponsor. I told him about this and he said it's normal. Very few people study the AA book. I'm looking for a Big Book solution based AA meeting. Someone told me aathailand.info has a good meeting.
  8. Respectfully, this sounds condescending. I'm finding the help that I want and need is in the AA book. I found a sponsor who uses the AA book to take me through the steps. Now I'm starting to understand what is and is not AA when people speak in meetings.
  9. Who told you a VPN prevents "hacking into your finances"? that's complete BS. All a VPN does is make your connections to websites appear to come from an IP address that different than the local IP address provided by your ISP. VPN's are especially useful when in a country, say, like China restrics access to content using their control on China based ISPs' A VPN does add an extra layer of encryption but it is not really necessary. However, if someone is using a lot of public WiFi access like in a Starbucks that using a VPN is a good idea because it does ad a layer of encryption across the wireless network (which could easily be hacked and snooped) However for private home use it's not really necessary, in fact I would not use a paid VPN service because if they get hacked then access to ALL YOUR INTERNET traffic can be snooped by hackers of the service. I use my own VPN ... but that's because I know how to build a private VPN using Amazon viritual machines etc. (I'm a systems engineer) All connections to any reputable financial institution already use SSL/TLS via https (encrypted connections) .https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTPS all modern day websites use HTTPS (encryption using TLS) over the interent. The old http protocol was in clear text across the Internet and could be easily snooped. regarding the OP. Thai ISP's are so clueless, cheap and have no relationships with content producers like in the USA. I never worry about using a torrent apps over a Thai ISP. They are too cheap to buy the equipment and manpower it would take to track torrents and have no incentive to do it .. unlike ISP's in the West who have serious pressure from Movie studios and content producers etc.
  10. I am getting the help I want. I've been told something important. People with drinking problems are not necessarily alcoholic. They told me that people with drinking problems who can stop on their own are not alcoholics. Alcoholics are people with a drinking problem, try to stop and then cannot on their own. I think I might qualify. But it's not necessarily because I only have a drinking problem. It's because I tried to stop but could not do it for every long on my own.
  11. I see there are things called open meetings. How do you know that all the other people there are all alcoholics? Maybe they are just like me checking it out and not sure. I need someone to make sense to me here. How about online meetings? you go to those at all?
  12. Where do you get this stuff? How do you know non-alcoholics don't worry that they are alcoholics? Are you a doctor? I'll bet there are also a lot of alcoholics that don't think they are alcoholics. Is this from the AA book I've been seeing on the web site? Sounds like double talk to me. I need someone to make sense. I think I might have a problem and need some real help.
  13. Why are you so concerned with my statements? You felt very motivated to click, quote and respond to my post. You started all this. Let's get back to you. Why are you so concerned?
  14. Folks that are really high might think that's clever and humorous. Those of us who have their wits about them chuckle at the failed attempt at humor. Don't quit your day job (although a lot of pot heads don't have one to begin with)
  15. Good, get pot smoke out of the air and restrict it's use. Never did a thing for me. Only for medical use makes way more sense. Recreational users can go back to the USA for their drug habit. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/10/asia/thailand-cannabis-reverse-proposed-laws-intl-hnk/index.html
  16. Won't be legal for much longer. Only medical use soon as the law is going to change in a few weeks. OK for me. I hate smelling pot smoke while walking down the street and staying in hotels. Weed never did a thing for me. Crappy stupid drug. Numbs the brain and turns it's users into dull dim bulb burned out pin heads. (I'm trying to quit drinking too, alcohol is just as bad ) https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/10/asia/thailand-cannabis-reverse-proposed-laws-intl-hnk/index.html
  17. What do you mean if I think I'm an alcoholic I probably am? Does AA talk about what an alcoholic is and is not? I don't want to go in person. I might know people there. I'm a very private person.
  18. I think I might be alcoholic, I want to go to an AA meeting and am curious about what you write. What are my options in Thailand. I am too shy to go to one of those church meetings. What can I do?
  19. I also like Makro cash and carry for produce and meat. They are on Sukumvit almost directly north of Jomtien. Quick ride on a motorbike.
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